Jumat, 01 Mei 2020

Salisbury News

Salisbury News

The Harvard backstory (so far) Charles Ortel is CLOSING IN – Harvard University Animal House

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:00 PM PDT

Planned Parenthood, NARAL, Emily’s List REFUSE To Comment On Biden Allegations

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:30 PM PDT

Womens groups that came out in force to support Dr. Christine Blasey Ford in leveling her unsubstantiated sexual assault allegations against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, are nowhere to be seen now that a sexual assault allegation has been leveled at former Vice President — and presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee — Joe Biden.

The Daily Beast attempted to contact 10 women's rights organizations, including Planned Parenthood, NARAL, Emily's List, the National Organization for Women, and others to get their comments on Tara Reade's claim that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her while she worked as an aide in his Senate office in the early 1990s. Reade made the claim several years ago and repeated it on a progressive podcast earlier in April.

Reade has little to prove her allegations, but does have some evidence that she gave contemporaneous accounts of the attack to her brother, coworker, and neighbor, all of whom seem to substantiate Reade's story.


Axios Returns $5 Million Government Loan After ‘Backlash’

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:00 PM PDT

Political news site Axios announced Tuesday evening that it would return a federal pandemic loan, becoming the latest company to return funds amid controversy around big companies hoarding bailouts.

In a post to the site, Axios CEO Jim VandeHei cited a "public backlash against a variety of companies for taking" money from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), "including us." He also explained that a "new alternative source" of capital had emerged, giving the news site the "confidence" to return the PPP funds.

VandeHei did not disclose in Tuesday's post what the "new alternative source" of capital is. Axios has received generous financial support in past, including from NBC News and liberal activist and philanthropist Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Steve Jobs who had an estimated net worth of over $20 billion.


Dear Government, I'm An American And I Do Not Want Your Help

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:56 AM PDT

Do not detain me. Do not tell me what I can and can't do, I'm a grown adult and I can make my own decisions. I am not a rebel, I'm an American and I have rights, rights GUARANTEED by The Constitution of the United States of America.

So far I've lost around $50,000.00 in business revenue. I have been forced to close down my business after completely and successfully reinventing this establishment. No sooner was I at standing room only and business roaring you cut me off at the knees. You cut my staff's income off at the knees only to force them to be DEPENDENT ON YOU! We are a nation of people who rejected overbearing government rule, got on boats, sailed an unknown ocean for an unknown time and distance risking our lives and those of our fellow to come to a New World and start our own country ruled by the citizens, and when the oppressive governments followed us over and demanded we give our profits back across the ocean we fought them off, dying for our freedom until the bastards went back to England.

Now you want to pay people $1,600.00 a week just to stay home from a new virus and now NO ONE wants to go back to work, and why should they.

As an independent businessman, I TOOK ALL OF THE RISKS. You have now stepped in and erased the product of our extremely hard work and financial risk and when (or if) I am allowed to reopen, I can expect to cut back my business at least 50%. Maybe you think this is generous, as some states are forcing 75% cutbacks!

My words above, (I believe) speak for ALL small business people at this very moment in time. To read that businesses like Seacrets and other larger venue bars/restaurants can't even consider reopening until a vaccine is available is complete BS! This virus has morphed itself into over 85 different strains and its infection rate is on a downward slope. To think anyone can chase down a vaccine before it morphs again is ludicrous. We now have vastly more DATA than we had in January showing that this has been in the population as far back as December or before, that 2.5 million people DID NOT DIE from this and how incredulously wrong that prediction was. Charts now show the peak is past us and the new infection rate is decreasing, several drugs treating this are having positive results and are actively saving lives.

You have Fox News, CNN, MSNBC and all the others in the mainstream media shoving alleged experts in the field telling us, (think about what I just said) TELLING US what THEY want you to hear. I call BS on all of them! ANYONE claiming to be an expert on this virus is simply full of crap. This virus is uncharted territory and NO ONE is an expert with it, period. The best that people can do, even the professionals, is guess from minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day.

Here's what we do know. We know that our country was founded on the desire for freedom from tyranny. People died to firmly recognize, establish and protect our God given right to freedom. They died to make sure NONE of what is going on right now would ever happen to us, our politicians creating instant laws forbidding us from our FREEDOMS.

While I could go on and on with my personal feelings about this and related topics (even unrelated ones), it isn't a discussion without the voices of others. Your thoughts need to be heard in Comments.

Participate in the discussion.

I'll simply say from the start, get the hell out of my way Governor Hogan. My employees need to get back to work, and I have customers who agree that they will go out at their own risk without being controlled by any of you.

My biggest fear is exactly what our elected officials should be afraid of. I think you know where I'm going with this. How much more are we going to get scammed before we, the masses, take this into our own hands?

We want to hear YOUR opinions through comments. But before you answer, let me say this. IF YOU feel afraid of this virus, STAY HOME. That is your right and I respect that.

Let the comments fly.

Cruz Bill Would Halt Government Cooperation With China-Subordinate Movie Studios

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:30 PM PDT

Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) introduced legislation Tuesday that would cut off cooperation between the Pentagon and movie studios that alter their films to appease Chinese censors.

The bill, referred to as the "SCRIPT Act," limits or prohibits the use of Defense Department resources for films that self-censor in order to be screened in China.

"From buying media outlets to broadcast propaganda into America to coercing Hollywood studios and sports leagues to self-censor by threatening to cut off access to one of the biggest markets for sports and entertainment in the world, the Chinese Communist Party spends billions and billions of dollars to mislead Americans about China and shape what our citizens see, hear, and think," Cruz said in a statement.


Universal Pictures Reveals New Streaming Plans. AMC Theatres Responds With Boycott.

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:00 PM PDT

After Universal Pictures decided to send "Trolls World Tour" directly to pay-per-view streaming instead of postponing its April 10 release, theaters got nervous about the implications for the movie-going industry. They may have been justified.

As of Tuesday, the "Trolls World Tour" movie has raised nearly $100 million after direct-streaming for only three weeks, a mere fraction of the time it took the original movie to raise an equal amount, reports The Wall Street Journal.

And, in response to the movie's smashing success, Universal Pictures now says that it will look into releasing future movies in theaters, and through on-demand services simultaneously.

The "Trolls World Tour" revelations, coupled with the presumptive new direction of Universal Studios, has prompted AMC Theatres to say it will boycott the film studio's current and future projects, reports The Los Angeles Times.

"Effectively immediately AMC will no longer play any Universal movies in any of our theatres in the United States, Europe or the Middle East," said Adam Aron, chief executive of AMC, in a statement addressed to Universal Pictures. "This policy affects any and all Universal movies per se, goes into effect today and as our theatres re-open, and is not some hollow or ill-considered threat."


[AMC Theatres is a Chinese-owned company.]

Joe Biden (Still) Hasn’t Faced A Single Question on Sexual Assault Allegations

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:30 PM PDT

Joe Biden has now done 19 interviews spanning nearly 4 hours in the 5 weeks since March 24, the day a former staffer in his U.S. Senate office came forward to accuse him of sexual assault. None of the 142 questions asked by his interviewers have been on the allegations.

Biden, from a studio in the basement of his Delaware home, has been interviewed by reporters from major networks including CNN and MSNBC, as well as local stations across the country since Tara Reade's allegation was reported by the Intercept in March. Biden has still not publicly commented on the accusation from Reade, who says the then-senator pinned her against a wall and penetrated her with his fingers in 1993 when she was a staff assistant in his office.

In the past two weeks alone, Biden has sat for at least an additional 97 minutes and 16 seconds of taped interviews, according to a Free Beacon analysis.

The sexual assault allegation never came up.


Tara Reade’s Joe Biden assault claim gives Juanita Broaddrick déjà vu: 'I believe her'

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:00 PM PDT

Juanita Broaddrick is having déjà vu.

Broaddrick, who has long said Bill Clinton raped her in 1978, sees remarkable similarities with Tara Reade's claims against Joe Biden. Both women accused powerful Democrats of sexual misconduct only to see their claims largely ignored or downplayed by the mainstream media -- so Broaddrick reached out to Reade a few weeks ago, she said.

"I just told her, any time she needed anything or wanted to talk, to call me and she almost immediately called me," Broaddrick told Fox News. "I believe her. I spoke with her on the phone, we spoke at length… this is a very, very believable woman."

Broaddrick said she plans to keep in touch with Reade and they "text every few days," but seeing her story on television brings back "too many bad memories" about her own history.


Vermont records zero new coronavirus cases for first time in nearly 7 weeks

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:30 PM PDT

The coronavirus tally in the Green Mountain State remained the same Wednesday asVermont health officials said there were zero new COVID-19 cases from the day before.

It was the first day without a newly reported case since March 13.

The Vermont Department of Health website also showed that there were no deaths.

Gov. Phil Scott said it was "great news" but cautioned that "one day doesn't create a trend, and we have to look at the trend lines to see where we're going."


Marriage rates in the US plunge to the LOWEST on record with only 6.5 unions formed for every 1,000 people as couples opt to cohabitate and save money instead

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:00 PM PDT

The marriage rate in the United States has plunged to its lowest level in recorded history as couples decide to forgo officially tying the knot and opt to live together to avoid financial stress instead.

The US marriage rate fell six percent in 2018, according to government figures released Wednesday.

In 2018 there were 6.5 new unions formed for every 1,000 people, the lowest rate since the general government started to record data in 1867, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.

'Millennials are in peak marriage years, their 20s and 30s, and it's still dropping,' Sally Curtin, the lead author of the report. 'This is historic.'


Another Good Local Coronavirus Website

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:30 PM PDT

Flag Status Alert: Maryland Flag is at Half-Staff

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:00 PM PDT

This is to advise that Governor Larry Hogan has ordered the Maryland State Flag lowered to half-staff at sunrise, Friday, May 1, 2020 and returned to full-staff at sunset, Friday, May 1, 2020 for Fallen Heroes Day. This day honors Fallen Heroes who have lost their lives in service to our State during the last year.

Code of Virginia

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:30 PM PDT

§ 18.2-422. Prohibition of wearing of masks in certain places; exceptions.

It shall be unlawful for any person over 16 years of age to, with the intent to conceal his identity, wear any mask, hood or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, to be or appear in any public place, or upon any private property in this Commonwealth without first having obtained from the owner or tenant thereof consent to do so in writing. However, the provisions of this section shall not apply to persons (i) wearing traditional holiday costumes; (ii) engaged in professions, trades, employment or other activities and wearing protective masks which are deemed necessary for the physical safety of the wearer or other persons; (iii) engaged in any bona fide theatrical production or masquerade ball; or (iv) wearing a mask, hood or other device for bona fide medical reasons upon (a) the advice of a licensed physician or osteopath and carrying on his person an affidavit from the physician or osteopath specifying the medical necessity for wearing the device and the date on which the wearing of the device will no longer be necessary and providing a brief description of the device, or (b) the declaration of a disaster or state of emergency by the Governor in response to a public health emergency where the emergency declaration expressly waives this section, defines the mask appropriate for the emergency, and provides for the duration of the waiver. The violation of any provisions of this section is a Class 6 felony.
Code 1950, §§ 18.1-364, 18.1-367; 1960, c. 358; 1975, cc. 14, 15; 1986, c. 19; 2010, cc. 262420; 2014, c. 167.
The chapters of the acts of assembly referenced in the historical citation at the end of this section may not constitute a comprehensive list of such chapters and may exclude chapters whose provisions have expired.


Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:00 PM PDT

This article was originally published by Informed Choice Maryland – a 501c4 nonprofit that lobbies on matters of informed consent, personal choice in healthcare, and in favor of upholding the Constitutional rights of all Marylanders. You can join the Informed Choice Maryland Facebook group here.
The Covid-19 pandemic has inspired numerous public officialscorporate entities, and media outlets to call for increasing restrictions on civil liberties which deeply concern many Americans. Microsoft founder Bill Gates recently called for a "national tracking system similar to South Korea," Forbes reports.
Gates, considered the founder of the microcomputer revolution, has always been plagued by accusations of anti-competitive business practices. The launch of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000 has served to overhaul Gates' public image as a philanthropist while forging inroads into multiple sectors of the pharmaceutical industry; in particular, providing a platform from which Gates has leveraged his vast influence to implement mass vaccination in developing countries. The Gates Foundation is the world's largest private foundation, controlling $46.8 billion in assets. They launched their international vaccine program in 1998 with a $100 million gift to the "Program for Appropriate Technology and Health" and have since spearheaded mass-vaccination programs around the world, some of which have come under intense scrutiny and criticism for alleged misconduct.
Most recently, Gates has predictably shifted the focus of his foundation toward all aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic, announcing the donation of $50 million to a dozen pharmaceutical companies in an effort to accelerate the development of a Covid-19 vaccine. It was Gates who offered Gates Foundation funds to initially incentivize the development of technology which tracks individual vaccination status through subcutaneously injected particles readable by smart phone technology. In fact, numerous international vaccine projects spearheaded by the Gates Foundation over the past several decades have ended with public scandal, legal retaliation from both governments and private institutions, and the injury and deaths of intended beneficiaries of those programs.
Gates Foundation vaccine projects which ended in tragedy include the following:

Despite the dubious history of Gates Foundation projects, Gates has been lauded as an expert by major media outlets in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, regardless of his lack of training or experience in epidemiology. The Gates Foundation has funneled millions into coronavirus vaccine development via pharmaceutical companies working to fast-track new coronavirus vaccines, bypassing critical steps in testing for safety and efficacy.
Gates has explicitly expressed support for fast-tracking coronavirus vaccines and implementation of national tracking systems to enforce compulsory vaccination of all citizens before life "returns to normal." More worrying is the fact that numerous public officials, including Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, have begun to echo this intent.
Many Americans may consider the possibility of centrally tracked, mandatory vaccination with an untested product rushed to market to be remote. However, a Maryland law was already enacted in early 2019 which requires physicians to document and track patient vaccination records in ImmuNet, Maryland's government tracking database system.

Life After COVID: A Look At The New Economy

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:30 PM PDT

Many Americans have been locked down in their homes for more than a month now, and they're anxiously awaiting the day when things "get back to normal."

I regret to inform you, as I wrote previously, that we're never going "back to normal."

The world After COVID will not be like the world Before COVID.

It's very important to understand what lies ahead so we can prepare for it.

Two reasons that the world After COVID will be so different are problems with the economy and the supply chain. Let's take a look at both and see where we're headed.
The After-COVID economy for businesses

The government stepped in fairly quickly after lockdowns began to approve a massive number of small business loans. These loans were to be distributed by the institution with which the small business does their banking.

Unfortunately, the outcome would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic.

Here's an example: Chase Bank gaveRuth's Chris Steak House a $20 million forgivable loan meant for small businesses by dividing it up by locations instead of treating the company like the large corporation that it is. Incidentally, Chase "earned" $100K for processing the loan. After everyone rightly lost their marbles over this, Ruth's Chris is returning the 20 mill. Chase and Ruth's Chris aren't the only culprits. There were all sorts of shenanigans that meant the fund ran out of money before the legitimate small businesses could even complete their applications. For example, big banks earned ten billion dollars in fees for processing the loans and here's a list of big companies that played around with this system and drained it of millions.

Another round of small business loans has been approved by Congress but I'm not really holding my breath that any of this will happen in the way we've been told it will.

So to summarize, a lot of the small businesses who need the money to survive haven't gotten it yet and may never get it, but big banks and big businesses are sitting pretty with the help of their cronies in Congress. It isn't a stretch of the imagination to say that the longer a small business stays closed, paying their expenses and holding inventory while not being able to earn income, the less likely they are to reopen successfully (or at all) once the all-clear is given.

And if they can't reopen? All those folks they used to employ will be out of a job.

The After-COVID economy for individuals

A Viewer Writes: This will really cripple the economic recovery

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:00 PM PDT

I have some friends in the local restaurant industry (in Ohio), and they are talking about re-opening their dining room at about 50% capacity about May 14th.

BUT-- the manager said she was calling employees about scheduling, and a lot of them don"t want to come back to work yet because they're making so much better money on UNEMPLOYMENT. She said she may have a very hard time staffing the place.

They receive their regular unemployment, plus that extra $600/week from the CARES Act that the federal government gives them through the end of July. That amounts to about $24./hr.
Most members of Congress knew they were messing up when they rushed to pass this bill.

Boy, were they right. This will really cripple the economic recovery.

Who stands to benefit from that (with an election at hand)?

Tara Reade calls for release of Biden's Senate records: 'Why are they under seal?'

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:30 PM PDT

Tara Reade, the woman who has accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, is calling on the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee to release the records from his 36 years as a senator, which are currently inaccessible to the public and are kept at the University of Delaware. Biden's campaign has denied that he sexually assaulted Reade.

"I'm calling for the release of the documents being held by the University of Delaware that contain Biden's staff personnel records because I believe it will have my complaint form, as well as my separation letter and other documents," Reade told Fox News on Tuesday. "Maybe if other staffers that have tried to file complaints would come to light -- why are they under seal? And why won't they be released to the public?"

More here


Death Investigation Ruled a Homicide-Harrington

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:00 PM PDT

Harrington - The Delaware State Police Homicide Unit is continuing to investigate the death that has been ruled a homicide, of a male victim after he was found lying unresponsive in the roadway.

The incident occurred on April 24, 2020 at approximately 1:10 a.m., when Troopers were dispatched to Killens Pond Road, between Sandbox Road and Bloomfield Road, Harrington, when a passerby reported a subject lying in the roadway. Upon arrival a 40-year-old male was located unresponsive in the roadway and transported to the Sussex Bayhealth Hospital where he was pronounced deceased.

The victim, identified as John W. Groff, 40, of Lincoln, DE was turned over to the Delaware Division of Forensic Science where an autopsy was performed and the cause and manner of death was determined to be a homicide sustained from two gunshot wounds to the upper body.

The investigation continues to remain active and ongoing.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact Detective J. King at 302-741-2821. Information may also be provided by calling Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333 or via the internet at http://delaware.crimestoppersweb.com

Mnuchin Says No Bailout for States With Badly Managed Budgets

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:30 PM PDT

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said states that had poorly managed budgets before the Covid-19 outbreak sent their economies reeling should not be rescued by the federal government.

"This isn't just going to be a federal bailout of the states," Mnuchin said early Tuesday on CNBC. "States that had specifically large expenses because of the coronavirus, like New York and New Jersey, it was the right thing that the federal government gave them money."

He said he approves of local governments using coronavirus funding to enforce public safety through law enforcement, but not for revenue lost because of the economic shutdown or "states that were mismanaged" before the pandemic hit.

President Donald Trump on Monday appeared to align himself with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has said Congress shouldn't debate relief to cash-strapped states until lawmakers reconvene next week.

The Kentucky Republican has suggested states with large pension obligations under union contracts use bankruptcy as a way to manage shortfalls instead of receiving federal aid.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Tuesday continued to press for a large package of aid to states and local governments in the next pandemic relief measure, warning of a big potential reduction in public-sector jobs that could further hamper the economy.

"There's going to be massive layoffs at the state and local level unless we get them money quickly," Schumer said on MSNBC.


Gov. Cuomo plays blame game for coronavirus’ American invasion

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:00 PM PDT

Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday played the blame game for the coronavirus' invasion of American soil, calling out public health agencies, the intelligence community and the media — as another 335 New Yorkers died from the disease.

"The virus was in China last November and December," said Cuomo in a press briefing at the SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse. "Why didn't someone suspect, 'Well maybe the virus gets on a plane … and lands in the United States the next day'?

"All you need is one person to get on a plane. As it happened, one person got on a plane, and went from China to Europe, and then it went from Europe to New York."

Cuomo first took aim at international and national health agencies, namely the World Health Organization, the National Institutes of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Man is charged with murder after body is found in trunk of car when he was stopped for speeding

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:30 AM PDT

A man has been charged with murder after he was stopped for speeding and police discovered a body in the trunk of his car.

Lance Gordon, 32, was stopped by the North Carolina State Highway Patrol in Edgecombe County just before 4pm on Friday.

He was driving a car owned by his alleged victim, Angela Lee, 47. When asked by police, he claimed to be an acquaintance of Lee.


Report: Biden Campaign ‘Circulated Talking Points’ About Tara Reade Allegations

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:00 AM PDT

The Joe Biden campaign is circulating talking points regarding the sexual assault allegations made by Tara Reade, Buzzfeedreported on Tuesday.

While Joe Biden has remained publicly silent about a sexual assault allegation made against him, his presidential campaign has sought to coordinate and unify Democratic messaging on the matter, advising surrogates earlier this month to say that the allegation "did not happen." …

But the messaging shows that while Biden has stayed quiet on the allegations on the eve of his nomination, aides were taking the claims seriously enough behind the scenes to coordinate messaging among other Democrats to try to cast the matter as one that's been thoroughly vetted and determined to be unfounded.

"Biden believes that all women have the right to be heard and to have their claims thoroughly reviewed," the talking points read, according to Buzzfeed. "In this case, a thorough review by the New York Times has led to the truth: this incident did not happen."


Abrams: NYT Found Reade’s Accusation ‘Not Credible’ – ‘I Believe Joe Biden’

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:30 AM PDT

On Tuesday's "CNN Tonight," former Georgia state Representative Stacey Abrams stated that she believes the sexual assault allegations against 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden by Tara Reade are untrue and that she believes Biden.

Abrams said, "I believe that women deserve to be heard and I believe that they need to be listened to, but I also believe that those allegations have to be investigated by credible sources. The New York Times did a deep investigation, and they found that the accusation was not credible. I believe Joe Biden. I believe that he is a person who has demonstrated that his love of family, his love of our community has been made perfectly clear through his work as a congressional leader and as an American leader. I know Joe Biden, and I think that he is telling the truth and that this did not happen."


US doctors claim that Trump's controversial hydroxychloroquine drug DOES help 91% of coronavirus patients and argue we should not wait for 'controlled trials'

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:00 AM PDT

The malaria drug hydroxychloroquine has improved the survival and recovery odds for about 90 percent of patients treated with the controversial medication, a physicians group claims.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) presented data on 2,333 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine - including two supervised by Dr Oz - across the globe that shows 91.6 percent of those who got the drug fared better after treatment.

In a letter to Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, the group urged that doctors should not wait for results of gold standard tests of the drug to start using it in coronaviruspatients and should instead base their use of it on reasonable interpretations of limited available data.

AAPS's endorsement of the drug comes after a Veteran Affairs study of hydroxychloroquine found that those who took the drug were more likely to die, casting doubt over the potential treatment that President Trump has hailed a 'game changer.'

The group of doctors dismissed those preliminary results, claiming that the 52 people who died were very sick, meaning their outcomes are 'not indicative' of hydroxychloroquine's effects and that the drug would work better if used in patients with less critical illness.


White House's Social Distancing Guidelines Will Be 'Fading Out,' Trump Says

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:53 AM PDT

President Trump said the existing coronavirus social distancing guidelines that are set to expire with the end of April on Thursday will not be extended further, as more governors begin steps to lift restrictions and reopen their economies.

The administration said the existing social distancing recommendations are being incorporated by governors into their new future plans.

"They'll be fading out, because now the governors are doing it," Trump said.

During a White House meeting with Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards on Wednesday, Trump commended governors for taking steps to reopen their economies.

The original two-week guidelines that were extended 30 more days called for Americans to work from home, limit travel and avoid large gatherings.

Vice President Pence said the existing guidelines were being applied to the new guidance issued by the White House on how states can reopen safely.

"Every state in America has embraced those guidelines at a minimum, or even done more, and now our focus is working with states," Pence said. "The current guidelines, I think you can say, are very much incorporated in the guidance that we're giving states to open up America again."


Virginia AG waives witness signatures for some absentee voters

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:45 AM PDT

Some Virginians submitting absentee ballots in the June primary will not be required to have a witness sign the envelope, the state's attorney general announced Tuesday.

Officials will accept absentee ballots without a witness signature "for voters who believe they may not safely have a witness present while completing their ballot," the Office of the Attorney General said in a statement, citing the order submitted to a federal court.

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring, a Democrat, said the agreement would protect voting rights and public health amid the coronavirus pandemic by not forcing voters to break social distancing orders to seek out a witness.

State law mandates voters who send an absentee ballot through the mail open the envelope in front of another person and ask the witness to sign it before the ballot is returned.


Wicomico County Covid-19 4-30-2020 **56 new cases**

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:42 AM PDT

Maryland Covid-19 4-30-2020

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:38 AM PDT

COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland
Number of confirmed cases: 21,742
Number of negative test results: 92,617 
Number of confirmed deaths: 1,047
Number of probable deaths: 93
Currently hospitalized: 1711
Acute care: 1,121
Intensive care: 590
Ever hospitalized: 4,559
Released from isolation: 1,432
Cases and Deaths Data Breakdown:
Parenthesis = Confirmed death, laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 test result
Asterisk = Probable death, death certificate lists COVID-19 as the cause of death but not yet confirmed by a laboratory test
NH = Non-Hispanic

By County

County    Cases Deaths   
Allegany    118    (7)   
Anne Arundel    1,725    (83)    8*
Baltimore City    2,068    (104)    8*
Baltimore County    2,831    (110)    13*
Calvert    150 (8)   
Caroline    71
Carroll    436    (46)   
Cecil    167 (8)   
Charles    564 (43)    1*
Dorchester    51    (2)   
Frederick    918 (49)    7*
Garrett    4
Harford    414 (6)    7*
Howard    867 (18)    1*
Kent    79    (5)   
Montgomery    4,300 (229)    26*
Prince George's    6,043 (229)    11*
Queen Anne's    52    (6)       
St. Mary's    150    (7)    1*
Somerset    26
Talbot    35 (1)   
Washington    206 (4)
Wicomico    406 (7)   
Worcester    61 (2)
Data Not Available (73)    10*

By Age Range and Gender

Age/Gender    Cases Deaths   
0-9    294
10-19    573
20-29    2,525 (8)   
30-39    3,684 (14)    1*
40-49    3,871    (26)    2*
50-59    3,939    (68)    7*
60-69    3,010 (161)    11*
70-79    2,083    (251)    15*
80+    1,763    (444)    49*
Age Data Not Available    (75)    8*

Female:    11,595    (509)    52*
Male:    10,147 (538)    41*
Gender Data Not Available:      

By Race and Ethnicity
Race/Ethnicity    Cases Deaths   
African-American (NH)    7,821    (431)    30*
Asian (NH)    459 (37)    3*
White (NH) 4,935    (420)    49*
Hispanic 3,651    (67)    3*
Other (NH)    793    (17)   
Data Not Available    4,083 (75)    8*

House cancels plan to return next week

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:37 AM PDT

The news comes just five days after The House passed a $484 billion coronavirus phase 3.5 package Thursday to help people and businesses struggling across the country. (RELATED: House Passes $484 Billion Coronavirus Phase 3.5 Bill)

The bill previously passed the Senate on a voice vote Tuesday. Congress and the White House reached an agreement earlier Tuesday. The legislation includes $310 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which White House officials told the Daily Caller will feature $60 billion carved out for institutions with less than $50 billion in total assets. The House passed the bill on a 388-5 vote.

Lawmakers were planning to return Monday to continue to work on legislation to help combat the disease, but for now, that is on hold.

California Wants LGBT Pedophiles Exempt From Sex Offender Registry

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:30 AM PDT

Study: Majority of Americans Don’t Want or Can’t Use Google and Apple’s Coronavirus Tracing App

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:23 AM PDT

According to a recent study, nearly 3 in 5 Americans say that they would be unable or unwilling to use the infection-alert apps being developed by Apple and Google to trace Wuhan coronavirus infections.

The Washington Post reports that according to a Washington Post–University of Maryland poll, almost 3 in 5 Americans say that they are either unable or unwilling to use the new infection-alert apps being developed by Apple and Google in an attempt to trace Wuhan coronavirus infections.


Amazon Purchases Cameras From Blacklisted Chinese Company

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:15 AM PDT

Amazon has purchased cameras designed to measure the temperature of its workers from a Chinese company that was blacklisted by the United States for helping China commit human rights violations against the Uighurs and other Muslim minorities, according to Reuters.

China-based Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co Ltd sent 1,500 cameras to Amazon in April in a deal worth nearly $10 million, according to sources.

"It's troubling to learn that well-known American companies are continuing to turn a blind eye to companies that are fueling the Chinese Communist party's brutal treatment of so many of their own people," Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, who works on the House foreign affairs committee, told Reuters.

Amazon declined to confirm whether it bought cameras from Dahua but said the company's product complied with local, state, and national laws.



Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:11 AM PDT

The outbreak of COVID-19 infections among Delmarva poultry workers could threaten not only the tri-state area but also the nation's food supply chain, Gov. Larry Hogan said Wednesday.

There are at least 262 confirmed cases of COVID-19 associated with poultry workers in Maryland, Hogan said. He said those infections are partly the reason why "the case rate per 100,000 [people] in Wicomico County is now the fifth-highest in the state, nearly equal to Baltimore City and higher than Baltimore County.

"These outbreaks are not only a serious public health concern; they're also a potential threat to Maryland's leading agricultural industry and to our nation's essential food-supply chain," Hogan said at a Wednesday afternoon news conference at the State House in Annapolis.

The governor said that after he learned of the outbreaks, he alerted Vice President Mike Pence in a phone call on Friday. Pence agreed to have Dr. Robert Redfield of the Centers for Disease Control and Infection follow up, Hogan said.


North Carolina County to Defy Governor’s Stay-at-Home Orders, Reopen Businesses

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:07 AM PDT

Officials in North Carolina's Gaston County announced on Wednesday their intention to sign an order allowing businesses in the county to reopen, effective April 29 at 5:00 p.m., despite Gov. Roy Cooper's (D) extended stay-at-home orders.

Commission Chairman Tracy Philbeck made the announcement Wednesday morning, stating that county leaders are "letting our folks know we support them going back to work."

"We're going to put our people to work and we're going to do it in a health-minded way," Philbeck said.

"We have learned that social distancing works. We've learned that with strict sanitation, strict hygiene, it works," he continued, adding that county leaders believe Gaston County "can do both," noting that the state's one size fits all approach does not make sense, particularly for his county.

Per the Charlotte Observer:

The order says vulnerable people should continue to stay home. Other people should keep their distance from others, it says, and avoid gatherings of 10 or more where social distancing isn't practical. Employers should continue to encourage telework.

Schools and youth activities that are now closed should stay closed, the order says, and bars remain closed. But the order allows theaters, restaurants, churches, sporting venues and gyms to operate with social distancing and elective surgeries to resume.

"If you don't wanna open your business, you don't have to," Philbeck said. "We can protect the health of our citizens while at the same time putting our citizens back at work":



Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:00 AM PDT

I couldn't help but notice that during his daily briefing, his supporters proposed shooting the protesters planning to come to Salisbury on Saturday.

Coronavirus Relief Often Pays Workers More Than Work

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:30 AM PDT

When combined with state benefits, weekly government payouts create incentives that employers say complicate efforts to re-open businesses

Roughly half of all U.S. workers stand to earn more in unemployment benefits than they did at their jobs before the coronavirus pandemic shut down swaths of the U.S. economy, a result of government relief that employers say is complicating plans to re-open businesses.

The package of coronavirus stimulus laws Congress passed and President Trump signed in March included a $600 boost to weekly unemployment benefits through July 31. As that support is added to state benefits over the coming weeks, the average weekly payment to a laid-off worker should rise to about $978 from the nearly $378 the Labor Department said was paid on average late last year.

Qualified workers will receive the government payout every week through July, and in most cases, the combined $978 weekly payout amounts to better pay than what many workers received before the crisis hit. Labor Department statistics show half of full-time workers earned $957 or less each week in the first quarter of 2020.

The stimulus measure means that in coming months many low-wage workers will avoid both significant harm to their finances and the potential health risks—and further virus spread—of returning to crowded workplaces. That money in consumers' pockets in turn puts the U.S. economy on firmer footing to rebound once authorities allow businesses to re-open.

But enhanced benefits also create disincentives that might hamper efforts by employers to recall workers when some states are trying to re-open their economies. It is possible that Workers could ask their bosses to leave them on furlough so they can collect the larger payments while avoiding health risks.


A Comment Worthy Of A Post 4-30-20

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:00 AM PDT

Steve Kraushaar Over the last 30 or 40 years ( made longer ) our government has operated on a very delicate system of " checks and balances " ....ie ....they write the checks and WE pay the balances......and THEY have become very wealthy under this system .....and they have been able to accomplish this using 2 very simple methods ...(1) they have " CONVINCED / BRAINWASHED just about every American citizen into believing " that its the other s sides fault ( democrats blame the republicans and the republicans blame the democrats) so we the American people continue to vote for the same ole F ing idiots every time because we are " loyal " to our party and method (2) they have never met a president they couldn't " BUY " .......so now along comes Mr Trump...already a billionaire ....so he s not able to be " bought " ( or at least not able to be bought for what they are offering lol ) and now their whole house of cards system is seriously threatened and they must do whatever is necessary to get rid of president Trump and get a president they can CONTROL ......want more proof consider this...the democrats are actually expecting Biden to win ......why because they know they can CONTROL Biden .......and you can't tell me that out of the ENTIRE Democratic party they can't find a better candidate than Biden , come on seriously there s not some young stud politician somewhere in your party that maybe could be a better representative of your party ....of course someone like that may not be able to be CONTROLLED ......so let's stick with sleepy Joe and ugly Hilary .....because they can be CONTROLLED

Survey Finds 50 Million Americans Have Lost Their Job In Past 6 Weeks

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:30 AM PDT

When Thursday's initial claims report is published at 830am on Thursday, the Dept of Labor will confirm that the current depression is unlike any seen before, with approximately 30 million Americans losing their jobs in the past 6 weeks alone. That, however, may be underestimating the full number of Americans who have lost their jobs by as much as 50%.

According to an online poll by the left-wing Economic Policy Institute, millions of Americans who have been thrown out of work during the coronavirus pandemic have been unable to register for unemployment benefits. The poll found that for every 10 people who have successfully filed unemployment claims, three or four people have been unable to register and another two people have not tried to apply at a time of acute economic crisis.

Official statistics show that 26.5 million people have applied for unemployment benefits since mid-March, wiping out all of the jobs gained during the longest employment boom in U.S. history, and another 3.5 million initial claims are expected to be filed this week.


A Nation of Karens: She IS The Boss of You

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:02 AM PDT

Hillary Clinton: Coronavirus ‘Would Be a Terrible Crisis to Waste’; Need ‘Universal Health Care’

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:00 AM PDT

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that the coronavirus pandemic "would be a terrible crisis to waste" by not creating "universal health care."

Clinton, the Democratic Party nominee in the 2016 presidential election, was speaking to former Vice President Joe Biden in a virtual women's "town hall" meeting, during which she endorsed him for president.

Biden nodded in agreement as Clinton spoke about exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to bring about the left's dream of "universal health care":

This is a high-stakes time, because of the pandemic. But this is also a really high-stakes election. And every form of health care should continue to be available, including reproductive health care for every woman in this country. And then it needs to be part of a much larger system that eventually — and quickly, I hope — gets us to universal health care. [Biden nods] So I can only say, "Amen," to everything you're saying, but also to, again, enlist people that this would be a terrible crisis to waste, as the old saying goes. [Biden nods] We've learned a lot about what our absolute frailties are in our country when it comes to health justice and economic justice.


Former AIDS Scientist Exposes Dr. Fauci’s Medical Corruption

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:53 AM PDT

WATCH THIS VIDEO: Re-Open for Business as Un-Usual: How Tell If It's Going Well...or Not

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:45 AM PDT

Government Should Stop Promoting Unemployment During COVID-19

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:45 AM PDT

American prosperity always has relied on the fact that we are the most productive people in human history.

Unfortunately, some short-term Band-Aids for the widespread economic distress caused by the coronavirus lockdowns may have substantial negative effects that make it harder for Americans to get back on their feet.

While much of what is in the CARES Act passed by Congress will be important in mitigating the damage of the COVID-19 pandemic, some provisions already are creating bad, unintended consequences.

One problem has been the federal unemployment insurance that gives unemployed Americans $600 a week no matter what they were making before they lost their jobs.

A coffee shop owner in Harlan, Kentucky, explained why it's hard for small businesses to retain staff right now.

"The very people we hired have now asked us to be laid off," wrote Sky Marietta, who owns the shop with her husband, Greg, according to NPR. "Not because they did not like their jobs or because they did not want to work, but because it would cost them literally hundreds of dollars per week to be employed."

The federal government is offering $600 a week on top of state unemployment benefits, which means that for many, being unemployed is more lucrative than staying at work.


WaPo Poll: 65 Percent of Americans Want All Immigration to U.S. Halted

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:37 AM PDT

A majority of Americans want all immigration to the United States halted in the midst of the Chinese coronavirus crisis, a new poll reveals.

Last week, President Trump signed an executive order slowing green card processing for less than ten percent of the 1.2 million legal immigrants annually admitted to the U.S.

In addition to these annual legal immigrant admissions are millions of foreign nationals who can still arrive on foreign visa worker programs, student visas, tourist visas, and special immigrant visas — all of which have continued despite more than 26 million Americans now unemployed.

The latest Washington Post/University of Maryland poll finds that Americans, by a majority, want all immigration to the U.S. halted.


Salisbury News Ranked #1 News Site

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:30 AM PDT

Hi Joe,

My name is Anuj Agarwal, I'm the Founder of Feedspot.

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Salisbury, Maryland, United StatesAbout Website The Salisbury Independent serves the city and the surrounding community of Wicomico County by providing real coverage of the area's schools, churches, civic clubs and organizations. Frequency 8 posts / week Website salisburyindependent.net+ Follow
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Conservative Leaders Press Trump to ‘Hold the Chinese Communist Party Responsible’ for Coronavirus

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:23 AM PDT

A group of top conservative movement leaders are calling on President Donald Trump to hold the Chinese Community Party responsible for the coronavirus pandemic plaguing the United States and the world.

In a letter and a formal White House petition, the conservative leaders are pushing Trump to escalate tensions with Beijing as the United States slowly re-opens nationwide after the coronavirus crisis rocked the country with more than a month's worth of lockdowns.

The conservative leaders wrote in a letter to the president:

[Accompanying the broader letter is a formal White House petition. The petition would need 100,000 signatures by May 28. Those interested in signing the petition can do so on the White House website.]

A Viewer Writes: Plan to Open Business on the Eastern Shore of Maryland

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:15 AM PDT


As many of us living here on Delmarva know, the Governor Hogan approach of dealing with COVID-19 lately has been questionable to say at least. His One Shoe Fits All approach is hurting working men and women of Eastern Shore in a big way. Same could be said about business, big and small, everywhere. Besides Hogan has been bashing President Trump so much lately on every issue, would make you believe he is a Democrat from Annapolis, and he probably is.
With Farming Season and future Summer season coming soon, we need to stand up and adopt an example set by the Patriots in Gaston County, North Carolina - County Commissioner there opened their businesses , despite the orders of the Democrat Governor.
So, with that in mind, if Hogan wants to keep everything in shutdown mode, he can, but on The Other Side of the Chesapeake Bay and not here. Our COVID-19 numbers Do Not Justify the Shutdown in comparison with counties around Baltimore and Washington, D.C. It doesn't matter how much "they' try to inflate their numbers, Larry, Keep Your Shutdown on the other side of the Bay Bridge! We on Delmarva Are Open For Business. Let's open Worcester, Somerset and Dorchester and keep going. Will the True Leaders Stand Up or will they wait in the shadows for orders from their puppet-masters Nancy P. & Chucky S.?!

Anointed One

Chincoteague Pastor sues Va. Gov. after facing fine, jail for holding 16-person church service

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:07 AM PDT

A Virginia pastor, who was served a summons for holding a service for 16 people on Palm Sunday, and his church have filed a federal lawsuit against Gov. Ralph Northam for issuing executive orders banning religious gatherings with more than 10 people, saying it violated the Virginia Constitution.

Liberty Counsel, which is representing Pastor Kevin Wilson and Lighthouse Fellowship Church on Chincoteague Island, filed the lawsuit Friday against Northam, whose COVID Order 55 provides for a penalty of up to a year in jail and/or a $2,500 fine.

Police served a summons to Wilson for holding a church service on April 5 for 16 people spaced far apart in a sanctuary that is rated for 293 people, Liberty Counsel said in a statement.

A police officer entered the church without identifying himself and "abruptly" told the congregation "they could not have more than 10 people spaced six feet apart," the law firm said.

"Then, after the service, two police officers entered the church in full mask and gloves and asked to speak with the pastor. They issued him a summons and informed him that if he had service on Easter, all attending would get the same summons."

Liberty Counsel said the parking lots of multiple commercial establishments were filled with hundreds of cars Thursday. "Yet, Gov. Northam criminalizes religious worship that exceeds 10 people."

More here

Trump suggests coronavirus aid to states could depend on sanctuary city policies

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:00 AM PDT

President Trump on Tuesday suggested that new federal payments to help states deal with the coronavirus pandemic could depend on whether or not they were home to sanctuary cities.

"If it is COVID related, we can talk about it. We want things including sanctuary city adjustments," the president said during an event in the East Room of the White House.

"I don't even think they are popular even by radical left, because people are being protected that shouldn't be protected and bad things are happening with sanctuary cities," Trump continued at the event, which also showcased small business owners who'd benefited from the Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program.

"It is one of the things we think about. If we are going to do something for states, they will want something having to do with sanctuary cities and other different points that we can discuss a little later on."


My Apologies For Breaking The Rules

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:52 AM PDT

Biden: "I Can Hardly Wait" To Debate Trump, "I Am Looking Forward To It"

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:45 AM PDT

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden speaks to CNN's Anderson Cooper ahead of Super Tuesday voting. Biden criticized Bloomberg as not a real Democrat and said he can spend a billion dollars but can't move away from his record.

COOPER: Michael Bloomberg spoke to CNN's Don Lemon about you. And I wanted to play just a bit of what he said so you can respond.


MICHAEL BLOOMBERG (D), FORMER MAYOR OF NEW YORK, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: He is a legislator. And the job requires a manager, an executive. And I feel very strongly about that.

DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: He was the vice president. Obama thought he was ready. You don't think he's ready?

BLOOMBERG: Obama thought he was ready for what?

LEMON: He was his vice president. He was ready to be president. That's the next job.

BLOOMBERG: I don't know, you'd have to talk to President Obama about that. All I know is we keep putting legislators in the job that requires a manager.


COOPER: Is he right? Is this a job that requires a manager and are you manager?

BIDEN: It requires somebody who has gotten things done. It requires someone who understands how to bring people together. It requires a Democrat, by the way, to be a Democratic president. And it requires someone who has a track record. And the president handed me significant responsibility and presidential authority when I was the vice president.

I'm the guy that managed the $900 billion Recovery Act. I got the votes for it and I got it passed as well as then I managed it day-to-day. I did the same thing on a number of foreign policy issues. It needs someone who knows something about foreign policy.


Watch "Dr. Fauci's DARKEST SECRET Surfaces As His Predictive Model Crushes Trump Economy

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:30 AM PDT


Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:15 AM PDT

On the Election Day ballot next month, New Yorkers will get the normal choices: the Democratic incumbent, his Republican challenger, an insurgent or two and, oh yeah, a guy who hijacked a plane at gunpoint 17 years ago.

Meet Aaron Commey, the Libertarian Party challenger to Mayor Bill de Blasio. Sure, he used a handgun to commandeer a Boeing 757 flight headed to Las Vegas on July 27, 2000, then served more than a decade in a federal mental ward, but he says he is cured and New Yorkers can trust him.

"I am of sound mind and open to discuss things," Commey told Newsweek. "I will be open and let them know who I was is not who I am today."



Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:00 AM PDT

Dozens of hippies who got stuck at a festival in Panama due to coronavirus realized that the collectivist utopia they sought after is actually "hell" as they bicker over food and territory.

One doesn't want to laugh too much at their misfortune, but dear God, this is funny.

The Tribal Gathering Festival, billed as "paradise on earth," was supposed to end on March 15, but 40 western hippies remain trapped at the site because Panama announced a national emergency due to COVID-19 and placed them under quarantine.

A subsequent ban on all entry and departure flights now means the hippies are likely to be stuck in "paradise" until the end of May.

A VICE documentary short about their plight shows attendees complaining about how they are "stuck in hell" as they struggle with bad weather and major sewage issues at the campsite.


Ingraham: Are Americans starting to tune out blue state politicians?

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:45 AM PDT

AG Barr orders DOJ to start investigations into states violating constitutional rights, civil liberties

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:30 AM PDT

According to US Attorney General Bill Barr, some states might be in for more than just a slap on the wrist for their over-reaching policies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cristina Laila of The Gateway Pundit reported:

"US Attorney General Bill Barr on Monday issued a 2-page memo ordering US Attorneys to be on the 'lookout' for state and local directives that could be violating the constitutional rights and civil liberties of individual citizens amid the Coronavirus pandemic."

She further said that it is believed that state and local officials have overstepped their bounds of authority by issuing "lockdown" orders that not only surpass their position's ability to issue such orders, but violate the constitutional rights of their citizens.


Kimberly Guilfoyle: Nobody Is Excited for Sleepy Joe, and the Proof Is in the Numbers

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:00 AM PDT

If it seems like people aren't exactly ecstatic about Joe Biden, the latest fundraising numbers should remove all doubt.

Biden has always been a lackluster fundraiser whose campaign has had money woes throughout the Democratic primaries. Only the reluctant support of the Party establishment allowed him to prevail in the race against Senator Bernie Sanders and his army of enthusiastic small-dollar donors.

After the carefully timed withdrawals of Elizabeth Warren, Mike Bloomberg, and Pete Buttigieg handed Biden the presumptive nomination, the Democrat establishment clearly hoped that Sleepy Joe would finally start amassing a serious war chest. Initially, it seemed as though Biden might actually come through. Now that the final figures for March are in, however, it's obvious that the enthusiasm just isn't there.

The Democrat Party bosses got the candidate they wanted, but it's not a candidate who inspires the kind of support necessary to defeat Donald Trump.


Southern Poverty Law Center Now Has $162 Million Stashed in Offshore Accounts

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:00 AM PDT

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which last year faced accusations of racism among its highest ranks, reported $162 million stashed in offshore investments and paid its disgraced former leaders over $1 million.

The controversial group has continued to build its massive war chest by tens of millions of dollars even after employees claimed that the group's leadership allowed sexual harassment and racial discrimination against its minority staffers. The ensuing media firestorm ultimately led to the ousting of cofounder Morris Dees, longtime president Richard Cohen, and legal director Rhonda Brownstein from the group in March 2019. New forms, covering a period beginning Nov. 1, 2018, and ending on Oct. 31, 2019, show that Cohen and Brownstein each received six-figure severance packages.

Critics of the SPLC in recent years have characterized the group as a money racket that labels conservative organizations as "hate groups" to fundraise, and its most recent financial forms may fuel that criticism.

More here

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