Sabtu, 09 Mei 2020

Salisbury News

Salisbury News

A Viewer Writes: Oooh, a yard sale

Posted: 09 May 2020 09:00 PM PDT

No fire going on, so he figured he would stop and buy something, on our dime.

Why Shut Down? COVID-19 Infections Would Plummet If 80% Of Americans Just Wore Masks According To Study

Posted: 09 May 2020 08:00 PM PDT

Despite what the World Health Organization and Dr. Anthony Fauci tell you, a new study has concluded that if 80% of Americans were to wear a mask, COVID-19 infections would drop by more than 90%.

And as Vanity Fair notes, consider this;

The day before yesterday, 21 people died of COVID-19 in Japan. In the United States, 2,129 died. Comparing overall death rates for the two countries offers an even starker point of comparison with total U.S. deaths now at a staggering 76,032 and Japan's fatalities at 577. Japan's population is about 38% of the U.S., but even adjusting for population, the Japanese death rate is a mere 2% of America's.

This comes despite Japan having no lockdown, still-active subways, and many businesses that have remained open—reportedly including karaoke bars, although Japanese citizens and industries are practicing social distancing where they can. Nor have the Japanese broadly embraced contact tracing, a practice by which health authorities identify someone who has been infected and then attempt to identify everyone that person might have interacted with—and potentially infected. So how does Japan do it?

So what is Japan doing differently?

"One reason is that nearly everyone there is wearing a mask," said UC Berkeley computer scientist De Kai, the chief architect of an in-depth joint study with Hong Kong University.

Kai's study suggests that every one of us should be wearing a mask - be it homemade, surgical, scarf or bandana, like the Japanese are doing along with other (mostly East Asian) countries.


A Key Obama Meeting Was Held to Ensure FBI Russia Collusion Probe Wasn't Discovered by the Trump Administration

Posted: 09 May 2020 07:00 PM PDT

I mean, we shouldn't be too shocked about this I guess, given the scale of the anti-Trump operation executed by the Obama administration. Then-President Obama had to have known. If not, then he wasn't in control of the executive. Katie touched upon this earlier this week, noting that new documents from the Department of Justice in their motion to dismiss their case against ex-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who was the victim of an FBI plot to entrap him on perjury charges. Flynn has been vindicated, and more light is being shed on the scope of this whole operation.

The deep state does exist. They're malicious. They're ruthless. Just look at the mindset of Andrew McCabe and James Comey, who were determined to ensnare Flynn, department policy, and constitutional rights be damned. It's chilling. And now we're seeing how Obama was the starting quarterback for how to ensure the incoming Trump administration would be saddled with the Trump-Russia collusion allegations. It was coordinated chaos. Here's what Katie wrote about what the new DOJ revealed regarding this angle:

Newly released documents from the Department of Justice show President Obama informed former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates of a phone call between former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December 2016. He did so in the Oval Office.

"Yates first learned of the December 2016 calls between [LTG Michael] Flynn and [Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey] Kislyak on January 5, 2017, while in the Oval Office. Yates, along with then FBI-Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, were at the White House to brief members of the Obama Administration on the classified Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian Activities in Recent U.S Elections. President Obama was joined by his National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, and others from the National Security Council," the document states.

"After the briefing, Obama dismissed the group but asked Yates and Comey to stay behind. Obama started by saying he had 'learned of the information about Flynn' and his conversation with Kislyak about sanctions. Obama specified he did not want any additional information on the matter, but was seeking information on whether the White House should be treating Flynn any differently, given the information. At that point, Yates had no idea what the President was talking about, but figured it out based on the conversation. Yates recalled Comey mentioning the Logan Act, but can't recall if he specified there was an 'investigation,'" it continues.


TRAILER PARK ROMEO!! Tomorrow @ Caribbean Joe's Bar & Grille @ The Alamo!

Posted: 09 May 2020 06:30 PM PDT

The Mother's Day MASK - A - RAID Party!
From 12pm til 8pm! 
Cold beer, hot food, corn hole, DJ, live music
Come one come all!! Fun by the ton!!
The property is enormous! 
Join us for some West OC fun in the sun!

China Asked WHO To Delay Pandemic Announcement, Deny Human-To-Human Transmission: German Intelligence

Posted: 09 May 2020 06:00 PM PDT

German intelligence has revealed that Chinese President Xi Jinping asked World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Thebreyesus to cover up the severity of the coronavirus pandemic in January, according to Der Spiegel.

During a January 21 conversation - one week after the WHO assured the world there was 'no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission' - Xi reportedly asked Tedros not to reveal that the virus was in fact transmissible between humans, and to delay declaring that the coronavirus had become a pandemic - despite the virus qualifying as one by the WHO's own former guidelines.

And while the WHO announced on the 22nd that data collected through their own investigation "suggests that human-to-human transmission is taking place in Wuhan," which they said more analysis was required "to understand the full extent," they waited all the way until March 11 to declare the virus a pandemic.

As Brahma Chellaney of Project Syndicate wrote last month:

It is now widely recognized that China's political culture of secrecy helped to turn a local viral outbreak into the greatest global disaster of our time. Far from sounding the alarm when the new coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, the Communist Party of China (CPC) concealed the outbreak, allowing it to spread far and wide. Months later, China continues to sow doubt about the pandemic's origins and withhold potentially life-saving data.

In mid-January, the body tweeted that investigations by Chinese authorities had found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the virus. Taiwan's December 31 warning that such transmission was likely happening in Wuhan was ignored by the WHO, even though the information had been enough to convince the Taiwanese authorities – which may have better intelligence on China than anyone else – to institute preventive measures at home before any other country, including China.

The WHO's persistent publicizing of China's narrative lulled other countries into a dangerous complacency, delaying their responses by weeks. In fact, the WHO actively discouraged action. On January 10, with Wuhan gripped by the outbreak, the WHO said that it did "not recommend any specific health measures for travelers to and from Wuhan," adding that "entry screening offers little benefit." It also advised "against the application of any travel or trade restrictions on China."

Even after China's most famous pulmonologist, Zhong Nanshan, confirmed human-to-human transmission on January 20, the WHO continued to undermine effective responses by downplaying the risks of asymptomatic transmission and discouraging widespread testing. Meanwhile, China was hoarding personal protective equipment – scaling back exports of Chinese-made PPE and other medical gear and importing the rest of the world's supply. In the final week of January, the country imported 56 million respirators and masks, according to official data.


Democrats propose virus aid to send $2,000 to Americans each month

Posted: 09 May 2020 05:30 PM PDT

Democrat senators have released plans for a coronavirus relief package to send $2,000 to each American every month until after the pandemic is over.

Senators Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders and Ed Markey introduced a bill Friday to send a direct payment of $2,000 each month to people who make less than $120,000, as record job losses have left millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet.

Unemployment hit historic highs this week, with the US economy losing a staggering 20.5 million jobs in April - the steepest plunge since the Great Depression.

The Monthly Economic Crisis Support Act put forward by the three Democrats aims to expand on the $1,200 stimulus checks sent to Americans as part of March's $2 trillion CARES Act, which many say has not gone far enough in supporting households ravaged by the economic toll of the pandemic.


Pennsylvania County Rips Governor’s Order Barring Businesses from Reopening

Posted: 09 May 2020 05:00 PM PDT

Commissioner Chairman Dan Camp of Pennsylvania's Beaver County on Friday slammed Gov. Tom Wolf (D) over his order excluding the county from moving into the next phase of reopening.

On Friday, 24 counties moved from Wolf's "red" phase to "yellow," allowing in-store retail operations but barring bars and restaurants from offering dine-in services and requiring salons, barbershops, theaters, and fitness centers to remained closed. Counties that moved to the "yellow" phase on Friday include Bradford, Cameron, Centre, Clarion, Clearfield, Clinton, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, Lawrence, Lycoming, McKean, Mercer, Montour, Northumberland, Potter, Snyder, Sullivan, Tioga, Union, Venango, and Warren.


Sen. Pat Toomey Calls for Reopening America Faster: ‘Danger’ of Coronavirus to Most Americans Overstated

Posted: 09 May 2020 04:30 PM PDT

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Friday that American political leaders are "overstating the danger" of coronavirus to most Americans while "underestimating" the economic "carnage" that lockdowns nationwide are causing.

Toomey, a key U.S. senator from a Rust Belt battleground state, conducted this interview with Breitbart News after rolling out a plan to much more quickly reopen Pennsylvania than the plan the state's Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf has begun. Toomey, a widely respected Republican who serves alongside a Democrat, Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), is not known for making outlandish claims so his statements here that the panic driving policy decisions around the country instead of science—which shows the disease is much less severe than originally thought—are a huge step for the country as the conventional wisdom behind the lockdowns nationwide is challenged ever so more. He is the first U.S. senator to offer such criticism of the conventional wisdom that keeps much of the country—and much of Pennsylvania—in a state of perpetual pseudo-lockdown limbo. Toomey in recent days hosted a roundtable with medical and economic experts presenting for U.S. senators actual data about the virus, bringing together top medical and scientific officials from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)—Pennsylvania's largest hospital system—and Stanford University, Duke University, and New York University.


Chicago Murder Rate Soars Despite Stay-At-Home Orders, Activists Blame "Lockdown Segregation"

Posted: 09 May 2020 04:00 PM PDT

Despite the pandemic and strict stay-at-home orders, one would naturally assume violent crime in Chicago's inner cities would subside. But that was not the case in April, according to a new report via AP News, which said, "the city's most deprived neighborhoods are still echoing to the sound of deadly gunfire and raucous partying."

Homicides in America's inner cities are cyclical. As the weather improves and daily temperature highs increase, everyone comes outside and hangs out in the streets. Many low-income folks have limited respect for government and law enforcement, so implementing social distancing measures have been challenging for Chicago officials. Drug dealers are still going to hustle on the corner, though some now wear masks and gloves.


Tara Reade: 'I'm a Poster Child as to Why a Woman Wouldn't Come Forward'

Posted: 09 May 2020 03:30 PM PDT

The "believe women" crowd has been busy smearing, embarrassing, and ignoring Tara Reade the past few weeks, but hopefully they'll find time to watch the full interview with Tara Reade that Megyn Kelly just released.

At the end of the interview, Kelly asked Reade how she would respond to those skeptical of Reade's claim that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her since no other woman has come forward with such a serious accusation against the former vice president.

"I say I think I'm a poster child as to why a woman wouldn't come forward, aren't I?" Reade responded. "If you've been watching any of the social media or the news and seeing how I've been attacked basically on everything about me, it's pretty obvious that if you did have a story to come forward with about Joe Biden, it'd. be pretty daunting, wouldn't it?"

Despite the attacks from so-called advocates of women, Reade says the experience has so far been freeing.

"Even all the smears, it's like ok, bring everything out ... talk terrible things about me. Say ... 'my bankruptcy was posted.' And I want people to know, don't be ashamed if you're poor. Don't be ashamed if your life is messy. That's ridiculous. You should be able to talk about your life. We all have problems, and no one is perfect," Reade said.


San Antonio passes resolution declaring 'Chinese virus' hate speech

Posted: 09 May 2020 03:00 PM PDT

The term Chinese virus has been labelled hate speech by San Antonio's city council.

Mayor Ron Nirenberg, who put forward the now-passed resolution, blamed the use of the terms Chinese virus and Kung Fu virus for a rise in hate speech during the course of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Texas city will now ask its citizens to 'report any such antisemitic, discriminatory or racist incidents to the proper authorities for investigation', according to San Antonio's WOAI-TV.

US senator Ted Cruz blasted the decision as 'nuts'. He added that the council were acting like 'a lefty college faculty lounge'.

In a tweet on Thursday he wrote: 'This is NUTS. SA City Council behaving like a lefty college faculty lounge, triggered by Chick-fil-A & the words "Wuhan virus".



Posted: 09 May 2020 02:30 PM PDT

reck·on·ing (noun) - the avenging or punishing of past mistakes or misdeeds.

When one writes a regular opinion column, one is often faced with multiple major stories in the news that deserve further analysis and context that inspire thought and even passion from one's readers. Today, those of us in this noble trade are faced with a serious quandary: Where to begin?

- Do we celebrate the partial justice delivered to American patriot Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as the Justice Department properly withdrew criminal charges against him?

- Do we focus on the nefarious actions of the Comey FBI and Lynch Justice Department under Barack Obama that led to the vengeful vendetta against the general?

- Do we discuss the duplicity and corruption of the Mueller investigators in using the FBI's dirty work to threaten Flynn's family and basically coerce a false guilty plea from him?

- Do we pivot to the other major news item of the day and delve into the voluminous House Intel testimony that was finally released thanks to the herculean efforts of Acting ODNI Richard Grenell?

- Do we explain how Rep. Adam Schiff has been fully exposed as the lying, defamatory charlatan that he truly is as the testimony proves that he never saw the direct evidence proving Trump/Russia collusion as he has claimed for the past several years?

You see the challenge.

If one is to take the proverbial 35,000-foot view of all these stories and focuses one's eyes as if they are trying to discover the 3-D picture in one of those tacky 90s "magic eye" pictures, one image clearly appears.


Scientific Research Finds That Closing Borders Is Most Effective Way Of Combatting COVID-19

Posted: 09 May 2020 02:00 PM PDT

Scientists in Brazil have found that the countries most affected by the coronavirus spread are the ones who continued to allow unrestricted travel across their borders, prompting further arguments that the most effective method of preventing the spread is tighter frontier controls.

The research, carried out by the Federal University of Bahia in Salvador, suggests that screening and quarantining those coming into countries from outside could have been "a cheap solution for humanity".

The researchers based their analysis on records of 7,834 airports, using online flight databases documenting 67,600 transport routes in 65 countries.

The scientists factored in a number of forces, including climate, socioeconomic factors, as well economic and air transport, in an attempt to ascertain how the size of outbreaks was affected in 65 countries which had more than 100 cases.

The overwhelming factor was found to be air travel, leading to a conclusion that it is "the main explanation for the growth rate of COVID-19."

The study notes that "The 2019 – 2020 world spread of COVID-19 highlights that improvements and testing of board control measures (i.e. screening associated with fast testing and quarantine of infected travellers) might be a cheap solution for humanity in comparison to health systems breakdowns and unprecedented global economic crises that the spread of infectious disease can cause."

The data tallies with the fact that the US and the UK, which have the first and third highest air travel globally, have also suffered the most COVID-19 deaths with 74,600 and 30,615, respectively so far.

The US did not close its airports until late March, while Britain's borders have remained completely open with little to no testing or quarantining of incoming travellers happening at all.


Tucker Carlson Calls On Adam Schiff To Resign Over Russiagate Hoax (VIDEO)

Posted: 09 May 2020 01:30 PM PDT

Now that the transcripts have been released from the Russia investigation have been released, everyone can finally see what many suspected for years.

Adam Schiff had nothing.

He wasted the entire country's time for three years pushing a lie.

Last night on his show, Tucker Carlson said that Adam Schiff should resign over this.


EPIC! Matt Gaetz Tosses Trey Gowdy Under the Bus with Paul Ryan for Blocking GOP Subpoenas of Deep State Operatives (VIDEO)

Posted: 09 May 2020 01:00 PM PDT

Rep. Matt Gaetz, attorney-author Alan Dershowitz and investigative journalist John Solomon joined Sean Hannity Friday night to discuss the latest House Intelligence Committee document release that proves the Obama administration had nothing on Trump and Russia. It was all a hoax and they pushed forward with their investigations anyway.

During the segment Rep. Gaetz tossed former Rep. Trey Gowdy under the bus for blocking the subpoenas of deep state operatives.

Matt Gaetz: Devin Nunes is a patriot. And I'm glad you went through Trey Gowdy's exquisite questions in 2017 to these corrupt officials. I guess my questions Sean would be why was it then in late May in 2018 that Trey Gowdy went on Martha MacCallum's show and said the FBI did exactly as all of our fellow Americans would have wanted them to do and that it had nothing to do with Donald Trump. Both of those things have now been proven to be untrue and it seems that Gowdy's brilliant lawyering back in 2017 that we're only able to see now proves those statements untrue. The number one question I get asked from Americans is why no one has gone to jail and is held accountable. Unfortunately, when Nunes and Meadows and Jordan and I wanted subpoena power it was Paul Ryan and Trey Gowdy that wouldn't give us that subpoena power. Democrats sent out hundreds of subpoenas. When we had control and could have run this to ground in 2017 we didn't send out a single subpoena. Not one. And that's a failure of our Republican leadership.

Good for Matt Gaetz!


What A Sociopath! Crooked Ilhan Omar Just Got Caught Raising Money for a Minnesota Food Store and Pocketing the Cash

Posted: 09 May 2020 12:30 PM PDT

She's only been in Congress for one term and already this woman has been caught in numerous scandals including immigration fraud, marrying her brother and funneling money into her lover's consulting firm!

Now we can add one more crime to the list.
Via David Steinberg.

Ilhan Omar asked for donations this week to help feed Minnesota Food Store.


THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING! — Testimony Reveals Deep State Spy Joseph Mifsud Is Member of the Clinton Foundation

Posted: 09 May 2020 12:00 PM PDT

Joseph Mifsud is connected to the Obama Spygate Scandal after presumably setting up George Papadopoulos and General Flynn in London.

We knew he was close to Hillary Clinton and even dined with her in 2016.

Now we know Mifsud was a member of the Clinton Foundation.

In March 23 we reported that the Mueller gang blamed George Papadopoulos for withholding information that ended up preventing the government from investigating Mifsud leading to their letting him go.

On page 193 of the Mueller report, the Mueller gang claimed that Popadopoulus's false statements impeded the FBI's investigation into Joseph Mifsud who was interviewed in a hotel lobby a month later on February 10, 2017. The Mueller gang next referred to the Papadopoulos case rather than an FBI 302 in their report. This happens for Mifsud even though for everybody else, there is an FBI 302 created with a description of what was said to the FBI. In fact, the Mueller report never references any FBI302 for Mifsud. And it gets even more interesting….


Whitney: Sweden Is The Model

Posted: 09 May 2020 11:30 AM PDT

At present, there is no vaccine for the coronavirus. That means that one of the two paths to immunity is blocked. The other path is"herd immunity," in which a critical mass of infection occurs in lower-risk populations that ultimately thwarts transmission.

Herd immunity is the only path that is currently available. Let that sink in for a minute. The only way our species can effectively resist the infection is through the development of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells. In other words, the only way we can lick this thing is by the majority of the population getting the infection and thereby developing immunity to future outbreaks.

That being the case, one would assume that the government's policy would try to achieve herd immunity in the least painful way possible.

(Young, low-risk people should go back to work if they so choose.)

But that is not the government's policy, in fact, the government's policy is the exact opposite. US policy encourages people to remain at home and self quarantine until the government decides to lift the lockdown and allow some people to return to work. This policy assumes that the infection will have vanished by then, which of course, is extremely unlikely. The more probable outcome is that– when people return to work– there will be another surge in cases and another spike in deaths. We will have shifted the curve to a future date without having flattened it. We will have inflicted catastrophic damage on the economy and gained nothing. This is an idiotic policy that goes nowhere.

After 6 weeks of this nonsense, many people are getting fed-up and demanding that the lockdowns be ended. In response to the public outcry, many governors are planning to restart their economies and lift the restrictions. What this means, is that, after wasting a month and half on a failed strategy, many states are ready to follow in Sweden's footsteps with one critical difference, they're not going to have a team of crack epidemiologists carefully monitoring their social interactions to see if a wave of new Covid cases is going to overwhelm the health care system. That means that things could get out of hand fast, and I expect they will. As we said in last week's column, the lockdowns must be lifted gradually, that is crucial.

"You have to step down the ladder one rung at a time", says Senior Swedish epidemiologist and former Chief Scientist of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Johan Giesecke. In other words, slowly ease up on the restrictions and gradually allow people to get back to work. That is the best way forward.

There is also the question of whether herd immunity will be sufficient to fight off reinfection. This question was posed to Giesecke in a recent interview in which he was asked:

"Why are you gambling that herd immunity will protect your people from re-infection?"

Giesecke answered, 

Obama blasts Trump's handling of coronavirus pandemic as 'an absolute chaotic disaster' and blames the president for America being more 'selfish, tribal, and divided' in leaked call

Posted: 09 May 2020 11:00 AM PDT

The Trump administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been an 'absolute chaotic disaster,' former President Barack Obama said on Friday.

President Trump's predecessor blamed the current occupant of the Oval Office and his allies for exacerbating 'tribal' tensions around the country, which he says has hampered the effort to reduce total number of cases nationwide.

Audio of the web call in which Obama spoke was obtained by Yahoo News.

'What we're fighting against is these long-term trends in which being selfish, being tribal, being divided, and seeing others as an enemy - that has become a stronger impulse in American life,' the president said.

'And by the way, we're seeing that internationally as well.

'It's part of the reason why the response to this global crisis has been so anemic and spotty.


World's 'oldest man' celebrates his 116th birthday more than 100 years after Spanish flu epidemic killed his sister

Posted: 09 May 2020 10:30 AM PDT

The unofficial 'world's oldest man' has celebrated his 116th birthday in the midst of a global pandemic - more than a hundred years after the Spanish Flu killed his sister.

Centenarian Fredie Blom was born on May 8, 1904, in Adelaide near the Great Winterberg mountain range of South Africa's Eastern Cape province.

In 1918, when he was 14 years old, his sister died from the deadly Spanish Flu and Mr Blom recalled having to sleep outside on a haystack to avoid getting the disease. It killed 300,000 people in the country.

Mr Blom said the worst thing about Covid-19 was the nationwide ban on cigarette sales. His neighbour, Gairoenesa Michael, revealed Mr Blom struggled to understand the coronavirus pandemic.


11 Secret Service members test positive for COVID-19 and 23 recovered

Posted: 09 May 2020 10:00 AM PDT

Eleven members of the United States Secret Service have recently tested positive for COVID-19 while 23 others have recovered from the illness caused by the novelcoronavirus, it has been reported, as the pathogen continues to circulate in and around the White House.

Some 60 employees of the agency charged with protecting President Trump and other senior government officials are currently in quarantine due to the outbreak, according to Department of Homeland Security documents obtained by Yahoo News.

The current active cases of COVID-19 were reported as of Thursday.

It is not known if any of the infected employees were in close contact with Trump or Vice President Mike Pence.


Free Speech Alliance: Facebook Oversight Board Is Packed With Liberals

Posted: 09 May 2020 09:30 AM PDT

RESTON, VA – The Free Speech Alliance (FSA), a coalition of more than 60 conservative organizations, released the following statement Thursday about Facebook's new Oversight Board and efforts to decide what content should be taken down from the site.

The FSA declared, "Conservatives warned from the start that any new oversight mechanism was fraught with danger. Our fears were well founded. This new board will damage Facebook more than it can imagine."

[Screen shot at right is from Facebook's video on the oversight board.]

Here is the statement in full:

While leftist organizations savaged him, we supported CEO Mark Zuckerberg when he talked about making Facebook a marketplace of ideas and spoke forcefully saying the company "must continue to stand for free expression."

Yet leftist forces within and outside of Facebook have condemned him for this, agitating for the company to become an arbiter of what is, and isn't truth; and therefore what should and should not be presented on Facebook. Facebook wants the public to believe that its new Oversight Board will help solve the problems "about what content to take down or leave up."

Conservatives warned from the start that any new oversight mechanism was fraught with danger. Our fears were well founded. This new board will damage Facebook more than it can imagine.

We had cautioned that the oversight would be too international and unable or unwilling to embrace America's 1st Amendment ideals of free speech, while embracing an internationalist construct pleasing to the radical left and likely to make Facebook's restrictive content policies even worse.

And that's precisely what the company delivered. The new Oversight Board announced itself with a New York Times op-ed from the four co-chairs. Only one of the four, Stanford Law School Prof. Michael McConnell, is at all conservative. And not as strong as many would like.


SBY MSP Traffic Enforcement

Posted: 09 May 2020 09:00 AM PDT

Bring Mom To Caribbean Joe's Mask-A-Raid Day Sunday

Posted: 09 May 2020 07:54 AM PDT

We will swing my doors at noon to provide a day of fun while creating a healthy environment for everyone to enjoy carry out food, (burgers) and carry out liquor. I am setting up multiple picnic tables outside for proper social distancing should you choose to stick around and enjoy the band Trailer Park Romeo. Get out of the house, bring a mask, (if you so choose) and reunite with old friends, it's been entirely too long.

Ask about our new engineering plans for our immediate future. 

We want to create the perfect COVID-19 friendly bar/restaurant in which we will hopefully have THREE outdoor bars. Until this whole pandemic is over I will close the inside bar this summer as it will be far too tight inside for safe distancing.

We've been thinking out of the box and even though times are tight we want to face this unfortunate situation head on responsibly. 

So come visit Dawn the Bartender tomorrow and show Mom a fun day, (for once) at Caribbean Joe's. Ice Cold carry out beer, just like it used to be. See You There!!!

I'll add, it's important all of you understand how things work in Worcester County. I'm hearing about people being able to go to local bars and buying a margarita or an orange crush as a carry out drink, this is ILLEGAL. ALL carry out liquor has to be in a factory sealed container. It should also be known that in Worcester County, just because Hogan said we can do carry out during these crazy times DOES NOT mean you can actually do so in Worcester County. We had to file/apply for a temporary carry out license and get approved by the liquor board. What we are doing is perfectly legal. 

Little Richard dead at 87: Rock music legend behind Good Golly Miss Molly passes away

Posted: 09 May 2020 08:02 AM PDT

Rock music legend Little Richard has died at the age of 87, his family have confirmed.

The star, whose hits included Tutti Frutti, Long Tall Sally, and Good Golly Miss Molly, inspired a generation of musicians.

His death was confirmed by his son Danny Penniman, Rolling Stone said. His cause of death has not been revealed.


Hospital Medical Chief Calls for Re-opening: We ‘Never Surged’ with Coronavirus

Posted: 09 May 2020 07:00 AM PDT

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's (UPMC) Chief Medical Officer Dr. Steven Shapiro on Wednesday called for Pennsylvania to re-open, laying out statistics showing that the coronavirus pandemic did not overwhelm hospitals in the UPMC system and explaining that "this is a disease of the elderly, sick and poor" and warning that "extended social isolation" cannot continue.

Dr. Shapiro issued the remarks during a round table discussion with Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) detailing the experiences and findings gleaned from the UPMC hospital system's battle with the virus.

Shapiro explained that they took steps to prepare for a surge in coronavirus patients by "radically" transforming their hospital operations "to create a safe environment for patients and staff," delaying non-urgent surgeries, and ramping up telemedicine "38-fold."

While they saw a "steady stream" of patients, a surge never came to fruition. In fact, during the peak, coronavirus patients occupied just two percent of their 5,500 hospital beds and 48 of their 750 available ventilators.

More here

I'll Keep My Doors Closed At Caribbean Joe's Before You Ever See Something Like This!

Posted: 09 May 2020 06:30 AM PDT

Feinstein’s Kavanaugh Comments Come Back To Bite Her

Posted: 09 May 2020 06:00 AM PDT

Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA) is facing blowback in response to her attempt to dismiss the sexual assault allegations brought against Joe Biden by his former Senate staffer Tara Reade — particularly in light of Feinstein's stance on the uncorroborated allegations against Brett Kavanaugh and the senator's declaration that victims "must be able to come forward only when they are ready."

As reported by CNN Senior Congressional Correspondent Manu Raju on Thursday, asked about the Democrats' apparent "double standard" in their response to Reade's allegations that Biden forced himself on her and penetrated her with his fingers in 1993, a claim for which there is some corroborating evidence, and Christine Blasey Ford's allegation against Kavanaugh, for which there is no corroborating evidence, Feinstein insisted that the situation is "totally different" and not "comparable."

"Kavanuagh was under the harshest inspection that we give people over a substantial period of time," said Feinstein, as reported by Raju.

"And I don't know this person at all who has made the allegations," the senator added. "She came out of nowhere. Where has she been all these years? He was Vice President."


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