Kamis, 21 Mei 2020

Salisbury News

Salisbury News

Update: Illinois State Police Defy Tyrannical Governor — WILL NOT Arrest, Jail Business Owners for Breaking Lockdown

Posted: 21 May 2020 09:00 PM PDT

Last week Illinois Democrat Governor J. B. Pritzker warned the people of Illinois the state in lockdown and businesses shut down until the end of May. He later told CNN the citizens of Illinois could be ordered to socially distance and wear masks indefinitely.

Now Governor J.B. Pritzker warned small business owners that if they try to reopen their businesses they could face up to a year in prison.

Pritzker the tyrant wants to jail business owners who don't want to lose their businesses and life savings.

But the state police announced they will not honor Pritzker's requests.


Nada For Nadler: Supreme Court Blocks House Democrats From Receiving Mueller Grand Jury Material

Posted: 21 May 2020 08:30 PM PDT

The US Supreme Court on Wednesday handed the Trump administration a win - blocking a request by the House Judiciary Committee for grand jury material gathered by Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation. The court issued a stay while an appeal over the records plays out.

That said, the court put the case on a fast track, giving the Trump administration until June 1 to file its appeal, which Bloomberg infers to mean that the court will likely announce before the end of June or July whether it will hear arguments late this year.

Earlier this year, DOJ officials were ordered by two lower courts to hand over redacted portions of Mueller's 448-page report at the request of the House committee chaired by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) - who argued that they 'urgently' needed to see redacted materials.

The administration says a federal trial judge lacked power to unseal the information. Grand jury materials are normally sealed, but federal rules let a judge authorize disclosure for "judicial proceedings." The key legal question is whether that includes House impeachment inquiries.

A federal appeals court ruled that impeachment proceedings qualified, saying courts had let lawmakers see grand jury materials during the impeachment inquiries of Presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. U.S. Solicitor GeneralNoel Francisco asked the Supreme Court to put that ruling on hold.

"The government will suffer irreparable harm absent a stay," Francisco argued. "Once the government discloses the secret grand-jury records, their secrecy will irrevocably be lost."

House General Counsel Douglas Letter countered that lawmakers had already waited more than a year for the information. -Bloomberg

"The committee and the public continue to suffer grave and irreparable injury each additional day the district court's order is prevented from going into effect," wrote the House General Cou


BREAKING: Declassified Susan Rice Email Confirms Michael Flynn Was Personally Targeted In Oval Office Meeting

Posted: 21 May 2020 08:00 PM PDT

Newly declassified portions of a key Susan Rice email confirm that Michael Flynn was personally targeted during a January 5 Oval Office meeting with Obama.

Michael Flynn was personally targeted during a crucial Jan. 5, 2017 Oval Office meeting arranged by then-President Barack Obama, a newly declassified document shows.

On Jan. 20, 2017, as President Donald Trump was being inaugurated, former White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice sent herself a bizarre email detailing the Jan. 5 meeting between her, Obama, then-Vice President Joe Biden, then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, and fired former Federal Bureau of Investigations Director James Comey. In the email, portions of which were not declassified until recently, Rice recorded that Flynn, who at the time was the incoming national security adviser for Trump, was personally discussed and targeted during the meeting with Obama.


GOP Sens. ‘Increasingly Concerned’ Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Began Before Crossfire Hurricane

Posted: 21 May 2020 07:30 PM PDT

Two top Republican senators have expanded their request for records related to the "unmasking" of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn to include information prior to the start of the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane operation, which began in July 2016.

On Wednesday, acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenelldeclassified the names of those in the White House involved in revealing Flynn's identity as a U.S. citizen corresponding with a foreign actor, as requested by Republican Sens. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Chuck Grassley of Iowa. Flynn had held discussions with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the presidential transition as the incoming national security advisor. This became the alleged basis for the grand Russian collusion conspiracy and the key to setting up Flynn in a perjury trap.


The left's two big albatrosses: Biden and Pelosi

Posted: 21 May 2020 07:00 PM PDT

One has to wonder, do those on the left, including the media, actually think Joe Biden is a viable candidate for president? Do they not realize that Nancy Pelosi is as senile as Joe? Like Joe, she often slurs her words, suffers brain freezes mid-sentence, and spews gibberish. Biden is a lifelong corruptocrat, a known plagiarist, a pathological liar, and a truly mean and evil man. You can catch a glimpse of just how mean in the film about Clarence Thomas; it was Biden who grilled him mercilessly during the hearings over Anita Hill's phony allegations. Biden is a racist as well. Pelosi is a lifelong power-mad lunatic. She has allowed her own district to dissolve into a homeless camp with all the attendant problems — discarded needles, feces on the streets and sidewalks, and an ever-escalating crime wave. Smash-and-grab car burglaries occur by the minute in San Francisco, and there are no consequences for the perpetrators if caught. Like Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Pelosi and her husband are millionaires several times over; they've become rich because both have been in Congress for so many years. They all get rich on insider information. Joe Biden goes farther; we all know he used a billion dollars in U.S. aid as leverage to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired because he was investigating his son. John Kerry was in on that bit of bribery. He is as low a form of life as Biden.


Senate Passes Bill to Delist Chinese Companies From US Exchanges

Posted: 21 May 2020 06:30 PM PDT

The Senate overwhelmingly approved legislation Wednesday that could lead to Chinese companies such as Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and Baidu Inc. being barred from listing on U.S. stock exchanges amid increasingly tense relations between the world's two largest economies.

The bill, introduced by Senator John Kennedy, a Republican from Louisiana, and Chris Van Hollen, a Democrat from Maryland, was approved by unanimous consent and would require companies to certify that they are not under the control of a foreign government.

If a company can't show that it is not under such control or the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board isn't able to audit the company for three consecutive years to determine that it is not under the control of a foreign government, the company's securities would be banned from the exchanges.

"I do not want to get into a new Cold War," Kennedy said on the Senate floor, adding that he wants "China to play by the rules."

"Publicly listed companies should all be held to the same standards, and this bill makes common sense changes to level the playing field and give investors the transparency they need to make informed decisions," Van Hollen said in a statement. "I'm proud that we were able to pass it today with overwhelming bipartisan support, and I urge our House colleagues to act quickly."

Wicomico County’s Roaring Point and Cove Road beaches to reopen Friday

Posted: 21 May 2020 06:00 PM PDT

SALISBURY, Md. – Wicomico County officials will reopen Roaring Point and Cove Road beaches effective the morning of Friday, May 22.

Visitors must limit gatherings to 10 people or less and practice social distancing using guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC; https://www.cdc.gov/).

"We encourage people to get outside, but in a safe and responsible manner," said Steve Miller, director of Wicomico County Recreation, Parks & Tourism. "Public cooperation with social distancing guidelines is critical in order to keep the beaches open."

Parking is limited at both locations and park rangers will be enforcing parking rules.

Decisions made by county officials are fluid and can be changed at any time.

The Wicomico Recreation, Parks, Tourism and Civic Center department will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation through regular updates from the Wicomico County Health Department and the Department of Emergency Services. Updates will be shared with the press, as well as posted to department websites and social media outlets.

SNAP Households In Maryland Will Soon Be Able To Use Benefits Online

Posted: 21 May 2020 05:30 PM PDT

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Those who depend on SNAP benefits will soon be able to use them online.

The USDA has approved the State of Maryland's request to allow SNAP households to buy food online.

State officials are working to make sure stores such as ShopRite, Amazon and Walmart start making these benefits available online as soon as possible.

Many stores have also committed to wave delivery and services fees for SNAP households.

For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.


Trade Association: 25% Of Maryland Restaurants Likely To Permanently Close

Posted: 21 May 2020 05:00 PM PDT

BALTIMORE (WJZ) – The Restaurant Association of Maryland projects 25% of restaurants will close permanently as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.

"We're losing some longtime restaurants that have been a staple in the community," Marshall Weston, President and CEO of the Restaurant Association of Maryland, said. "This crisis has gone on much longer than anyone has anticipated and, quite frankly, restaurants are running out of money."

Weston said 45% of the state's restaurants are currently closed, either because they have not shifted to the take-out model or they are closed for good.

"I think restaurants need to know what the timeline is to reopen," Weston said. "The pressures that restaurants are going to feel during this transition process are going to be immense."

City Café in Mount Vernon and Ryleigh's Oyster in Federal Hill each announced permanent closures within the past week.


Judicial Watch finds document 'used to launch Obama administration's spy op'

Posted: 21 May 2020 04:30 PM PDT

'No wonder the DOJ and FBI resisted the public release of this infamous electronic communication'

Government watchdog Judicial Watch on Wednesday announced it has found the document that apparently started the Obama administration's "spy operation" on President Trump's 2016 campaign.

The organization said it used a Freedom of Information Act procedure to force the release of an electronic communication – generated by former FBI agent Peter Strzok.

"The redacted document details seeming third hand information that the Russian government 'had been seeking prominent members of the Donald Trump campaign in which to engage to prepare for potential post-election relations should Trump be elected U.S. president.' The document also alleges Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos, claimed to an unnamed party that 'they (the Russians) could assist the Trump campaign with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton,'" the organization reported.

The document states, "It was unclear whether he [Papadopoulos] or the Russians were referring to material acquired publicly of [sic] through other means. It was unclear how Mr. Trump's team reacted to the offer. We note the Trump team's reaction could, in the end, have little bearing of what Russia decides to do, with or without Mr. Trump's cooperation."


Trump takes 'historic' action to move pharmaceuticals out of China, back to U.S.

Posted: 21 May 2020 04:00 PM PDT

'In a way that is cost competitive with the sweatshops and pollution havens of the world'

In an "historic turning point," the Trump administration has taken bold action to bring America's pharmaceutical manufacturing back to the U.S. from China and India.

"Seeking to secure the nation's supply of critical medications, the Trump administration has signed a $354 million contract that would create the nation's first strategic stockpile of key ingredients needed to make medicines," NBC News reported. "The agreement was signed Monday with Phlow Corp., a generic drug maker based in Virginia."

White House Trade Adviser Peter Navarro, a staunch China hawk who is the mastermind behind President Donald Trump's trade war with the communist nation, said that the move "will not only help bring our essential medicines home but actually do so in a way that is cost competitive with the sweatshops and pollution havens of the world."

Read the full story ›

The day Obama triggered Obamagate

Posted: 21 May 2020 03:30 PM PDT

Exclusive: Jack Cashill cites date in 2016 when then-president began involvement in 'coup'

When the final chapter is written on Obamagate, historians will look to the April 10, 2016, as the day President Barack Obama triggered the eponymous coup.

Leading from behind as was his wont, Obama was never so far behind that he could not see what was to come. From time to time he showed his hand, starting with an April 10, 2016, appearance on a Fox News Sunday morning show with Chris Wallace.

Speaking of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's non-secured emails, Obama said what now reads like a punch line to a joke, "I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department, or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case.


Here They Come, Tourons

Posted: 21 May 2020 03:07 PM PDT

I hope you fools brought a big cooler of food and alcohol because Governor Hogan made damn sure during this holiday weekend bars and restaurants are closed for regular business. The image above was taken an hour ago. Oh, as a bonus the local Ocean City gas stations raised their prices about 20 cents per gallon overnight. 

Doctors raise alarm about health effects of continued coronavirus shutdown: 'Mass casualty incident'

Posted: 21 May 2020 03:00 PM PDT

More than 600 doctors signed onto a letter sent to President Trump Tuesday pushing him to end the "national shutdown" aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus, calling the widespread state orders keeping businesses closed and kids home fromschool a "mass casualty incident" with "exponentially growing health consequences."

The letter outlines a variety of consequences that the doctors have observed resulting from the coronavirus shutdowns, including patients missing routine checkups that could detect things like heart problems or cancer, increases in substance and alcohol abuse, and increases in financial instability that could lead to "[p]overty and financial uncertainty," which "is closely linked to poor health."

"We are alarmed at what appears to be the lack of consideration for the future health of our patients," the doctors say in their letter. "The downstream health effects ... are being massively under-estimated and under-reported. This is an order of magnitude error."


Harris Seeks Guidelines for Restaurants to Re-open

Posted: 21 May 2020 02:51 PM PDT

WASHINGTON, DC: On Thursday, May 21st, Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) sent a letter to Maryland Secretary of Health Robert Neall and Maryland Secretary of Commerce Kelly Schulz urging their departments to notify restaurant businesses of their guidelines for re-opening as soon as possible, as neighboring states have already issued such notices. This letter is attached for reference.

FOX NEWS FLASHPublished 14 hours ago Ken Starr predicts indictments will result from Durham probe, blasts Comey for 'delusion of collusion'

Posted: 21 May 2020 02:30 PM PDT

Former Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth Starr told "Bill Hemmer Reports"Wednesday that he believes the investigation by Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham into the origins of the Russia investigation will likely result in indictments of bureau officials as new information emerges.

"Based on what I know, which is obviously less than John Durham will know and probably does know right now, there will probably be indictments," Starr told host Bill Hemmer.

"I'm going to go ahead and get out and say that. I don't think any really truly major figures or household names [will be indicted]," he clarified, "but there was so much wrongdoing in the FBI at the fairly senior leadership [level] that I have a very strong sense ... indictments are issued."


CDC now says coronavirus 'does not spread easily' via contaminated surfaces

Posted: 21 May 2020 02:00 PM PDT

For those of you still wiping down groceries and other packages amid the ongoingcoronavirus pandemic, breathe a sigh of relief: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now says the novel virus "does not spread easily" from "touching surfaces or objects" — but experts warn that doesn't mean it's no longer necessary to take "practical and realistic" precautions in stopping the spread of COVID-19.

Though it's not exactly clear when, the federal health agency appears to have recently changed its guidelines from early March that simply said it "may be possible" to spread the virus from contaminated surfaces. The CDC now includes "surfaces or objects" under a section that details ways in which the coronavirus does not readily transmit.


Rich Lowry dismantles WaPo columnist Jennifer Rubin's claim that right-wing dismissal of Stacey Abrams is racist

Posted: 21 May 2020 01:30 PM PDT

National Review editor Rich Lowry had a brutal response to Washington Post columnistJennifer Rubin after she suggested that his dismissal of potential Democratic VP candidate Stacey Abrams was based on her race.

On Wednesday, Rubin penned a piece in defense of the former Georgia gubernatorial candidate titled, "Gosh, what could be behind the right's hatred of Stacey Abrams?"

"There is now a whole genre of right-wing punditry declaring, in hysterical and angry tones, that Stacey Abrams would be the worst pick in the history of vice-presidential picks. No, really," Rubin began her piece. "The people who defend their vote for President Trump, who support the most unqualified Cabinet in history and who think political experience is overrated now see a catastrophe if the former minority leader of the Georgia state House, the founder of Fair Fight and Fair Count and a rising star in the Democratic Party is picked as the Democratic vice-presidential nominee."

Rubin then pointed to a column Lowry had written in the New York Post on Monday rejecting the serious consideration of Abrams as Joe Biden's running mate.


Susan Rice’s now-infamous memo was blatant bid to cover Obama’s butt

Posted: 21 May 2020 01:00 PM PDT

Susan Rice's memo about a high-level Jan. 5, 2017, meeting plainly aimed to protect the then-national security adviser's boss, President Barack Obama — but it's backfiring spectacularly.

Rice sent the Jan. 20, 12:15 p.m., note (recently declassified) to herself at literally the last minute: President Trump was sworn in at noon that day; her administration was headed out the door.

Oh, and Rice's lawyer says she drafted it "upon the advice of the White House Counsel's Office," Fox News reports.

The point? Ostensibly, to memorialize the meeting with her, Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, FBI boss James Comey and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, following a briefing on Russian hacking.

Obama, the memo claims, stressed that "every aspect of this issue" be handled "by the book" and then "reiterated" that law enforcement proceed "by the book." Comey "affirmed" he's "proceeding 'by the book.'  " That's right: She used the term three times.


VIDEO: Healthcare Worker Repeatedly Punches Elderly Patients in Sickening Footage

Posted: 21 May 2020 12:53 PM PDT

Health care worker films himself beating up defenseless elderly patients

A viral video has circulated social media showing a healthcare worker boxing his elderly patients.

The original video, and a few adjunct bits of footage containing the same man pummeling his vulnerable patients, elicited abundant anger as social media users voiced their disgust at the cowardly act.

In the first video, the prone elderly man attempts to defend himself as the stronger, younger caretaker lays into him with blows to the head.

The man throws multiple punches at the cowering elderly man until he draws blood. He then grabs a bed sheet to wipe the blood, while muttering unintelligibly to the battered elderly man.

The clips were posted to Twitter, with an alleged identification of the man in question being made.


Civil dissent is the American answer to outrageous lockdown rules

Posted: 21 May 2020 12:30 PM PDT

Citing the Bill of Rights and the "ideals of civil disobedience," the owner of Atilis Gym in Bellmawr, NJ, defied Gov. Phil Murphy's orders by reopening on Monday. Cops "formally" notified the gym owner he was in violation of the shutdown order and then wished him "a good day." The crowd cheered. Two days later, Atilis is still open.

Civil disobedience is alive and well, even in this pandemic.

Last week, a Texas judge told salon owner Shelley Luther that if she disagreed with lockdown rules in Dallas, she should "hire a lawyer" and sue. Sorry, but most working people can't afford that. They protest instead. And disobey when laws become oppressive.

Lawyering has a place, though. In many states, business groups, churches and state representatives are suing to overturn what they claim are freedom-stifling rules imposed by autocratic governors. On Monday, an Oregon county judge struck down Gov. Kate Brown's coronavirus restrictions, ruling that her emergency powers should last only a month; after that, she needs legislative approval. Brown is appealing.

Last week, a Wisconsin court struck down Gov. Tony Evers' "safer at home" regimen, when Evers tried toextend it until the end of May. The court said 28 days of emergency powers is enough.

Expect a similar outcome in Michigan, where the Legislature is suing Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. The governor, according to a Detroit News editorial, has "declared herself the sole and absolute power in Michigan."

Although Whitmer is a Democrat, and the legislature mostly Republican, this isn't mere partisan wrangling. Lawmakers offered to compromise on lockdown rules, and she refused. At stake is "whether Michigan remains a representative democracy even in times of crisis," the Detroit News editors warn.

Also at stake is the right to earn a living. Karl Manke, a barber who reopened his shop in Owosso, Mich., two weeks ago, has been wearing a mask, washing his hands between customers and sanitizing his tools with UV light. He's taking safety seriously.


President Trump Threatens to Punish Michigan for Mailing Absentee Ballot Applications to Voters

Posted: 21 May 2020 12:00 PM PDT

President Donald Trump on Wednesday threatened to punish Michigan for mailing absentee ballot applications to all state voters ahead of the election.

"This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State," Trump wrote on Twitter. "I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!"

On Tuesday, Michigan's Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced that the state would send ballot applications — not actual absentee ballots — to 7.7 million voters in the state.

"By mailing applications, we have ensured that no Michigander has to choose between their health and their right to vote," Benson said in a statement. "Voting by mail is easy, convenient, safe, and secure, and every voter in Michigan has the right to do it."

The plan will cost $4.5 million, which the secretary of state said would come from the CARES Act. The act passed by Congress provides funding for Election Security grants.


Amazon Funding/Partners with Far-Left Hate Group Southern Poverty Law Center

Posted: 21 May 2020 11:30 AM PDT

A startling new investigation has revealed that Amazon provides charitable funding to the controversial and hyper-liberal Southern Poverty Law Center through the AmazonSmile customer giving program. Yet Amazon lets the SPLC act as a gatekeeper for the program, which means SPLC denies Amazon customers the ability to give to politically conservative organizations. As a result, organizations that promote conservative ideas are cut off from funds, while Amazon allows donations to a variety of liberal organizations that include Planned Parenthood, the Freedom from Religion Foundation, and the SPLC itself, which is the 33rd largest recipient of AmazonSmile contributions.

A watchdog organization has placed an initiative on Amazon's annual shareholder vote and is running a public petition campaign designed to end the injustice of SPLC both controlling and benefiting from the AmazonSmile program. They have placed an online petition for public signature here, with petitions sent immediately to Amazon's Board of Directors.

The National Center for Public Policy Research reviewed AmazonSmile's last filed 990 form, which is a disclosure document required of all charitable organizations. In fiscal 2018, AmazonSmile delivered some $44 million to nonprofits, by allowing customers to earmark ½ of 1% of their purchases to these groups. This makes them one of the largest grantors of such funds in America.


Trump Prepares Public Health Regulation to Stem Illegal Immigration

Posted: 21 May 2020 11:00 AM PDT

President Trump's administration is readying a public health regulation to more permanently stem the flow of illegal immigration at the United States-Mexico border, Breitbart News has learned.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials have credited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Title 42 with helping to plummet southern border crossings by 84 percent in April and giving Border Patrol agents the authority to return border crossers to their native countries within a matter of hours.

A senior DHS official told Breitbart News that an expansion of the CDC's Title 42 is on its way likely within the next week.

The expansion will come in the form of a public health regulation that continues giving federal immigration officials broad power to swiftly detain, process, and return border crossers. The original order was implemented for 30 days and has already been extended for an additional 30 days.


Harris to Continue His "Let's Safely Re-open Our Community Restaurants" Tour on Lower Shore

Posted: 21 May 2020 10:30 AM PDT

WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) announced that he will continue to visit with local restaurants on the Lower Shore that are eager and ready to safely re-open, and are capable of conducting their business with the use of outdoor dining, masks, and social distancing. Congressman Harris stated "It is vital to re-open our communities and our businesses as we approach the summer season." On Thursday, May 21st, Congressman Harris plans to visit local restaurants with outdoor seating, as the latest actions on re-opening Maryland did not allow restaurants to open for tableside service with social distancing, even for those with ample room or which provide outdoor seating. Details can be found below:

Approximately 11:15 AM
Brew River Seafood House & Dock Bar
502 West Main Street
Salisbury, MD 21801

Approximately 12 PM
Evolution Craft Brewing Co. & Public House
201 East Vine Street
Salisbury, MD 21801

Approximately 1:20 PM
Captain Tyler's Crab House
923 Spruce Street
Crisfield, MD 21817

Facebook Evicts PragerU from Normal Public Visibility

Posted: 21 May 2020 10:00 AM PDT

Facebook has buried the page of Conservative non-profit group PragerU and "reduced distribution" of its posts claiming that PragerU has engaged in "repeated sharing of false news." The decision comes on the heels of a fact check of a PragerU video about polar bears by Facebook third-party fact-checker Climate Feedback.

BREAKING:@Facebook has reduced our page reach and implemented restrictions for "repeated sharing of false news."

Facebook is using biased 3rd party fact-checkers to flag content and censor conservatives.

Is Facebook now the arbiter of truth?


— PragerU (@prageru) May 19, 2020

PragerU provided the following statement:

We recently received a notification from Facebook that our page will now have "reduced distribution and other restrictions because of repeated sharing of false news." This is due to one of our recent videos about the polar bear population – which was rated as false by a 3rd party "fact-checker" (despite us including a source to all the facts provided in the video). Despite over 3 million followers voluntarily opting in to be able to view PragerU posts in the news feed, Facebook has now decided they will not allow many of our followers to see future posts.

Unfortunately, this is just the latest in a long-running pattern of big tech companies silencing conservative speech on their platforms.


Blue Crab Survey Results; Offshore Blind and Shoreline Licensing

Posted: 21 May 2020 09:45 AM PDT

Bay Blue Crab Population Shows Healthy Spawning Stock
Annual Winter Dredge Survey Finds Normal Fluctuation

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources announced the results of the 2020 Blue Crab Winter Dredge Survey, a cooperative effort with the Virginia Institute of Marine Science that estimates the number of blue crabs in the Chesapeake Bay annually. Read more.

Maryland Offshore Blind and Shoreline Licensing Open
Applications Must Be Submitted and Postmarked by May 31

Riparian property owners, or anyone granted permission by the owner, may license their shoreline allowing them to establish offshore stationary blinds or blind sites for hunting waterfowl, and/or prevent others from hunting the shoreline at a later date. Read more.


Posted: 21 May 2020 09:44 AM PDT

It AMAZES me how a municipality can cram the living crap out of people into a public bus and make a small fortune WITHOUT social distancing but bar/restaurants will have major limitations while risking millions upon millions of dollars. We are now controlled/ruled by our government while they rake in all the money!

Which is it?

Posted: 21 May 2020 09:30 AM PDT

White Marlin Open is a GO!

Posted: 21 May 2020 09:15 AM PDT

We are excited to confirm that the 47th Annual White Marlin Open will be held as scheduled on August 3-7, 2020. We will, of course, follow government guidelines on spectator crowd size. At this time, we do not know what those restrictions will be in August.

What we do know is that our awesome participants are beyond excited to get back on the water and hunt for a million dollar marlin!!!

Get to practicing because this year's purse will be YUGE!!!

How many times do people have to be told to NOT leave things in their cars

Posted: 21 May 2020 09:00 AM PDT

Will Americans submit to a 2nd lockdown?

Posted: 21 May 2020 08:30 AM PDT

Pat Buchanan predicts the action of the people should another wave of virus sweep through

On March 24, President Donald Trump said he wanted the country and the economy "opened up and just raring to go by Easter."

Easter came and went. And Trump was mocked for being aspirational and unrealistic. Yet, with Ascension Thursday at hand, 40 days after Easter, the president seems to have been ahead of his time.

The country, as a whole, is, and has been, opening up. Sunday's New York Times reports that, for weeks now, more than two-thirds of the states have been relaxing restrictions as Trump had urged.

The reasons: weariness with the lockdown and sheltering in place, a growing belief that the worst of the pandemic is behind us and undeniably positive news from several fronts in the coronavirus war.

"New Cases in U.S. Slow," ran The New York Times top headline Sunday, adding the cautionary warning, "Posing Risks of Complacency."


Listen To This Guy!

Posted: 21 May 2020 08:00 AM PDT

Joe Biden Bragged About Nearly Being Arrested for Following ‘Lovely’ Women

Posted: 21 May 2020 07:30 AM PDT

Former Vice President Joe Biden once bragged about nearly being arrested for chasing a "lovely group of women" into an all-female dormitory in his youth.

Biden, who is now under scrutiny after facing sexual misconduct allegations from a former Senate staffer, regaled voters during a campaign swing through Athens, Ohio, in October 2008, with a story about what occurred during his last visit to their city. At the time, Biden, who was the Democrat vice presidential nominee, claimed he had journeyed to the city for a football game between his alma mater, the University of Delaware, and the local, Athens-based Ohio University sometime in 1963.


Newly released Ahmaud Arbery video shows 2017 shoplifting arrest

Posted: 21 May 2020 07:00 AM PDT

Newly released police bodycam video shows Georgia slay victim Ahmaud Arbery being handcuffed and arrested for shoplifting in 2017.

The video, dated Dec. 1, 2017, shows Arbery and three teenagers being confronted by police in the parking lot of a Walmart shopping center, according to the footage posted on YouTube on Tuesday.

"Tell me about the TV," a police officer asks.

"TV? What? We don't have any TV," Arbery, wearing shorts and a parka, responds.

"What about the 65-inch TV?" the cop says.

"Sixty-five-inch TV?" Arbery says.

"Do me a favor," the cop replies. "All of you take a seat."

"Take a seat for what?" Arbery snaps back. "I don't know nothing about no TV. … I don't steal no TV."


Pickles In Ocean City Charged With Social Distancing Violation

Posted: 21 May 2020 06:45 AM PDT

Wyoming strip clubs celebrates reopening with 'masks on, clothes off' party

Posted: 21 May 2020 06:30 AM PDT

A Wyoming strip club shut down for weeks amid the coronavirus pandemic celebrated its Friday reopening with a "masks on, clothes off" party.

The Den, located near the Wyoming-Colorado border, is one of the first strip clubs in the country to reopen during the pandemic. Its licensure as a sit-down restaurant and barallowed it to fall under the category of businesses allowed to reopen on Friday.

While establishments across the nation have been slow to reopening their doors, businesses in Wyoming are taking a more relaxed approach given the relatively small number of COVID-19 cases and deaths.

The Den's owner, Kim Chavez, told USA Today she was not totally comfortable with reopening, but felt she had no choice. Per federal law, adult-oriented businesses and performers were barred from applying for stimulus programs, including the Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program.

"We knew that once our doors closed, we were screwed until we could reopen," Chavez said. "If I'd gotten the PPP I might not have opened today. This is a risk we're taking."

The dancers are permitted to work as long as they maintain social distancing, wear protective masks, and sanitize the pole before using it, Fox 31 reported.



Trump tells governors feds 'will step in' if government disagrees with state reopening plans

Posted: 21 May 2020 06:18 AM PDT

Publishers Notes: JUST DO IT MR. TRUMP, PLEASE!

President Trump told governors on a conference call Monday that he "will step in" if the federal government disagrees with state reopening plans, as he largely expressed satisfaction with how the governors are moving to lift coronavirus restrictions in their individual states, according to a report.

Trump, whose administration last month revealed guidelines for when states should begin lifting stay-at-home orders and other social distancing measures meant to slow the spread of the virus, has vocally pushed for the rapid reopening of the economy. The president said in an interview with Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo last week that his critics want the economy to remain shuttered until the November election, calling Democrats' reluctance to lift the coronavirus measures "a political thing."

"The governors are making their decisions, and want to make their decisions, and that's the way I want it to, and we will step in if we see something going wrong, or if we disagree, and some people say that's nice, and some people say I shouldn't be doing that, but we're going to do it if we see something wrong," Trump said to the governors Monday, according to audio of the call obtained by CBS.



Dems use COVID-19 pandemic to push health care takeover agenda

Posted: 21 May 2020 06:15 AM PDT

In just a matter of months, the novel coronavirus has infected more than 4 million people worldwide, including at least 1.4 million in the United States. When it began spreading here, the primary concern was whether the disease would test the limits of our health care system, or possibly overwhelm it.

Indeed, the initial response of ordering people to shelter at home and self-quarantine was less about eradicating the virus and more about slowing its spread to limit the strain on hospitals and medical providers.

While the near-constant news coverage of the coronavirus has focused on fighting the disease itself, it has evolved into a broader discussion of our health care system overall, with Americans worried about what the pandemic means for the future — particularly if the economy doesn't recover as quickly as we hope.

Against this backdrop, the mainstream media have predictably given a platform for the left to push its political and health care agendas, particularly a government takeover of the health care system.

Before the last couple of elections, the leaders of the Democrat Party generally supported our current system of private, largely employer-based health care. The shift to universal government health care, aka "Medicare for All," was on the fringe of the left — until the last presidential election. This radical shift is now the bare minimum for all Democrats running for office.

Gretchen Whitmer in talks to become Joe Biden's VP pick

Posted: 21 May 2020 06:00 AM PDT

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has confirmed she is in talks with Joe Biden's campaign to become his running mate, as the race to join his ticket reachesan unseen fever pitch.

"I've had a conversation with some folks," Whitmer said in a Tuesday morning interview on the "Today" show.

"It was just an opening conversation and it's not something that I would call a professional formalized vetting," she added.

A rising star in the Democratic Party who has garnered national headlines through her handling of the Wolverine State's COVID-19 outbreak, Whitmer is considered one of several women on the shortlist to join Biden's ticket.

The 48-year-old governor joins Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth, who, according to a Senate colleague, was selected for an interview with the Biden camp over the role.


Tom Fitton Warns Dems Using Pandemic to Push Unsecure Vote-By-Mail ‘Free for All’

Posted: 21 May 2020 05:30 AM PDT

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton warned of efforts by the left to steal elections by pushing a vote-by-mail "free for all" amid concerns over the coronavirus.

Fitton contended that fears in the wake of the global pandemic are leading to the left's use of the virus as a "pretext" to increase absentee ballot voting, raising the alarm in a tweet posted Wednesday which included a video of his recent CPAC talk on voter fraud.

"URGENT: Leftists using pretext of the Coronavirus outbreak to push unsecure "vote by mail" free for all, no voter ID anywhere for 2020 elections. #HowtoStealAnElection" Fitton tweeted.

Voter fraud is a key "civil rights issue," Fitton told attendees at the Conservative Political Action Conference, explaining the need to clean up voter rolls.

Fitton's warning comes as Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez is pushing to expand vote-by-mail and absentee balloting amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Read More Here.

Kentucky business tells customers to 'stop listening' to 'dumbass' Dem governor, refuses to require masks

Posted: 21 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

A convenience store in Kentucky posted a sign saying "no face masks" were allowed to be worn in the store and urged customers to stop listening to the state's "dumbass" governor who said Kentuckians will have to wear masks in public as efforts to reopen the state get underway, the Lexington Herald-Leader reported.

After an angry customer complained about the store's sign, the business "clarified" the sign's intent and said no one would be denied entry for wearing a mask.
What happened?

Alvin's Kitchen in Manchester is a convenience store that also includes dining options. The store posted a sign on its front door that raised the ire of at least one potential customer Monday.

The sign, which ripped Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear while seeming to ban mask wearers, said: "No face masks allowed in store. Lower your mask or go somewhere else! Stop listening to Beshear. He's a dumbass."

Gov. Beshear said last month that as businesses begin opening in phases everyone will be required to wear masks while out in public, the Herald-Leader reported, adding, "He said if you're on a run or walk by yourself you won't have to wear one, but that you must wear one when going to the store."


Ted Cruz helps clueless liberal commentator understand why Obamagate is such a massive scandal

Posted: 21 May 2020 04:00 AM PDT

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) took to Twitter Monday to explain in clear terms to a liberal commentator why the "Obamagate" scandal is such a huge deal.

Gabriel Sherman, an opinion writer for the left-wing magazine Vanity Fair, was apparently confused about what conservatives find to be unseemly about the Obama administration's unmasking of American citizens, including retired Gen. Michael Flynn, in December 2016. Flynn, who was tapped to be President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, was surveilled in conversation with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.


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