Selasa, 31 Mei 2016



RARE Alert: Israeli property giant said to be weighing outright purchase of Atrium European Real Estate Limited - part 2

Posted: 31 May 2016 12:34 AM PDT

I have a little update on that rather random piece of RARE on Atrium European Real Estate I stumbled across last week.

I case you don't remember, within the story I wrote last week I noted that eastern European shopping mall operator Atrium was looking at other options should the deal Gazit Globe fall over.

Well, according to sources, Atrium is looking at selling its Russian portfolio of shopping centres to a company called Home Credit.

A quick glance at Home Credit tells me it's a lender rather than a shopping mall owner/operator. Still, one source is adamant that Home Credit is the potential purchaser.

I guess since Home Credit is owned by a company that is ultimately controlled by Czech billionaire Petr Kellner anything is possible.

Otherwise, another potential Atrium transaction could be a combination with Finnish property company Citycon, in which Gazit Globe is also a big shareholder.

To be clear, all of the above information is RARE of the RAREST kind. For readers unfamiliar with the RARE disclaimer, the definition is below:

Market gossip that hasn't been tested through formal journalistic channels (public relations executives, bankers etc). The rumour might be total codswallop but then again there may be something in it, so it's worth airing on Betaville.

A spokesperson for Atrium never returned calls for comment. 

Bank holiday review

Posted: 31 May 2016 12:29 AM PDT

Working at a British national newspaper over a bank holiday weekend can be particularly torturous. That's because, typically, there aren't many cracking business stories to be followed over a 72 hour period in which British markets have shut down.

However, this bank holiday weekend has been turned on its head. Hacks over the Financial Times landed an absolute corker yesterday about the Rothschild Investment Trust trying to merge with the Alliance Trust as part of a deal to create a £5 billion investment giant. Hat tip to the trio of intrepid journos by-lined on that tale. Here is the link:

Meanwhile, Olly Shah over at The Sunday Times continued to set the agenda on the whole BHS, Sir Philip Green and Dominic Chappell saga with yesterday's front page scoop about the Dellal family's involvement in the situation. His piece has already had some follow today in rival national newspapers. But in case you missed it, here is the link:

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