Senin, 09 Mei 2016

Salisbury News

Salisbury News

Trump Targets Hillary Over Bill’s Womanizing, Says Hillary is a….

Posted: 09 May 2016 09:00 PM PDT

Gee… who to root for when you can't stand either candidate? Trump has a point here… Hillary was a total enabler of her hubby and his philandering ways. She has no room to attack Trump on the 'woman' issue. Trump is taking off the gloves with the Hildabeast: "Bill Clinton was the worst in history and I have to listen to her talking about it?" Trump said. "And just remember this, she was unbelievably nasty, mean enabler and what she did to a lot of those women is disgraceful. So put that in her bonnet and let's see what happens, OK?" But it will be short order before Trump's affairs and indiscretions are also brought into the light. I understand there is a lot of fodder out there on him. This is the ultimate reality TV… the Marxist vs. the Fascist. It's sure to get ratings.

From The Hill:

Donald Trump took a swing at Hillary Clinton at a Friday night rally, using President Bill Clinton's affair to counter Clinton's attacks on his standing on women's issues.

"Nobody in this country was worse than Bill Clinton with women. He was a disaster," Trump said at a rally in Eugene, Ore. "I mean there's never been anybody like this and she was a total enabler. She would go after these women and destroy their lives. I mean have you ever read what Hillary Clinton did to the women that Bill Clinton had affairs with? And they're going after me with women. Give me a break, folks."

Trump has been under pressure to repair his poor standing among female voters. Clinton has frequently attacked him for his past comments about women and on abortion and for saying she's playing the "woman card."


MSP: Princess Anne Official Charged With Extortion

Posted: 09 May 2016 08:36 PM PDT

(PRINCESS ANNE, MD) – – An official in the county seat of Somerset County has been arrested and charged in connection with an extortion scheme to keep someone from running for county commissioner.

The accused is identified as Lionel D. Frederick 2nd, 25, of Princess Anne, Md. He is charged with three counts of extortion and theft.

On May 5, 2016, criminal investigators from the Maryland State Police Criminal Enforcement Division at the Princess Anne Barrack began an investigation into allegations of extortion involving the accused, who is currently a Princess Anne Town Commissioner. The investigation was initiated after information was obtained indicating Frederick had contacted a Somerset County Commissioner and advised he had someone who would run for the commissioner's seat, but if the commissioner paid him $5,000, he would convince the person not to run.

Today, Frederick made contact with the County Commissioner and arranged to meet and receive half of the $5,000. State Police investigators conducted a surveillance of the meeting, which occurred at Frederick's home. The County Commissioner gave Frederick $2,500. Shortly after the transaction, Frederick was arrested by state troopers.

The investigation is continuing.

CONTACT: Cpl. Jonathan Pruitt

CED-Princess Anne Barrack


Alabama Judge: Pray for Supreme Court; It Will Decide Fate of Religious Liberty

Posted: 09 May 2016 08:30 PM PDT

( – Alabama Supreme Court Associate Justice Glenn Murdock told those gathered in Washington, D.C., in observance of the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, "Never, I submit, has there been a time as important as today to pray for our appellate court and especially our Supreme Court."

He called the Supreme Court "a group of men and women who in the months and years to come are going to be asked to decide more than likely the fate of the Second Amendment, the extent of unilateral presidential authority, and the fate of that which has defined us more than anything else for 240 years as America - religious liberty."

Murdock traced the high court's history, observing that initially "Alexander Hamilton tried to assure the people of New York and elsewhere that the federal judiciary would be the least powerful branch of government."

"In 1973, as the Democratic processes were working their way and working their business throughout the legislatures of this country, the United States Supreme Court intervened on the issue of life and abortion and said, we will decide," Murdock said, referencing the court's Roe v. Wade decision.

He also touched on the court's Obergefell v. Hodges ruling, adding, "Ten months ago, the United States Supreme Court undertook to redefine the institution of marriage upon which every civilization for 6,000 years has been based, prompting Chief Justice Roberts to remark 'just who do we think we are?'"


Man Threatens to Kill Donald Trump, His Daughter, and Wife: WARNING, Foul Language

Posted: 09 May 2016 08:00 PM PDT

Obama’s Final Act: Punish Suburbs for being too White and too Wealthy

Posted: 09 May 2016 07:30 PM PDT

Obama has nothing left to lose or fear so he's going all out to punish wealthy suburbs for being too well off and too white. He will terraform our neighborhoods by force in the name of diversity and equality. Hillary's rumored running mate, Housing Secretary Julian Castro, is cooking up a scheme to reallocate funding for Section 8 housing. It's a communistic move that is breathtakingly unconstitutional. At the heart of the plan are vouchers to help poor minorities move into wealthy neighborhoods. Housing is also being bought up by the government to put in the hands of these same impoverished minorities. It is the ghettofication of America and it is right on schedule.

From The Federalist Papers Project:

As one final act of social engineering, Barack Obama is determined to make sure that America's suburbs are poorer and browner.

Housing Secretary Julian Castro (also one of Hillary's top VP choices) is developing a plan – at his boss's behest – that would provide massive vouchers to help the urban poor move into suburbs that they determine are "too white" and "too wealthy."

It's an overhaul of the Section 8 program and they plan to unveil it this fall, the New York Post is reporting. Amazingly, a pilot test of the program in Dallas resulted in increased crime in those same suburban neighborhoods.


Former Chiefs Want To Change Police Culture

Posted: 09 May 2016 07:00 PM PDT

Susan Rahr is a former sheriff of King County, Wash. and Betty Taylor is the former Winfield, Mo. police chief. Both say police training culture is too militaristic.

There is a television program coming up on PBS we'd like to tell you about. It's a two-night special program examining gun violence in the U.S. Two documentary films will be shown on Monday and Tuesday nights. The first peace officer examines whether local law enforcement agencies have become too reliant upon and are being changed by military equipment handed down from the federal government. This issue has been in the spotlight in the last year or so because of the way police departments have responded to civil unrest in places like Seattle and Ferguson and Baltimore. While many say the use of military-style equipment is necessary and appropriate, others suggest that the ready supply of this equipment has contributed to an unnecessarily aggressive and antagonistic policing strategy that ultimately does more harm than good.

We're going to talk about that with two people who were part of the discussion and know it well. Susan Rahr is a former sheriff of King County in Washington state. Now she's the director of the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission in charge of training police recruits in Washington state. We actually caught up with her in St. Louis. Sheriff, thank you for joining us.


Maryland Shooting Suspect Was Barred from Private Gun Ownership

Posted: 09 May 2016 06:30 PM PDT

The suspect in the May 5 shooting in Beltsville, Maryland, was the subject of a stayaway order that included a prohibition on personal gun possession.

The suspect, Eulalio Tordil, allegedly shot his estranged wife, Gladys Tordil, outside a high school as she was waiting to pick up their children.

Eulalio was ordered to surrender all firearms on March 17 as part of the stay away order against him. Gabby Giffords and Moms Demand Action have long contended that gun prohibitions tied to protective orders will keep women safe.


Trump in British accent

Posted: 09 May 2016 06:00 PM PDT


Posted: 09 May 2016 05:42 PM PDT

WILMINGTON (WPVI) --Three teenage girls have been charged in connection with the death of Amy Joyner-Francis, who died after an assault in a school bathroom.

Joyner-Francis died after an assault on April 21st inside Howard High School of Technology.

One of the teens is charged with criminally negligent homicide. The other two are charged with criminal conspiracy.

Action News is not identifying the girls' names as they are juveniles. However, prosecutors are seeking permission to try the teen charged with negligent homicide as an adult in court.


A Viewer Writes: Subject: Jim Ireton is in denial

Posted: 09 May 2016 05:30 PM PDT

Joe - Look at the attached picture. This is from YESTERDAY. Ireton is posting on Facebook the "latest" figures in his race. Yeah he still lost. He still is 1500 votes behind this Werner loser. Is he walking around in a daze mumbling to himself? He is in denial and out of control. Scary. He lost and he can't admit it. Psychology 101.

SpaceX Lands Falcon 9 On A Barge At Sea (Again)

Posted: 09 May 2016 05:00 PM PDT

SpaceX has done it again. Launching from Cape Canaveral, Fla., early Friday morning, the company successfully landed part of its Falcon 9 rocket on a floating barge. A second part or "stage" continued into space, carrying a communications satellite.

SpaceX achieved the landing feat for the first time in April after a few spectacular failures — before that, it had only returned successfully to solid ground.

"Now, SpaceX has both demonstrated that it can land the Falcon 9 at sea, and that the company can repeat the process," The Verge reports.

It's not just a stunt. SpaceX founder Elon Musk hopes to reuse rockets. After Friday's success, Musk tweeted that he might need more room to store them.

With recent adjustments to the Falcon 9, Musk wasn't sure how the latest mission would go.


Perhaps It's Time To Celebrate A Day In Honor Of Caregivers

Posted: 09 May 2016 04:30 PM PDT

We love mom. Or, at least, we like the idea of mom — even if, as countless writers have taken to pointing out, being a mother is as complicated a job as it ever was.

Even recognizing the hardships of life in parts of the world — too-early marriages, too many pregnancies too close together with too little prenatal care, too little opportunity to make decisions for oneself, let alone for one's children — still, there are plenty of things to preoccupy us in the wealthy and healthy (by comparison) U.S.

If you were to believe everything that's written and said about us American moms, it would seem we are always wrong. We work too much at our jobs for some critics, but we're not leaning in enough for others. We are too involved in our children's lives for some observers — helicoptering in, as it were — and not involved enough for others, not staying on top of those homework assignments, not spending enough time volunteering. We run ourselves ragged taking care of everyone else, goes one story line — or, wait, is it that we're so self-absorbed these days that we've lost the capacity to put other people's happiness ahead of our own?

It's hard to keep up with everything I am supposedly doing wrong these days, but if i had a dollar for every time I got contradictory advice on the same day about how I should go about being a mother, I would be rich enough to worry about ruining my children's lives with excessive wealth, as opposed to worrying about not being able to keep them in soccer cleats and math camps so they can get that exclusive college scholarship.



Posted: 09 May 2016 04:00 PM PDT

Just thought I'd enlighten some people on your blog about a very popular show on TV and just give them straight facts. I am probably one of others that read your blog that watch the show "FixerUpper" with Chip and Joanne Barnes truly down to earth it seems nice people who fix up homes in the Waco Texas area and decorate them beautifully in what is like a country primitive design for the most part. 
Furniture Land in Delaware has as of a week ago started selling their furniture and home decor which I rushed to get a new dinning room table in white just my taste. The furniture is expensive I will say but if it is truly what you want it is nice. I was totally surprised when we got home and my husband and son were putting it together and setting it up, my son took off a tag and it said made in Vietnam I was totally shocked, I still love it but I am sure many out there think they would be getting country pieces made in this country. 

Just wanted buyers to know so that they can make their choices knowing the facts. I guess I'm just stupid for not knowing like any other company anymore just because you see home spun charm, and local people, check things over and ask questions to make informed decisions. I will continue to watch the show, and still would buy other pieces, just a little wiser now.

Vote for Ocean City Boardwalk

Posted: 09 May 2016 03:30 PM PDT

Stretching for 3 miles, the Ocean City Boardwalk has become one of the most iconic on the East Coast. Popular with cyclists and dog-walkers, the boardwalk also boasts street performers, carnival rides, arcade games and sweet shops.


Paul Ryan Challenger Paul Nehlen: 'He Has Betrayed Us All'

Posted: 09 May 2016 03:00 PM PDT

House Speaker Paul Ryan's Wisconsin primary opponent Paul Nehlen said of Ryan on Saturday, "He has betrayed us all, hasn't he? He says he's for a secure border. Then what's he do? He funds every dangerous immigration policy through this $1.8 trillion omnibus. What he funded was all his special interest buddies."

Nehlen's comments came during an exclusive interview Saturday with Breitbart News Saturday SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon. Nehlen pointed out again that 83 percent of Ryan's camapign donations come from D.C., not his home district: "The vast majority comes in the form of large campaign donations from inside the D.C. Beltway. … He sold his vote. He sold his vote. The same people that are donating to his campaign want these open border initiatives. This isn't a Free Trade deal."


Hundreds of Illegal Low-Flying Aircraft Attempting to Cross Border From Mexico

Posted: 09 May 2016 02:30 PM PDT

( – Hundreds of illegal U.S.-Mexico border-crossing attempts by low-flying aircraft have been detected in the last 21 months, according to a U.S. border protection official.

U.S. radar spotted 335 "suspected cross-border attempts" by aircraft at low altitudes between July of 2014 and June of 2015, and 59 suspected attempts from July 2014 to March 31, said Carlos Diaz, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman.

A Mexico City newspaper reported this week that Mexican drug cartels have operated huge fleets of small planes and established more than 4,700 clandestine runways in Mexico to ship drugs to the border region.

Citing information released by the Mexican military, El Universal reported that 599 airplanes were seized from the Sinaloa drug cartel between 2006 and 2015—a fleet several times larger than Mexico's largest commercial airline. Fifty-five planes were confiscated in the past three years.

The daily reported that 4,726 clandestine airstrips have been detected in Mexico since 2006.

Diaz said the border flyover attempts were spotted by a U.S. system of tethered helium balloons equipped with radar, known as TARS (Tethered Aerostat Radar System).

More here

Change Passwords! -- Nearly 300 Million Email Accounts Hacked

Posted: 09 May 2016 02:00 PM PDT

Over 272 million email accounts have been hacked, with their passwords stolen and being sold on the dark web, it has been revealed by a cyber-security agency.

The accounts span large providers including Hotmail, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail, and are being sold at cheap prices to criminals on the dark web.

"We know he's a young man in central Russia who collected this information from multiple sources," said Alex Holden, founder of Holden Security, who discovered the hack. "We don't know the way he did it or the reason why he did it."

The dark web is a part of the internet that remains unindexed by search engines and can only be accessed using specific web browsing tools such as Tor. It is frequently used by whistleblowers, activists in tyrannous countries, and technology professionals, but its advanced anonymity and concealment also makes it a frequent habitat for cyber-criminals including hackers, terrorists, and pedophiles.

Since the mass hack has been discovered, security professionals are advising that anyone with a personal email account immediately change their password. This includes anyone who has an account with Hotmail, Microsoft, Gmail (Google Mail), Yahoo, and


Peggy Noonan Rips #NeverTrump as Doomed ‘Private Club’

Posted: 09 May 2016 01:30 PM PDT

For the Wall Street Journal, columnist and former Ronald Reagan adviser Peggy Noonan ripped the #NeverTrump conservatives as a failed "private club."

Noonan proposed that the intransigence of the #NeverTrump-ists risks their playing no part in the re-building of the Republican Party in the wake of Donald Trump's triumphant candidacy.

In her article titled,"Trump Was a Spark, Not the Fire," Noonan sensibly notes that Trump did not change the Republican Party, he was just the manifestation of changes already occurring as the party drifted toward the left, dragged there by a Democrat Party that has gone to the extreme left.

After marveling at Trump's smashing primary success, Noonan perfectly explained how the arrogance of the media gave Trump a free hand to do whatever he wanted during this primary season.

The media, Noonan said, thought they would kill Trump and so gave him what amounted to $2 billion in free air time, all with the expectation theirs would be the hand that would kill his primary campaign. If Trump was going to die on the air from some crazy thing he had to say, the columnist explained, then each media outlet wanted his political death broadcast on their airwaves.

The one-time Reagan speechwriter also made a great comparison to how the media misread Trump from the start.

Apartment Fire In Salisbury

Posted: 09 May 2016 01:14 PM PDT

SFD has been dispatched to Monument Square and ALvin Ave for a reported structure fire involving an apartment building.  Several people called in and SFD has confirmed this is a working structure fire.  Please avoid this area.

Salisbury City Council REVISED Agenda (Acquisition Of Lighted Armored Vehicle) 5-9-16

Posted: 09 May 2016 01:08 PM PDT

A Viewer Writes: Fly In At Salisbury Airport

Posted: 09 May 2016 01:00 PM PDT

I heard there is going to be a private airplane contest at the Salisbury Airport on the 14th open to the public to watch. 

It is called a spot landing contest, see who can land closet to the marking on he runway, first time ever at Salisbury. People should know their is more at Salisbury Airport than Allegheny airlines.
It would be nice if you could put something in your blog about it.

WCSO Press Release 5-9-16 (Assault/Fight At WiHi)

Posted: 09 May 2016 12:46 PM PDT

Incident: Assault / Fight  
Date of Incident: 6 May 2016  
Location: 201 Long Avenue, Salisbury, MD  
Male Juvenile, 17, Salisbury, MD
Male Juvenile, 16, Salisbury, MD
Male Juvenile, 17, Salisbury, MD
Male Juvenile, 14, Salisbury, MD    
Narrative: On 6 May 2016 at 1:44 PM, four students at Wicomico Senior High School became embroiled in an altercation that turned physical. Two students began throwing punches at one another when a teacher attempted to separate the pair. While this was occurring, two other students joined in the melee with the teacher in the middle. Three other Wicomico High School faculty members joined in the attempt to break up the altercation and all of the teachers were struck at some point while trying to break up the fight. One of the teachers was even pushed to the ground.   Once the commotion was brought under control, the students were separated and all four have been charged on a juvenile referral for assault and were released pending formal action by the Department of Juvenile Services.      
Charges: Assault 2nd Degree, Disorderly Conduct and Disturbing School Operations.  


Matthews, Aaron
Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 8 May 2016
Location: 200 block of N. Main Street. Hebron, MD
Suspect: Aaron Joel Matthews, 23, No Fixed Address
Narrative: On 8 May 2016 at 5:41 PM, a deputy responded to a location in Hebron in reference to an altercation. Upon arrival the deputy met with the resident who advised that he was punched by an individual identified as Aaron Matthews. According to the victim, Matthews approached him and confronted him over ownership of the victim's dog. Matthews reportedly stated that the victim had his dog, and then stated the dog belonged to a friend of his. The deputy placed Matthews under arrest and transported him to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Matthews in the Detention Center in lieu of $5,000.00 bond.
Charges: Assault 2nd Degree and Trespassing.

A Viewer Writes: Wicomico County Schools

Posted: 09 May 2016 12:30 PM PDT

Not sure if this is the right place or not, but wondering if you could provide insight into this, or maybe you are looking into this already. But I was told today that the Wicomico county schools are being investigated by the federal government. Do to possible civil right violation from the ratio of black students to white students being sent to principles office or even suspended. People are told to limit sending students to the office to keep the statistics better until the investigation is over. Not sure I want this info posted to the site seeing how tensions are high right now. Maybe this info will either give you some more information to work with or maybe help further an investigation. But if you do post to ur site hopefully a little editing and spell check will take place since mine sucks, but not sure this is the right time to post such an article. Also this is not confirmed and I would hate to throw out untrue information, however unlike you my resources are limited and I really do have the investigative skills to confirm this. So I am just trying to give you something to work with. Thanks


Posted: 09 May 2016 12:22 PM PDT

Maryland State Highway Administration will be doing road work on Route 90 tomorrow. There will be periodic road closures on the bridge tomorrow, May 10th through May 12th. Closures could last up to ten minutes. Expect minor delays and use caution!

The F-35’s Terrifying Bug List

Posted: 09 May 2016 12:00 PM PDT

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, the most expensive military program in the world, is even more broken than previously thought.

The jet can't tell old parts from new ones, randomly prevents user logins into the logistics information system, and trying to eject out of it will likely result in serious neck injury and maybe death. A Pentagon office is warning that the plane is being rushed into service.

The Pentagon's office of testing and evaluation released a report in February detailing major problems, or "deficiencies" with the aircraft. The report followed the release of a December memo by Michael Gilmore, the Department of Defense's director for Operational Test and Evaluation, or OT&E. The report goes on to question the logic of pushing other governments to purchase large numbers of the aircraft until the issues are fixed.

The Air Force is currently scheduled to announce their version of the plane is ready to begin flying, known as "initial operating capability," in August or December at the latest. That follows the Marines declaring their version flight ready last summer. After that, the next F-35 milestone is the initial operational test & evaluation phase, scheduled for 2017, in which program watchers test if the plane is operationally capable but also effective. That 2017 projection is unrealistic unless the Air Force takes some serious shortcuts in testing, according to the new report.

So what's wrong with the F-35? Here are some of the report's key findings..

Subject: Police More Reluctant to Shoot Blacks Than Whites, Study Finds

Posted: 09 May 2016 11:30 AM PDT

In the most sweeping study of its kind, police were more reluctant to shoot black suspects than their white counterparts, contradicting the widely accepted "racist cop" narrative driving movements such as Black Lives Matter.

Instead, the Washington State University research, which was conducted before the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, lends support to previous studies pointing to a "reverse racism" phenomenon in policing.

"We need to move beyond the post-Ferguson atmosphere where all use of force against a racial/ethnic minority person is considered biased and unreasonable until proven otherwise," concluded the study, published in the May edition of the academic journal Criminology & Public Policy.

"We need to move beyond this atmosphere that leads officers to put their lives in danger to avoid the significant-to-dire consequences of using force even when it is justified," the report said.

The study, "The Reverse Racism Effect," conducted by WSU researchers Lois James, Stephen M. James and Bryan J. Vila, examined the behaviors of 80 police officers from Spokane, Washington, the largest sample size of its kind using state-of-the-art, life-size video simulators with actors posing as suspects.


SPD Needs Help Identifying Shoplifters

Posted: 09 May 2016 11:15 AM PDT

Sunglass Hut Shoplifters/Can u ID?  
If so call SPD 410-548-3165

Newt Gingrich Rips Paul Ryan for Trump Non-Endorsement - 'He Has an Obligation to Unify the Party'

Posted: 09 May 2016 11:00 AM PDT

Thursday on Fox News Channel's "Hannity," former House Speaker Newt Gingrich criticized current House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) for his lack of endorsement of likely presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump earlier in the day in an interview with CNN.

Gingrich told host Sean Hannity it was a "big mistake" and that it sets the wrong tone for the rest of the Republican Party.


Obama Admin Deported Less Than One Percent of Visa Overstays

Posted: 09 May 2016 10:30 AM PDT

The Obama administration deported less than one percent of the nearly half a million foreign nationals who illegally overstayed their visas in 2015, according to new statistics published by the Department of Homeland Security.

Of the 482,781 aliens who were recorded to have overstayed temporary U.S. visas in fiscal year 2015, just 2,456 were successfully deported from the United States during the same period, according to DHS's figures, which amounts to a deportation rate of around 0.5 percent.

The sinking rate of deportations by the Obama administration is drawing criticism from Capitol Hill, where lawmakers are warning that the administration is ignoring illegal overstays and potentially opening the United States to terrorist threats.

The 482,781 figure accounts for aliens who entered the United States on a non-immigrant visitor visa or through the Visa Waiver Program, which streamlines travel between the United States and certain other countries. The figure encompasses foreign nationals who were found to have remained in the United States after their visas expired or after the 90-day window allowed by the Visa Waiver Program.


NOI 5/7/16 Wicomico Apartment Building Fire Fairground Dr.

Posted: 09 May 2016 10:20 AM PDT


  • Date: 5/7/16
  • Time: 12:55 p.m.
  • Location / Address: 1006 Fairground Dr., Apt. 6, Salisbury, Wicomico Co.
  • Type of Incident: Fire
  • Description of Structure / Property: Three story brick constructed apartment building
  • Owner / Occupants: Kahyeemah Fisher
  • Injuries or Deaths: None
  • Estimated $ Loss: Structure: $0 Contents: $10
  • Smoke Alarm Status: Present and activated
  • Fire Alarm / Sprinkler Status: Present
  • Arrests(s): None
  • Primary Responding Fire Department: Salisbury
  • # of Alarms: 1 # Of Firefighters: 5
  • Time to Control: 5 minutes
  • Discovered By: Occupant
  • Area of Origin: Bathroom
  • Preliminary Cause: Accidental, child fire play
  • Additional Information:

WCSO Press Release 5-9-16

Posted: 09 May 2016 10:15 AM PDT

Bradley, Phillip
Incident: Vandalism / Violation of a Protective Order
Date of Incident: 28 April 2016
Location: 31000 block of Mt. Hermon Road, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Phillip Michael Bradley, 34, Mardela Springs, MD
Narrative: On 28 April 2016 at 9:30 AM a deputy arrested Phillip Bradley in connection with an incident that occurred at a residence in the 31000 block of Mt. Hermon Road. In this incident it is alleged that Bradley came to the residence in violation of a protective order demanding to see his children. That protective order barred Bradley from the property. According to the complainant, Bradley was kicking and striking her door before leaving upon learning the Sheriff's Office had been called. During the investigation, the deputy observed signs of damage to the door where it had been kicked. Upon arrest, the deputy transported Bradley to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Bradley in the Detention Center in lieu of $10,000.00 bond.
Charges: Violation of a Protective Order and Malicious Destruction of Property.

Fisher, William
Incident: Assault on a Deputy/ Trespassing  
Date of Incident: 3 May 2016  
Location: 27000 block of Ocean Gateway, Hebron, MD  
Suspect: William Thomas Fisher, 56, Salisbury, MD     
Narrative: On 3 May 2016 at 12:45 AM a deputy responded to a reported intoxicated subject refusing to leave the Hebron Shore Stop. Upon arrival, the deputy made contact with William Fisher who appeared to be visibly intoxicated. The deputy also learned that Fisher was refusing requests by the store employee to leave. The deputy escorted Fisher outside and attempted to discuss what was happening. During this encounter Fisher put his hands on the deputy which caused the deputy to assist Fisher with removing them. The deputy attempted to place Fisher under arrest but he became uncooperative and attempted to pull away from the deputy but that attempt was unsuccessful.   The deputy transported Fisher to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Fisher in the Detention Center in lieu of $10,000.00 bond.    
Charges: Trespass  Assault 2nd Degree and Resisting Arrest.

Greenhawk, Joseph
Incident: Theft  
Date of Incident: 30 April 2016  
Location: 8000 block of N. West Road, Salisbury, MD  
Suspect: Joseph Howard Greenhawk Sr., 45, Delmar, MD    
Narrative: On 30 April 2016 at 9:50 AM a deputy arrested Joseph Greenhawk in connection with the theft from motor vehicles in the 8000 block of N. West Road. In this incident, Greenhawk was identified as an individual who was responsible for entering vehicles and stealing tools. The deputy was aided in the investigation by video that was captured on a homeowner's home security surveillance system. While reviewing the video, the deputy identified the subject caught on video as Joseph Greenhawk. The deputy was familiar with Greenhawk after checking him out when it was reported that Greenhawk was selling power tools door to door previously in another neighborhood.   In this incident Greenhawk entered four unlocked vehicles.    Upon arrest, the deputy transported Greenhawk to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Greenhawk in the Detention Center in lieu of $15,000.00 bond.      
Charges: Theft $1,000.00 to $10,000.00 and Rogue and Vagabond.

Incident: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol  
Date of Incident: 30 April 2016  
Location: Nanticoke Road at Royal Oak Road, Quantico, MD  
Suspect: Whayland Alphonso Nelson, 61, Salisbury, MD     
Narrative: On 30 April 2016 at 11:17 AM a deputy stopped a vehicle operated by Whayland Nelson after observing Nelson operating his vehicle without wearing a seatbelt. The deputy was also aware of a report that Nelson was allegedly driving across a yard in the Nanticoke area. Upon making contact with Nelson, the deputy detected a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage and also learned that Nelson's license had been suspended by the state of Maryland.    The deputy administered sobriety testing after which the deputy placed Nelson under arrest for DUI.   Nelson was released upon the issuance of citations.    
Charges: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Driving While Suspended.

Incident: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol 
Date of Incident: 1 May 2016
Location: Ocean Gateway at Forest Grove Road, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Jacob Allen Doll, 20, Powellville, MD
Narrative: On 1 May 2016 at 3:01 AM a deputy stopped a vehicle operated by Jacob Doll for speeding on Ocean Gateway at 90 mph. Upon making contact with Doll, the deputy detected a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage.    The deputy initiated sobriety testing after which the deputy placed Doll under arrest for DUI. During subsequent processing, Doll refused to submit to a breath test.   Doll was released upon the issuance of citations.   
Charges: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Speeding.  

Incident: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol  
Date of Incident: 2 May 2016  
Location: Ocean Highway at Stage Road, Delmar, MD  
Suspect: Bryan David Brobst, 26, Delmar, DE     
Narrative: On 2 May 2016 at 2:57 AM a deputy stopped a vehicle operated by Bryan Brobst for an equipment violation. Upon making contact with Brobst, the deputy detected a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage.    The deputy initiated sobriety testing, after which the deputy placed Brobst under arrest for DUI. During subsequent processing Brobst refused to submit to a breath test.     
Charges: Driving Under the Influence of Alcoho.

SPD Press Release 5-9-16 (Weekly Shoplifting Arrests)

Posted: 09 May 2016 10:10 AM PDT

Subject: Louisiana House of Representatives Passes Bill to Strip Funding from Sanctuary Cities

Posted: 09 May 2016 10:00 AM PDT

The Louisiana House of Representatives is working to strip funding from sanctuary cities, after some such communities entered into a consent decree with Obama's Department of Justice forbidding them from generally investigating suspects' legal immigration status.

According to the Times-Picayune, the House passed a bill that "would ban New Orleans and other places the Louisiana Attorney General deems 'sanctuary' cities from using the state to borrow money for public building projects." The bill will be sent to the Senate.

Led by Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, proponents of the bill moved quickly — New Orleans had ordered police to stop cooperating with federal immigration authorities in February. A consent decree published by the city of New Orleans reads: "NOPD members shall not make inquiries into an individual's immigration status, except as authorized by this Chapter," adding: "The enforcement of civil federal immigration laws falls exclusively within the authority of the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE)." In effect, that stops local governments from enforcing immigration law when the federal government refuses to do so.

"The consent decree cannot preempt federal law," Landry countered in the Times.


London’s Iconic Red Buses To Declare ‘Glory To Allah’

Posted: 09 May 2016 09:53 AM PDT

Britain's largest Islamic charity says it wants to "break down barriers" and portray Islam positively by launching a new advertising campaign which will slap the phrase "glory to Allah" on the side of London buses.

The new campaign by Islamic Relief is, ostensibly, targeted at raising donations for their Ramadan aid to Syria, but is attracting attention for the "hundreds" of buses which will be decorated with the phrase "Subhan'Allah", or 'Glory to Allah'.

Muslims reading the advert are told that to "gather the rewards of Ramadan", they must to donate to Islamic Relief, and organisation which had its accounts with banking giant HSBC closed due to "concerns that cash for aid could end up with terrorist groups abroad".

Public transport has been chosen for the Islamic re-branding in London, Manchester, Leicester, Birmingham, and Bradford – all UK locations with high and growing Muslim populations, reports the Sunday Times.

That the announcement of the new campaign came the day after London crowned its first Muslim leader, Mayor Sadiq Khan. Islamic Relief called it a "nice irony" that the two events coincided.


German Shepherd Saves Troops Ambushed by ISIS

Posted: 09 May 2016 09:45 AM PDT

A HEROIC German shepherd has reportedly saved the lives of a group of British SAS fighters facing off against ISIS in Iraq.

The Special Forces team were ambushed by a group of ISIS fighters when the Alsatian attacked two jihadis.

The furry fighter escaped the battle unhurt and has been hailed a hero by troops after saving the British team's lives.

The brave pooch is thought to have been trained by the US Army.

The military operation took place last month on the Kurdish border. It is believed that the SAS soldiers were returning from a 10 day training program for Peshmerga fighters. The pup was travelling with the group of British soldiers in a convoy of four vehicles. The troops were caught unawares when they were trapped by a group of jihadis. The convoy was hit by a homemade bomb as around 50 ISIS fighters attacked.


Comptroller of Maryland Peter Franchot Will Be In Wicomico County Tomorrow

Posted: 09 May 2016 09:37 AM PDT

MSP DUI Press Release 5-9-16 (Berlin Barrack)

Posted: 09 May 2016 09:30 AM PDT


Teachers Union Forces Nonmembers To Fund Gay Activism

Posted: 09 May 2016 09:23 AM PDT

California nonunion teachers were allegedly forced to fund gay rights conferences and other progressive causes because their school union categorized the spending as nonpolitical.

The California Teachers Association (CTA) spent nearly 2.3 million to advance progressive causes between 2013 and 2014. The union allegedly didn't categorize the spending as political, allowing them to charge members and nonmembers alike, The Daily Signal found Friday. Nonmembers can be charged representation fees but cannot be forced to cover political expenditures.

"Union bosses are notorious for bankrolling political causes that much of their membership does not support," Center for Union Facts Executive Director Richard Berman told The Daily Caller News Foundation. "Big Labor sent nearly $420 million to Democrats and left-wing causes from 2012 to 2014, even though 40 percent of union members vote Republican in any given election cycle."


Fruitland Police Department: Burglary/Robberies

Posted: 09 May 2016 09:19 AM PDT

Incident: Search Warrant / Arrest Warrant
Location: 300 Block N. Division Street
Case: Multiple Closures
Disposition: Arrest
Suspect: Antwane C. Jones

Synopsis: On May 6, 2016 at approximately 0919 hours, Fruitland Police executed a Search and Seizure Warrant in the 300 block of N. Division Street. Upon arrival, Antwane C. Jones was immediately taken into custody without incident. Jones was wanted for a burglary that occurred at Lucky Star restaurant. While searching the residence, officers observed other evidence that was immediately recognized as being related to a string of recent Strong Arm Robberies. Officers applied for and received a second Search and Seizure Warrant and those items were then seized. Antwane C. Jones was later charged with several recent robberies that occurred in and around the Fruitland and Wicomico County area. Fruitland Police were assisted by Salisbury Police, Wicomico Bureau of Investigations and the U.S. Postal Inspector.

Howard County elementary school students caught drinking alcohol on bus

Posted: 09 May 2016 09:15 AM PDT

ELKRIDGE, Md. —Howard County school officials are investigating what led elementary school students to consume alcohol on a bus late last month.

In a letter sent home on May 2 to students at Deep Run Elementary School in Elkridge, Principal Tricia Collins-McCarthy wrote that two students drank alcohol on school bus 676 on April 29 before the bus reached the campus. A third student on the same bus told a school counselor what happened.

Collins-McCarthy wrote that the parents of all the children involved in the incident have been contacted and the students are facing disciplinary consequences based on the school system's drug and alcohol policies.

"Possession and/or distribution of alcohol are serious offenses," Collins-McCarthy wrote. "It goes without saying that at no time should a Deep Run student possess, distribute or consume alcohol.

"It is my sincere hope that by informing you of this event, it will provide you with the catalyst to have a conversation with your own child about the code of conduct and expected behaviors."


Once Unthinkable In U.S., Drug Shoot-Up Rooms Get Serious Look

Posted: 09 May 2016 09:07 AM PDT

BALTIMORE (AP) — Across the United States, heroin users have died in alleys behind convenience stores, on city sidewalks and in the bathrooms of fast-food joints — because no one was around to save them when they overdosed.

An alarming 47,000 American overdose deaths in 2014 — 60 percent from heroin and related painkillers like fentanyl — has pushed elected leaders from coast to coast to consider what was once unthinkable: government-sanctioned sites where users can shoot up under the supervision of a doctor or nurse who can administer an antidote if necessary.

"Things are getting out of control. We have to find things we can do for people who are addicted now," said New York state Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, who is working on legislation to allow supervised injection sites that would also include space for treatment services. "The idea shouldn't be dismissed out of hand. I don't see anyone else coming up with anything new and innovative."


A Viewer Writes: I just called WBOC Channel 16

Posted: 09 May 2016 09:00 AM PDT

I just called WBOC Channel 16 "Delmarva's New Reader" at 7:10 PM. I was trying to reach a live person; I followed all the ridiculous phone prompts including… press 9895 to speak to someone in the newsroom (including if you want to provide a news tip). The extension rang for 15 minutes when I decided to hang up.

The nature of my call (they didn't know) was to ask them – if I de-program my TV not to receive Channel 16, could I leave my phone number or address and have someone contact me when they decide to cover more local news (more Salisbury and surrounding areas – in the station's broadcast area would be nice) but I gave up. Now checking out TV's menu options to delete Channel 16. I can do it, I know, as suggested by one of the previous posts / comments.

I am asking the reader's of SBYnews, because that is the first place I turn to every morning with my coffee fix, would / could someone get a post on SBYnews notifying that WBOC has realized their problem and fixed it.

Here is my view of the current WBOC (they weren't like this before) "I am the BIG RICH FAT CAT IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD" – "LOOK AT ME" – I GOT ME A HELICOPTER. Sorry for the capitalization – but that is what they seem to be doing with their constant barrage of $#!+.

I have yet to see how that makes better news.

Patiently waiting (maybe), a LIBERAL SBYnews reader. Thank you Joe but sorry, I'll vote democrat as always.

Pennsylvania girl thrown out of prom for wearing a suit

Posted: 09 May 2016 08:30 AM PDT

HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) – A Midstate high school student had the experience of a lifetime at her prom Friday night, but not in the way her family expected.

Aniya Wolf was thrown out of Bishop McDevitt's prom.

Ever since Aniya Wolf was a little girl, she dressed like a boy.

"I've just always been like this, ever since I was little", explained Aniya Wolf, "I was always more masculine. You wouldn't catch me playing with any Barbie dolls I'll tell you that right now."

Aniya Wolf is not transgender, she was born a girl and feels like a girl. She is a lesbian, who does not want to wear girly clothes.

Throughout her three years at Bishop McDevitt, her school uniform was strictly a shirt and pants.


Mavis got a special note today! See who it is from...

Posted: 09 May 2016 08:00 AM PDT

Police: Carjacking The Motive For Killing Spree

Posted: 09 May 2016 07:30 AM PDT

Montgomery County police believe carjacking was the motive for two fatal shootings Friday, a day after the killing of the suspect's estranged wife, police said.

Eulalio Tordil, 62, was arrested Friday afternoon and charged with two counts of first-degree murder, two counts of attempted first-degree murder and four counts of use of a handgun in the commission of a felony.

The charges stem from two shootings, one outside Montgomery Mall, in which a man was killed, and another man and a woman were injured, and one outside a shopping center in Aspen Hill, in which a woman was killed.

Montgomery County Assistant Police Chief Russ Hamill said detectives believe the motive for the shootings was attempted carjackings, and there appear to be no links between the victims and the suspect.

"After speaking with with the defendant, our detectives believe that the motivation behind the events in Montgomery County was most likely carjackings, attempted carjackings," Hamill said.


New pact demands more from Conowingo Dam operator

Posted: 09 May 2016 07:00 AM PDT

CONOWINGO — If the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approves the license for the Conowingo Dam, officials from Exelon Generation will have to work harder to help endangered fish get up the Susquehanna River.

Sheila Eyler, project leader with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mid-Atlantic Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office, said a new contract has been drafted that would require operators at the dam to do more for the anadromous species that need to get to the top of the river to spawn. This includes American shad, alewhite and blue back herring and the American eel.

"Like the shad, the herring spend most of their life in the river but they mature faster," Eyler said. "They all spawn in the river like the shad."

But overfishing, combined with the construction of four dams — Holtwood, Safe Harbor, York Haven and Conowingo — have blocked these fish from reaching spawning grounds in the Susquehanna River in New York.


Rally calls for Baltimore National Aquarium to free dolphins

Posted: 09 May 2016 06:53 AM PDT

BALTIMORE (AP) — Calling for the release of dolphins at the National Aquarium in Baltimore, about two dozen protesters gathered outside the complex Saturday and held up signs seeking to raise awareness about whales and dolphins in captivity.

The Baltimore Sun ( ) reports the demonstration was part of an international event called Empty The Tanks Worldwide. Organizers say events were planned at 61 locations across 22 countries.

In 2012, the National Aquarium eliminated its high-flying dolphin show in favor of a more relaxed exhibit.


Maryland vape shop weighs in on new FDA rules

Posted: 09 May 2016 06:45 AM PDT

WASHINGTON — Electronic cigarettes will soon follow regulations similar to regular cigarettes, the Food and Drug Administration announced on Thursday.

Under new federal rules, e-cigarettes gain a national age restriction, banning usage for anyone under the age of 18. But that's something Maryland had in place since last October.

Casey Burtenshaw, the manager of Pleasant Vapes in Dunkirk, Maryland, hopes new FDA regulations won't hurt his business. His shop is one in a chain of three stores that have opened in Calvert County in the last three years or so. He said his shop is very diligent about carding customers to check their age.

E-cigarettes work by heating up liquid that often contains nicotine, and turning it into flavored, inhalable vapor. Because most of these products are so new, studies on their health effects have been minimal.


MAC Fun Day At Jolly Roger

Posted: 09 May 2016 06:37 AM PDT

Fun Day planned at Jolly Roger

The annual MAC Inc. Fun Day at the Jolly Roger Amusement Park in Ocean City will be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, July 23.

Tickets are $25 and are on sale in advance only. The event is held rain or shine. Tickets include Splash Mountain Water Park from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; amusement rides from 2-6 p.m. (limit two rides on the roller coaster and excluding Speed World and Zip Line); miniature golf from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and water basketball and volleyball for adults. Children under age 2 will be admitted free to the water park. 

For tickets and more information, call 410-742-0505, ext. 113. Proceeds will support health and wellness programs at MAC Inc., a United Way agency.

Bus driver abandons special needs child in Easton

Posted: 09 May 2016 06:30 AM PDT

A 10-year-old special needs boy was abandoned by a Talbot County school bus driver Friday morning, according to the Easton Police Department.

The bus driver dropped the child off at an intersection, because he was misbehaving. The driver told the boy he would return in a half an hour. When the driver returned the boy was gone.

The bus driver contacted the child's mother, but she was unaware her son was abandoned. Police say, due to the child's condition, he should not have been allowed off the bus. Officers and employees of Talbot County Public Schools were able to locate the child within minutes in good health.


Carnival Pride Cruise Ship Crashes While Docking, No Injuries Reported

Posted: 09 May 2016 06:23 AM PDT

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A cruise ship crashed while docking in Baltimore. The Carnival Pride hit the passenger gangway pulling into the Maryland cruise terminal Sunday morning.

Tracey Leong has an update to the damage.

The front of the ship struck the bridge used by passengers. Fortunately, no one was using it at the time and there were no injuries caused by the accident.

Carnival Pride passengers returning from a trip to the Bahamas were greeted with a jolt as their ship docked at Baltimore's port.



Posted: 09 May 2016 06:15 AM PDT

Background From The Subcommittee On Immigration And The National Interest:

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in FY 2015, 482,781 aliens who entered the United States on a nonimmigrant visitor visa (for a specified period of time) for business or pleasure, or through the Visa Waiver Program, overstayed their period of lawful admission. Notably, this statistic does not include overstays from other visa categories, nor does it include overstays who entered the United States through land ports of entry – such as Mexican nationals who use Border Crossing Cards. According to information U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) recently provided to the Subcommittee, ICE removed only 2,456 visa overstays from the United States during this same period – less than one percent of the number of aliens who overstayed their visas in FY 2015 alone.

Since FY 2009, ICE has managed to remove only 51,704 visa overstays from the United States. And the number removed has decreased significantly each year – with ICE removing 12,538 in FY 2009, 11,259 in FY 2010, 10,426 in FY 2011, 6,856 in FY 2012, 4,240 in FY 2013, 3,564 in FY 2014, and 2,456 in FY 2015. This number will likely decrease more in the future, as the Obama Administration's removal policies exclude nearly all visa overstays from any enforcement activities.

The decision by the Obama Administration not to enforce immigration law by allowing those who have overstayed their visas to remain in the country has not gone unnoticed by the American people. A Rasmussen Reports poll released earlier this year indicates that approximately 3 out of 4 Americans not only want the Obama Administration to find these aliens who overstay their visas, but also to deport them. The same poll indicates that 68 percent of Americans consider visa overstays a "serious national security risk," and 31 percent consider visa overstays a "very serious" national security risk.

Recognizing the fact that visa overstays undermine the integrity of our immigration system, and pose considerable national security risks, Congress has required the implementation of an entry-exit tracking system for nearly twenty years – and has mandated that the system be biometrically based since 2004. Indeed, the former Commissioners on the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission) highlighted the importance of the system in areport issued in 2014, stating that "[w]ithout exit-tracking, our government does not know when a foreign visitor admitted to the United States on a temporary basis has overstayed his or her admission. Had this system been in place before 9/11, we would have had a better chance of detecting the plotters before they struck." Subcommittee Chairman Sessions recently offered an amendment that would have facilitated the implementation of this system, but a vote was blocked by a Democrat objection.


Extreme up-close video of tornado In Colorado

Posted: 09 May 2016 06:07 AM PDT

Two Coasts, Two Cities, Two Signs: The Story Behind The ‘Ocean City MD 3073’ Sign

Posted: 09 May 2016 06:00 AM PDT

Motorists traveling on 50 East in Sacramento may be familiar with this perfectly normal-looking mileage sign — on first glance, it's like every other mileage sign along California highways listing the cities you'll be passing with the number of miles to go.

But on second glance, this sign gives pause — Placerville is about an hour away, and South Lake Tahoe double that, depending on traffic. But why does far-off Ocean City, Maryland merit a mention?

The simple fact is that US 50 paves 3,000-plus miles from Ocean City, Maryland to Sacramento, California, but there's more to the story.

In the 1980s John R. Cropper, Jr. worked as the head of statewide highway maintenance for Caltrans. Cropper, now 92, was the man who instigated the sign listing Ocean City, MD as 3073 down the road.


College students punished after claiming racial attack

Posted: 09 May 2016 05:30 AM PDT

Two black New York college students who claimed they were victims of a racially charged assault on a public bus in January have reportedly been expelled.

University at Albany President Robert Jones said in an email to the university community that Ariel Agudio and Asha Burwell were dismissed, The Albany Times Union reported Friday.

A third woman, Alexis Briggs, was suspended for two years, the newspaper reported.


Obama gets ice cream named after him; White House NOT amused

Posted: 09 May 2016 05:00 AM PDT

Presidents often get streets, airports and battleships named for them – often posthumously – and it's seen as an honor. No doubt at some point, a school will be named for Barack Obama, or a park.

He's already picking up the…er…"tributes" with a Russian company, according to the Daily Mail, trying to cash in on chilly relations between Moscow and Washington by releasing an ice cream called 'Little Obama,' irritating U.S.officials.

The product, called 'Obamka' in Russian, is glazed with chocolate and its wrapping features an image of a smiling young African boy, wearing an earring and holding an ice cream.



Posted: 09 May 2016 06:36 AM PDT

A cardiologist determined that heart attacks can be triggered by dehydration.

Good Thing To Know. From The Mayo Clinic. How many folks do you know who say they don't want to drink anything before going to bed because they'll have to get up during the night?

Heart Attack and Water - Drinking one glass of water before going to bed avoids stroke or heart attack. Interesting.......

Something else I didn't know ... I asked my Doctor why people need to urinate so much at night time.

Answer from my Cardiac Doctor: Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc.) seeks level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. I knew you need your minimum water to help flush the toxins out of your body, but this was news to me.

Correct time to drink water... Very Important. From A Cardiac Specialist!

Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body:
2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack

I can also add to this... My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.

Mayo Clinic on Aspirin - Dr. Virend Somers is a Cardiologist from the Mayo Clinic who is the lead author of the report in the July 29, 2008 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Most heart attacks occur in the day, generally between 6 A.M. and noon. Having one during the night, When the heart should be most at rest, means that something unusual happened. Somers and his colleagues have been working for a decade to show that sleep apnea is to blame.

1. If you take an aspirin or a baby aspirin once a day, take it at night.
The Reason: Aspirin has a 24-hour "half-life"; therefore, if most heart attacks happen in the wee hours of the morning, the Aspirin would be strongest in your system.

2. Aspirin lasts a really long time in your medicine chest; for years. (when it gets old, it smells like vinegar).
Please read on.

Something that we can do to help ourselves - nice to know. Bayer is making crystal aspirin to dissolve instantly on the tongue. They work much faster than the tablets.

Why keep Aspirin by your bedside? It's about Heart Attacks - There are other symptoms of a heart attack, besides the pain on the left arm.One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin, as well as nausea and lots of sweating; however, these symptoms may also occur less frequently.

Note: There may be NO pain in the chest during a heart attack.

The majority of people (about 60%) who had a heart attack during their sleep did not wake up. However, if it occurs, the chest pain may wake you up from your deep sleep. If that happens, immediately dissolve two aspirins in your mouth and swallow them with a bit of water.

Afterwards: - Call 911. - Phone a neighbor or a family member who lives very close by. Say "heart attack!" - Say that you have taken 2 Aspirins. - Take a seat on a chair or sofa near the front door, and wait for their arrival and ........DO NOT LIE DOWN!

Caption This Photo 5-9-16

Posted: 09 May 2016 03:00 AM PDT

A Father Gives Incredible Advice. Click LIKE If You Agree

Posted: 09 May 2016 02:00 AM PDT

I Can Believe This With All My Heart

Posted: 09 May 2016 01:00 AM PDT

A Hairy Ride, Literally

Posted: 09 May 2016 12:00 AM PDT

Like If You Did This Too

Posted: 08 May 2016 11:00 PM PDT

It Kills Me To Admit, I Do.

Posted: 08 May 2016 10:00 PM PDT

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