Minggu, 24 Mei 2020

Salisbury News

Salisbury News

Maryland COVID-19 Data 5-24-2020

Posted: 24 May 2020 12:30 PM PDT

COVID-19 Statistics in Maryland

Number of confirmed cases : 46,313
Number of negative test results : 194,049
Number of confirmed deaths : 2,162
Number of probable deaths : 115
Currently hospitalized : 1,290
Acute care : 787
Intensive care : 503
Ever hospitalized : 7,939
Released from isolation : 3,319
Cases and Deaths Data Breakdown:
Parenthesis = Confirmed death, laboratory-confirmed positive COVID-19 test result 
Asterisk = Probable death, death certificate lists COVID-19 as the cause of death but not yet confirmed by a laboratory test
NH = Non-Hispanic
By County
Anne Arundel3,307(145)8*
Baltimore City4,782(222)9*
Baltimore County5,373(285)15*


Prince George's13,521(468)22*
Queen Anne's146(12)
St. Mary's393(14)
Data not available
By Age Range and Gender

Data not available
By Race and Ethnicity
African-American (NH)13,762(899)37*
Asian (NH)889(81)6*
White (NH)9,232(898)59*
Other (NH)2,272(28)
Data not available8,775(65)6*

****A new, interactive map of COVID-19 testing sites is now available. Users can find nearby testing locations and learn more about their hours and appointment policies. More sites will be added in the weeks to come.


Hypocrisy On Display

Posted: 24 May 2020 05:05 AM PDT

Glad to see Virginia Governor leading by example and practicing all those safety regulations! Clearly the whole virus scare is a hoax. 

The Week In Review

Posted: 24 May 2020 05:01 AM PDT

The below posts with today's date were the most 
popular posts last week.

Pickles In Ocean City Charged With Social Distancing Violation

Posted: 24 May 2020 07:20 AM PDT

UPDATE from Justin: It was a warning and it wasn't for people on the porch it was for people on the sidewalk.

Molly Likovich's latest twitter rant, one for the ages...

Posted: 24 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

Trump has committed treason, violated international human rights laws, violated the Geneva convention & now is not only letting a plague kill his country's citizens but actively trying to kill those of us in blue states by trying to STEAL test kits. He is a rapist. A racist-


Salisbury City Councilman Resigns Md. GOP Central Committee Post; Intends to Leave Republican Party

Posted: 24 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

Boda resigns from Maryland GOP, Republican Party

The vice president of the Salisbury City Council, a Republican, resigned Saturday from theWicomico County Republican Central Committee and the Maryland Republican Party.

Muir Boda, now the former vice-chair of the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee, emailed his resignation letter to his local Republican central committee shortly after the Maryland Republican Party concluded its Saturday convention.

"So, effective Sunday, May 17, 2020, I am resigning from the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee and the Maryland Republican Party," Boda wrote.
Read Muir Boda's Resignation Letter.

"Over the course of the past month or so, it has been clear that the Maryland Republican Party is no longer a unified organization or representative of where I stand politically," Boda wrote.

"This is a road I can no longer travel politically."
State GOP Chairman takes punitive action

Boda pointed to the Maryland Republican Party's intensifying internal dysfunction as a reason for his immediate departure.

He coupled that with "certain actions that were taken against members of our party, specifically 1st Vice-Chair Brandon Cooper and 2nd Vice-Chair Tony Campbell."

Cooper and Campbell are elected members of the state GOP's executive committee who have been threatened and politically targeted by state Republican Party Chairman Dirk Haire in recent weeks.

Haire stripped Cooper of his co-chairmanship with the Maryland Black Republican Council after Cooper publicly endorsed former Maryland Republican Party Chairwoman Diana Waterman over incumbent Nicolee Ambrose in the contentious state Republican National Committeewoman race.

After signing onto a letter that called for Haire to reinstate Bowie City Councilwoman Roxy Ndebumadu's invitation to address state GOP convention attendees this spring, Campbell said Haire called him, cursed him out and threatened him.

Haire is also targeting Maryland Republican Party Third Vice-Chair Matthew Adams, who is dying of terminal cancer, with a cease and desist letter, written by President Donald J. Trump's presidential re-election campaign.

Haire forwarded Adams the letter written by the Trump campaign on May 1.

Mr. Haire has since accused Adams of intentionally leaking internal Party information to the Maryland press as well as illegally operating a Maryland for Trump Facebook page and website.

All of this was enough for Boda to call it quits.

"Though I personally supported and voted for Nicolee Ambrose for National Committeewoman, I was extremely disappointed in the treatment of those who supported Diana Waterman," Boda wrote.

"Those actions were not representative of Republican values and further divided our party and disenfranchised those participating in the process."

Ambrose defeated Waterman yesterday at the Party's first-ever virtual convention.

Ms. Ambrose will serve another four-year-year term representing the Maryland Republican Party at the Republican National Committee and at the upcoming Republican National Convention this summer.


BREAKING LOCAL NEWS: OC Bars/Restaurants Will Remain Closed To Normal Business Till May 29th

Posted: 24 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

While I have been diligently working with Eastern Shore Elected Officials hoping to open all bars and restaurants for outdoor dining I received word this morning this will not happen until at least the 29th. 

I have to give credit to these elected officials as well as our Worcester County States Attorney, Liquor Board and Health Department. They have made every attempt to help us in every way possible but Governor Hogan refuses to work together to reopen Ocean City. Yes, we ALL head Hogan say he will leave it up to local leaders but that just wasn't true at all. 

I was told this morning that Pickles got a $5,000.00 "social distancing fine" for individuals using their porch area drinking. So THINK about it. We are being policed and IF we open our doors there's a strong possibility we could ALL get similar fines and get punished. It's just not worth it. Just imagine we get a bunch of people come in and now we have to tell them, YOU'RE TOO CLOSE, SEPARATE OR LEAVE! No way! For me, it's not worth opening, especially with a 30 to 50% occupancy.

President Trump, WE NEED YOU NOW to override Governor Hogan!

Maryland bar owner claims employees won't return to work because they get more money from coronavirus relief aid - as unemployment rate hits 14.7%

Posted: 24 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

A bar owner in Maryland said her employees won't come back to work because they make more money from coronavirus relief aid.

In the days leading up to Maryland's reopening, Melony Wagner hoped to unlock the doors to Charles Village Pub and Patio in Baltimore.

But she told WBFF her staffers who are collecting unemployment aid aren't eager to come back to work.

'They don't want to because it's less money. I'm not even angry or upset, I understand,' said Wagner.

'Why would you want to come back and actually work and make half as much money and you're working as you can get to stay home?'


Former 47 ABC News Employee Speaks Out

Posted: 24 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

A Viewer Writes: Are People Really That Dumb?

Posted: 24 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

Are people really that dumb to think Jake Day has a say with the Shorebirds Stadium and post it on Facebook? Last time I checked the stadium was owned by Wicomico County and not the City of Salisbury! Jake Day doesn't even have a say with the County Schools either. Wake up, people!

Pickles Owner Responds To Citation From Health Department

Posted: 24 May 2020 07:21 AM PDT

Brittney said...

Just to set the record straight hi I am Brittney Acita and my husband and I own and operate Pickles Pub. We want to set the record straight on the article that's out there. We did not have anyone on our porch drinking, we did not receive a fine. We received a warning for people standing in line not social distancing on the public sidewalk. We are very aware that our local government is fighting hard for its businesses and our police force is working with everyone. For this we are so thankful and this is why we love our town. We do however find warnings and tickets for issues like this over the top. Our staff is doing their best to keep people distanced from each other but with limited income and limited staff and the public having their own opinion on everything it's very difficult to enforce. We are all about restaurants banding together peacefully to get the ball rolling on reopening. The people and government need to hear our voices to see the struggle we are going through. It's devastating to so many small businesses. While we are not undermining the deaths covid has caused we are stressing that restaurants need to reopen. Thank you hope to see you at the pub one day soon!

Publishers Notes: Thank You Brittney! I have been working very closely with ALL of our elected officials who truly feel our pain and are doing everything they can to help get us reopened. HOWEVER, the brick wall each and every one of them are facing is that Governor Hogan has absolutely refused to respond to any of them. 

I firmly agree with your above message. First of all, the warning you received is way over the top. It is my understanding tat someone drove by your place, saw too many people, (in her opinion) and called it in. MY BIG concern is that when and if we are allowed to open and a group of customers refuse to social distance, WE BUSINESS OWNERS will get fined, not the individuals. And even IF they fined individuals, how's that going to hurt businesses! People won't come back. Frankly, it's NOT worth the risk of reopening. 

Then there's the question, will we be told 30%, 50% capacity? Is it even worth opening at those numbers? Will we have to raise our prices 50% to 70% to break even for what's left of the summer season? OK, so get this. This morning I priced out ground beef and this is the honest to God truth. While supplies are limited my distributor told me I'd be paying almost $5.00 A POUND! That's wholesale! 

Our government is making it truly impossible to make it. Gas has gone up 20 cents a gallon in the past few days, yet oil is at an all time low for this generation. I could sell sand from the beach easier then I could reopen my restaurant/bar. With the gestapo sneaking around with citations in hand and fining us $5,000.00, I'd rather remain closed and I'm so sorry you had to experience what you did.  Hopefully the press you received helped put your business on the map and I truly believe when you do open you'll be at full capacity. 

UPDATE from Justin: It was a warning and it wasn't for people on the porch it was for people on the sidewalk.

WH portraits of the Obamas won't be unveiled until Trump leaves office

Posted: 24 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

Barack and Michelle Obama's presidential and first lady portraits will not be unveiled and hung in the White House until Donald Trump is out of office, a Tuesday morning report revealed.

The long-held tradition of current presidents attending the unveiling ceremony of the portraits of their predecessors and their wives during their first term will be skipped during this presidency due to the bitter feud between Trump and Obama, people familiar with the matter told NBC News.

If Trump wins a second term in November, Obama may have to wait until 2025 to have his portrait revealed and displayed in the White House among every U.S. president before him.

Obama, people familiar with the matter said, has no interest in participating in the post-presidency tradition as long as Trump is in office – and Trump has no qualms with snubbing a presidential custom.


Here They Come, Tourons

Posted: 24 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

I hope you fools brought a big cooler of food and alcohol because Governor Hogan made damn sure during this holiday weekend bars and restaurants are closed for regular business. The image above was taken an hour ago. Oh, as a bonus the local Ocean City gas stations raised their prices about 20 cents per gallon overnight. 

A Viewer Writes: Are we suppose to give them a reward for neglecting their jobs

Posted: 24 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

"Are we suppose to give them a reward for neglecting their jobs or one for actually finally doing them?" 

Happy #transformationalthursday Salisbury! This week we are featuring work done by field operations teams to clear overgrowth surrounding the South Park Drive staircase in the City Park!

Clearing the vines and plants growing around and on the staircase not only helps to inhibit overgrowth, but promotes safety by making sure the staircase is clear, and the railings are graspable! Shout out to field operations for their beautiful work!

Grown Ups?

Posted: 24 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

From diapers to Depends. It just amazes me what our government is forcing some to do. I promise, we won't do this to you. We will treat you like adults and allow you your dignity. Hopefully we'll see you at Caribbean Joe's this weekend UNLESS stuff like this is what government demands. 


Posted: 24 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

Salisbury – Mayor Jake Day is pleased to announce NEXT STEP, a multi-faceted plan to provide immediate relief for citizens affected by the COVID-19 crisis, as well as protection and assistance for at-risk residents, and help for small businesses transitioning from crisis management to recovery.
"In collaboration and cooperation with the Salisbury City Council, Next Step ensures that no one is forgotten in the recovery process. The truth is that this crisis has affected different sectors and different populations unevenly – not just from a health perspective, but economically as well," said the Mayor. "NEXT STEP is an omnibus package of measures which will provide relief and protection for our citizens now, and establish longer-term solutions to some of the new challenges we face as we try to get the economy back on track."
Comprised of 12 individual initiatives, NEXT STEP uses the allocation and distribution of grant funds, legislative action, and executive action to match the appropriate relief to the need at-hand. First responders, renters, small business owners, vulnerable populations, workers, non-native-English speakers, taxpayers, rate payers, restaurateurs, frontline workers, and worshippers are identified for relief and help based upon needs specific to each group.
Relief for First Responders
· Permanent 100% City Property Tax Credit for City of Salisbury First Responders (Volunteer Firefighters, Career Firefighters and Police Officers)
Relief for Renters
· $105,000 for rental assistance for those whose wages have been affected
· Order outlawing rent increases during the state of emergency
· Order requiring refund of any rent increase that has been charged since the start of the state of emergency
· Order requiring every landlord to distribute within 5 days to every renter a Letter from the City on the renter's right to remain in their housing unit until a court order removes them
Relief for Small Business Owners
· $87,000 for acrylic barriers available for small business and the City, made locally by M4 Reactor

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