Minggu, 11 September 2016

Salisbury News

Salisbury News

The Original Assault Rifle

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 10:00 PM PDT

Dog Found In Pittsville

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 06:16 PM PDT

This little girl was found in Pittsville.  If she is yours please contact Bobby at 443 880 2834.

NR-9/10/16-Wicomico Fatal House Fire-Salisbury-Prince Street

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 02:00 PM PDT

Salisbury Resident Perishes in House Fire

WICOMICO COUNTY – Deputy State Fire Marshals are continuing the investigation into the origin and cause of a fire that resulted in the fatality of a Salisbury resident.

The 3:49 pm blaze brought 30 firefighters from Salisbury and surrounding fire departments to 315 Prince Street in Salisbury. It took firefighters 25 minutes to control the one alarm blaze.

The fire originated in the utility room located in the rear of the one story, single family house owned by RBS Properties.

The victim has been transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore to determine the exact cause of death.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation by the Office of the State Fire Marshal.

Video Shows Hillary Going Limp, Being Carried Into Van

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 01:33 PM PDT

Donald Trump to address National Guard conference in Baltimore

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 11:00 AM PDT

BALTIMORE —Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will be in Baltimore on Monday to speak at the National Guard Association of the United States conference.

According to Trump's campaign website, the New York businessman is expected to speak at 1 p.m. Monday at the Baltimore Convention Center.

"I think they want to hear a vision of where we're going with national security and the role of the guard in that national security strategy," said retired Maj. Gen. Gus Hargett, president of NGAUS.

A spokesman for the Maryland National Guard said that Trump is a late addition to the conference and that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was also invited, but she declined to attend.


The Great 9/11 Coverup

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 10:00 AM PDT

Did you happen to notice that after more than a decade of the 'news' media's demanding publication of "the missing 28 pages" (which turned out actually to have been 29 pages) from the U.S. Congress's investigation into 9/11, the document's press-coverage, finally, on 15 July 2016, turned out to have been little-to-none? And did you notice that the little there was, said it contained nothing important? Perhaps you didn't get to know even this much about the press-coverage of it, because the U.S. Congress, which had been hiding the document ever since 2003, dumped it on a Friday night, in order for it to receive as little press-coverage as possible.

Well, what that document actually showed, and proved (and cited FBI investigators who could then have testified in public, if requested), was the opposite of unimportant: that the Saudi Ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud (who was known in Washington as "Bandar Bush," because of his closeness to the Bush family), had secretly been paying the Saudi handlers of at least two of the 15 Saudis among the 19 9/11 hijackers, and that Bandar's wife and other relatives were also paying those hijackers-to-be, and their families — thus enabling the future hijackers to obtain the necessary pilot-training etc., for the 9/11 attacks.

How much news-coverage of this was there in the U.S.'democracy' that is supposed to be informing the public about such things, instead of continuing the cover-ups of them?

Why do U.S. 'news' media hide it — after having demanded for more than ten years that the 'missing 28 pages' become published?


Statement from Governor Larry Hogan on 15th Anniversary of September 11 Terror Attacks

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 09:00 AM PDT

U.S. and Maryland Flags Flown at Half-Staff

Governor Larry Hogan today released the following statement on the 15th anniversary of September 11 terror attacks:

"The events of September 11, 2001 changed our nation forever. In one tragic day, we witnessed the best and worst of human nature. In the face of true evil, everyday Americans became heroes as police, firefighters, and first responders risked, and in many cases sacrificed their lives to save others. Today, we also honor our men and women in the Armed Forces who have dedicated their lives in defense of our country and continue the fight against terrorism both at home and overseas.

"Fifteen years later, we have not forgotten the thousands who perished, including 69 Marylanders, and we continue to grieve with our fellow Americans who lost friends and loved ones. That day also taught us that in the face of unimaginable loss and terror, America's resolve only strengthened and continues to grow stronger with each passing year. The First Lady and I stand with all Marylanders as we take this day to mourn the fallen and revere our heroes – always remembering that our great nation can overcome any obstacle when we are united as one."


Posted: 11 Sep 2016 10:52 AM PDT

By Thornton Crowe

Update: Another video for you to review.

All is not as it seems... but now it's unwinding faster than you can say corruption!

FBI Director James Comey has been in the spotlight since his nonsensical call for no criminal charges to be filed against Democrat presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton on July 5th. With the last dump of information done on the Friday before Labor Day weekend, public scrutiny has been more present and caused Congress to, once again, call him to testify in front of them as early as next week.

In an inter-office memorandum last week, Comey weakly doubled down on his refusal to recommend charges as well as defended his information dump on the Friday before a long weekend - a method used by government in the hopes it will outrun the news cycle and people won't pay attention or forget about it by the following Tuesday.

However, many of his contemporaries and fellow department agents are less than impressed. There's many indications the FBI is currently engaged in a bitter battle between agents who know the truth verses Comey's desperate cover-up for Hillary Clinton and her multiple crimes.  Furthermore, his provocative stance has validated many Americans whom have long suspected that there are two legal systems - one for the connected and one for everyone else.

Now many FBI agents are anonymously leaking information as per an insider because they know she will only continue to deal in the corruption we've seen from her as First Lady, Senator and then Secretary of State. Over thirty percent of the agent force has already said they will quit should she become elected; however, vow they will continue leaking information to the public regardless of Comey's gag orders and disclosures.

Even though he has stated his decision was nonpartisan in many forums, it seems this last week, everything fell apart and now we know, we've all been privy to a colossal con job.

News outlets like Breitbart and others have now exposed the lengthy picture of James Comey and his close connections to the Clintons, which spans over decades. His intertwined past with them is so steep that legally he should have recused himself from any investigation involving any Clinton. He, like Attorney General Loretta Lynch, have proven to be almost as corrupt and definitely willing to lie to the American public without conscience.

Here are some of the facts outlined in Breitbart and other sources.

Even though Mr. Comey has been a US Attorney with the Department of Justice, he has also held some interesting positions that have tangled him into the Clintons' web along with their crime syndicate also called a 'charitable organization.'

Quickly after his departure from the DOJ, he went to work with Lockheed Martin as a Senior Vice President and Chief Counsel where he was paid over $6 Million dollars as compensation for his work. Shortly after his arrival, Lockheed became one of the Clinton Foundation's donors - and no small change at that...

After Lockheed, he moved on to Swiss owned bank HSBC - also notorious for having been granted favor from a Secretary of State Clinton when she exonerated them of any wrong doing in a $1.9 Billion money-laundering scheme with Mexican Drug Cartel Money. They also sit on the board of the Clinton Foundation. Interestingly, Comey was a high up executive with this bank while all these nefarious dealings with Clinton's State Department were in progress.

His brother, Peter Comey, has also been caught up in many questionable situations as the owner of a construction company whose benefited from many Sweetheart government contracts. Both brothers, as it seems, have been making bank and, like many deals, don't really produce too many results for the taxpayers paying for them.

In 2013, even though he had three more years left on his commitment to HSBC, he was appointed to his current position by Barack Obama. Interesting that many believed Obama's proffering of Comey was a way to insure transparency; however, neither House was apprised of Comey's past dealings in shady places.

On the contrary, like the rest of America, Comey was seen as the upstanding legal eagle who was dedicated to our system of jurisprudence. Starting with his prosecution of Martha Stewart, he had set a public record of being vigilant regardless of a person's socioeconomic standing. However, with the Clintons, he has a long history of letting them get away with murder. From Whitewater forward, James Comey has given Hillary and Bill Clinton so many passes, it's not blatantly obvious he is in the tank so to speak.

Currently, more than 97% of Americans believe Comey should be removed from the FBI due to his bias and clearly corrupted favoritism - demonstrative of the fact that not only has the FBI lost the trust of the American people, but he personally has been the one to destroy the agency's long-standing reputation. As it would seem, Comey has not only lost the faith of the people, but his own agency questions his ethics and, as stated above, are now doing something about it!

Below is videos from our friends at Victurus Liberatus to explain some of the fodder going on in the FBI but you can also read the Breitbart article for even more clarification of the intertwined relationship between Comey and the Clinton Foundation on Breitbart.

Also in Victurus's video he explains another situation that is considered fluid with more to be revealed over the next coming weeks. His sources have never been wrong, so it might be worth a listen!

Coming up these week, it is said two Wikileaks disclosures troves will occur shortly, one being on or around September 14th (this next Wednesday) as well as right before the Debate on the 26th.

 From this last week:

From two months ago:

Newt Gingrich: 9/11 anniversary -- 15 years of strategic defeat, dishonesty and humiliation

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 08:00 AM PDT

"I will begin by saying what everybody would like to ignore or forget but which must nevertheless be stated, namely, that we have sustained a total and unmitigated defeat." -- That was Winston Churchill's description of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's surrender to Hitler in the Munich Agreement of 1938.

Yet Churchill's words also apply to where the United States is today.

Our men and women in uniform have been heroic.

Many have signed up to serve again even after being wounded.

Our tactical units remain the best in the world.

Our intelligence officers and diplomats have risked their lives in service to the country.

The problem is not with the sincerity, the courage, the energy or the effort of individual Americans.

The problem has been the approach of a bipartisan Washington political elite that has squandered 15 years, thousands of lives, many thousands wounded, and trillions of dollars with no coherent strategy, no honest assessment of the challenge, and no willingness to learn from failure and develop new strategies and new institutions.

Since September 11, 2001, we have moved from righteous anger and clarity of purpose against the forces of terrorism in the immediate aftermath of the attacks to now sending $1,700,000,000 in cash to the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism.

We have watched our efforts in Iraq collapse while our efforts in Afghanistan decay.


NFL Says Players Wearing 9/11 Tribute Will Be Fined. Police Union Offers to Pay All Fines.

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 07:00 AM PDT

It's a nice change of pace to see players respecting their country instead of sitting during the anthem. Reports are claiming that various players in the NFL will be wearing commemorative 9/11 cleats. The NFL has decided to fine those players for not following the uniform policy, but the police union has decided to stand behind those players supporting the 15th anniversary of 9/11 by offering to pay their fines.

One case, in particular, involves Tennesse Titan linebacker, Avery Williamson. Williamson was told by the NFL that if he wears any cleats other than the team approved ones, he will be fined to the maximum amount. The Port Authority Police Benevolent Association wasn't having any of that. The Police Benevolent Association and another police union say they will pay Williamson's fines.


15 Years...

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 06:00 AM PDT

By Thornton Crowe

I remembered coming into WTC station in the mornings and coming out of the towers. Looking up, you could almost swear those towers were swaying in the wind. It made you dizzy to look up to the top but fascinating to see the majestic twins from 110 floors below.

The Sphere before 9/11/2001
The huge brass sphere would bounce the morning and afternoon sunlight and reflect off the pool that surround it like some weird aura of light.

When I first moved to New York City, I was in awe of everything about the city. In fact, I remembered getting my directions mixed up coming out of subways but knew if I always looked for the World Trade Centers, I could acclimate myself, knowing they were always South. I took it all for granted. I never thought in a million years anything could destroy those two rather dull looking grey towers or any of the surrounding buildings.

When the second plane hit 9:04AM EST
And here we are... It's hard to believe it was fifteen years ago this morning - a hot sunny Tuesday morning - people still commuting. As some of you read this, in real time that day, the towers were about to make their descent, becoming an instant grave for 2,606 people.

Though I was a couple hundred miles away, I can't help remembering the phone ringing early in the morning. My dad told me to turn on the news and stay calm.  By this point, the first plane had already hit the World Trade Centers.

Watching in horror, I remembered 1993 when I was living in the New York City area. A bomb had blown up in the garage of the World Trade Centers. So to see the second plane hit and then minutes later both towers collapsing to the ground left me stunned for more than just a day. The panic to get in touch with friends that still lived and worked on Wall Street began as cellphones and landlines didn't even ring on the New York City end. It was dialing out into the void, hoping a call would connect with someone on the other end.

It wasn't until much later that night that I even got in touch with people in I knew in the North Jersey area. It was a horrific fifteen hour period - not knowing whether or not my friends and colleagues were alright or if they were even still alive. I lost two friends that day. They worked in the building across the street. And while I hadn't talked to them in a good two years, I was saddened that they were no longer a phone call away anymore.

I don't know too many people from that area whom didn't have that same experience or worse as a result from 9/11.

The Sphere among the ruins 9/21/2001
It's still hard to believe they're gone, even when I went up there in 2002 for business, the smell of smoke still permeated the air. It was an odd smell, describable. There was something very different about it or perhaps it was mind knowing that so many people lost their lives - their ashes scattered to the winds around New York. Either way, it was a smell that was ever present when I stayed their for business two years later.

It's not there now. The city - like the world, renews itself but the memory doesn't fade.

I still expect to see those two plain rectangular buildings when I come around the Exit 14 to get off at the Holland Tunnel - and it's always shocking to see there not there. They were a part of New York City for a long time. Even though they weren't there as long as the Chrysler or the Empire State or even the Flatiron, they were so much a part of the city's landscape, their iconic structures are ingrained in most people's minds. It's sad to see now - even with that new Freedom Tower, it's just not the same.

New York City will never truly be the same, no matter how resilient the city or its people are -- 9/11 is like an indelible moment neither distance nor time can erase the memory. I don't know one adult alive who can't tell me where as they watched the towers get hit and then fall into ruins. It's a moment in a lifetime, nothing can fade - an imprint in our country's history like Pearl Harbor - or so it would seem...

A year after the tragedy, the city put two lone lights coming up from the ground, showing the footprint of where they were - I remembered it being the saddest thing to see those two lone lights shining heavenward and knowing what used to be in their place.

Nothing can replace that day in my memory. Perhaps because it was so personal to me - as I didn't just see the area from a bird's eye view or as a tourist. I was once a part of those people working there. However, for the life of me, I can't imagine anyone watching that day could ever remember the reactions of anchors and news people as they watched in horror. To this day, I still can't bring myself to sit through the footage too long because that day, no channel on cable, ran anything but the footage all day long.

The Infamous Cross made of Steel Beams
Have we gone back to the pre-9/11 mentality so much that we would advocate so many unvetted refugees come into the country against all the warnings and advice of every intelligence agency here and abroad - saying the same like-minded people who perpetrated 9/11 are infiltrating this group?

Have we really forgotten all that we lost that day? All that everyone lost that day?

It wasn't just buildings - heck, we lose them all the time to natural disasters and pathways to newer structures - but the people - yes, the 2,606 people we lost that day are irreplaceable. Yet, how can we ever memorialize them - the men and women who just went to work, going about their regular scheduled Tuesday morning - never to come home to their families and friends again, when we just let people who want to do the same to us into the country they wish to destroy?

How PC was 9/11/2001? Was it worth the cost we paid - or the people's lives who were lost - blameless victims of a hatred they didn't know existed?

What's left of World Trade Centers Building 1 & 2

BERLIN MSP Press Release- Alcohol Related Collision 9-11-16

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:43 AM PDT

The Week In Review

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:07 AM PDT

The below posts with today's date were the most 
popular posts last week.

Your Tax Dollars At Work

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:06 AM PDT

In the first picture I want you to notice two things. One, the crack in the brand new blacktop immediately after paving it. Two, notice how they paved right up to the storm drain. Just wait till it rains.

As for the next two pictures, they paved right over top of the man hole covers. That's the honest to God truth. 

So here we are paying incredible taxes and this is a temporary paving job in Salisbury on Rt. 13. This means they'll be coming back and tearing out all of the blacktop they just laid down and start all over again. 

"Shovel Ready Jobs" eh Obama. It's no wonder America is in the crapper.

When Will ALL Americans Finally Get It?

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:06 AM PDT

I started this Blog to educate the public. Agree or disagree, the intent has always been to create an open dialog to see just what you think.

As we get closer and closer to a Presidential Election, do you people really understand where America stands? I say this because Liberals never seem to answer direct questions, or just flat out LIE.

Let me share with you what I see. Bills like LGBT marriage passes, yet the majority of Americans say, HOW? There was never enough support, yet it passed anyway. Then there's Obamacare?

We have been bombarded with a $15.00 minimum wage, do you really understand what will happen if this passes? 

Okay, let's look at where we stand. Our government has been pushing college like there's no tomorrow. Our government has taken over, (a monopoly) all student loans. Parents are spending tens of thousands of dollars to put their children through college, yet there are NO decent paying jobs out there when they get out. We have published a ton of articles and stats proving this to be a fact. 

So trillions of dollars are being wasted on higher education, there's no jobs out there to help them pay back their debts. Now, let's go even deeper. Liberals are all about saving the world by bringing in refugees from all around the world in the millions. They come here and are instantly eligible for food stamps, welfare, affordable housing and even loans. If we look at INDUSTRY in America, where is it? Because of Free Trade, all of our manufacturing jobs are now overseas. I have stated for years, NAME ME ONE PRODUCT EVERY HOUSEHOLD WANTS/NEEDS THAT IS UP AND COMING?

In the past we had wall mounted phones, then cordless, then pagers and ultimately cell phones. We had black and white TV's, then color, then flat screens. We evolved from Beta to VHS and then to disk. Come on, tell me what the new up and coming products are in the pipe line that will blow out manufacturing/jobs in which every household will need two or three of, YOU CAN'T. 

So just when will you people come to realize, America is screwed and there is no real future. We recently provided an article stating our government is now the largest employer in the United States. WHY on God's Green Earth would you throw away a dime on higher education when there will NOT be any decent paying jobs in the future? Heck, when and IF the refugees do go to work, guess what, millions will be lining up to take over those $15.00 an hour jobs. Then your kids will be REALLY screwed. McDonald's is already creating computers where you can order whatever you want without having to be greeted by a human. WalMart has self check out. Jobs will become more and more limited, meaning eventually everyone will start depending on their government. Who will be the REFUGEE then or on food stamps and public assistance?

I'm sorry but Liberals are just plain stupid followers who cannot see their own hands right in front of their faces. This is NOT a country or future I can believe in. I am smart enough to look at our past and easily see what the future is about to bring. 

While I could go on and on and deliver so many more examples, I thought I'd make this post as basic as possible to open your minds. ANYONE who denies what I have stated here is just a Liberal puppet. 

Finally, even Governor Hogan has jumped on the FREE COLLEGE band wagon by not only supporting the recent move at WorWic, GET THIS, Somerset County is also getting on board, (fact) and will be offering free college at WorWic too. In fact, Governor Hogan wants to continue this program throughout the entire state by offering free college to all community colleges. 

So I ask, WHEN will Marylander's and Americans finally open their eyes to REALITY. We truly need leadership like Donald Trump to put a STOP to all this crap. We need to finally take a hard look at the direction free trade has brought us and reverse it immediately. You have to ask yourself, can America actually be saved at this point? How can we COMPETE with a fifty cent an hour wage? Refugees will come here and make a minimum of $15.00 an hour. Just what do you think they were making back in their country??? They'll pack in 20 to a house and send a large sum of money back to their country and guess what, America will ultimately crumble. 

Now, when and IF you actually see a Hillary for President sign in someone's yard or business, know their frame of mind. Funny, Ireton barely spent anything on yard signs and barely ever went door to door, yet he won an election. Funny how Hillary isn't spending anything on yard signs, hides for the past month from campaigning and yet in the end, WILL SHE ACTUALLY WIN TOO? 

Yeah, America ain't what it used to be, that's for sure. Unless you are gay, already making minimum wage, or on public assistance. 

Oh, We Thought You Should See This Gem

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:05 AM PDT

It must be nice to be RICH.

Thank God It's Friday 9-9-16

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:05 AM PDT

What will you be doing this weekend?

Team FIGHTS BACK after soccer player tries to snub National Anthem; she’s STUNNED

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:05 AM PDT

If you've been keeping up with the whole Colin Kaepernick debacle, then you know the new "hip" way professional athletes are pretending to be social justice warriors is by sitting down during our National Anthem.

While many folks across the wide world of sports have been joining Kaepernick in his "crusade" for equality, there are a few athletic organizations that simply aren't having it.

A Washington area soccer team recently intervened to prevent a player from being able to kneel during the National Anthem by changing the pre-game ceremony so the song was played before teams took the field.


Caption This Photo 9-8-16

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:04 AM PDT

A Viewer Writes: A 6 Car Collision 9-9-16

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:04 AM PDT

Passed a 6 car pile up about 1:10 on 13 bypass north, just before route 50 merge lane. Came back southbound, traffic backed up to route 12. Many u turning in median, some getting ticketed for that. A big mess!

Black Lives Matter Vows to Destroy the "Nuclear Family"

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:03 AM PDT

In favor of communitarian 'collective care'

The official 'Black Lives Matter' website vows to destroy the nuclear family and replace it with communitarian-style collective parenting.

"We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and "villages" that collectively care for one another, and especially "our" children to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable," states BlackLivesMatter.com on its "guiding principles" page.

The notion of collective communities being responsible for children and not parents is an idea that has been pushed by the leftist establishment before, most notably during a piece for MSNBC by Melissa Harris-Perry in which she said the notion that kids belonging to their parents was outdated.


Maryland State Troopers Yielded Positive Results This Labor Day Weekend

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:03 AM PDT

(PIKESVILLE, MD) – The Labor Day weekend efforts of the Maryland State Police had a positive effect on reducing crashes and keeping the public safe.

Preliminary information indicates from September 1st through September 6th, 2016, troopers statewide made approximately 9,218 traffic stops. They issued 6,221 citations and 5,777 warnings. There were 119 drunk driving arrests and 1,029 repair orders issued for defective vehicle equipment.

In support of the "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" campaign, S.P.I.D.R.E., a full-time drunk driving enforcement team, was out this weekend from September 1st through September 3rd in Montgomery County where drunk drivers and drunk driving related crashes are known to be prevalent. The team arrested 10 impaired drivers and issued more than 75 citations. One of the drivers arrested was a repeat offender.

The traffic enforcement efforts of the Maryland State Police led to criminal violations as well. Troopers made 64 arrests and an additional 75 wanted people were arrested on outstanding criminal warrants.

Troopers assigned to the Southern Maryland and Eastern Shore regions worked the "Operation SHOWBOAT" initiative and inundated the Route 50 corridor from the Chesapeake Bay to Ocean City. The operation successfully contributed to highway safety this weekend. During these initiatives there were no fatal or serious crashes.

The Maryland State Police continue to support the Maryland Department of Transportation's campaign "Toward Zero Deaths." These high visibility enforcement efforts reduce the number of aggressive driving, motor vehicle crashes in which speed, alcohol and other driving violations are contributing factors to crashes on Maryland roads. Troopers will continue these initiatives throughout the year.

Obama twice tells group in Laos that Americans are ‘lazy’

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:02 AM PDT

Does President Obama have the guts to call Americans "lazy" to our faces? Or is he more brave to tear us down a half a world away?

The president twice called Americans "lazy" today as he addressed a group of young leaders in Laos.

"So usually, if you see the environment destroyed, it's not because that's necessary for development. It's usually because we're being lazy, and we're not being as creative as we could be about how to do it in a smarter, sustainable way," Obama said during a town hall meeting.

He also said, "And I believe that the United States is and can be a great force for good in the world. But because we're such a big country, we haven't always had to know about other parts of the world.


Maryland State Troopers Receive Traffic Safety Award Yesterday

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:00 AM PDT

(PIKESVILLE, MD) – Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions presented awards to ten state troopers who have attained exceptional levels of experience, training and proficiency in highway safety and traffic enforcement methods and procedures yesterday.

Maryland State Troopers and law enforcement agencies throughout Maryland gathered at the BWI Airport Marriott in Linthicum, MD for the 2016 Maryland Traffic Safety Specialist (TSS) Awards Luncheon. Ten Maryland State Troopers were recipients of the TSS award.

The following troopers received awards:

Trooper First Class Michael Annis – State Police Impaired Driving Reduction Effort Team

Trooper First Class Chul Choe – North East Barrack

Trooper First Class Brandon Frazee – State Police Impaired Driving Reduction Effort Team

Trooper First Class Nicholas Hager – Berlin Barrack

Trooper Brian Porter – North East Barrack

Trooper Jose Rubio – North East Barrack

Corporal Scott Tassone – Employment Services Section.

Trooper First Class Anthony Wallace – State Police Impaired Driving Reduction Effort Team

Trooper First Class Michael York – North East Barrack

The Traffic Safety Specialist program is a collaborative project of the Maryland Department of Transportation, the Maryland Chiefs of Police Association, the Maryland Sheriff's Association and the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions. The program is funded through a grant by the Maryland Department of Transportation.

Hillary’s ‘mystery man’ spotted during blood-clot hospitalization

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:00 AM PDT

'He's very physical with her. He touches her. He has his arm around her'

America wants to know: Who is the "mystery man" attached at Hillary Clinton's hip while she campaigns for the White House?

He's been on the stage, in her plane, by her side and following her everywhere she goes.

He touches her frequently, wrapping his arm around her or helping her up stairs, and responds immediately when Clinton has one of her coughing fits.

Some speculate he could be a physician on hand in case Clinton experiences a health emergency, a possibility considering nearly 71 percent of physicians informally surveyed by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons said concerns about Clinton's health are "serious" and "could be disqualifying for the position of president of the U.S."

The "mystery man" re-appeared Thursday in new video in which he's shown tailing the Democrat nominee, who is shielded from view as she exits her van:


Think back: Did you see any fireflies this summer?

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:00 AM PDT

WASHINGTON — As "unofficial summer" ends, some in the area say they missed out this year on a warm weather joy that people have loved for years — the fleeting, warm glow of fireflies.

"Absolutely we've had mixed reports of firefly activity this year — some people in Maryland have said they've seen none whatsoever," said Michael Raupp, professor of entomology at The University of Maryland. "My experience in Columbia, Maryland, was we had a pretty good year for fireflies."

Fireflies flourish during summer, said Raupp.

"These guys got off the ground in June, they were strong through the Fourth of July," said Raupp. "I saw my last firefly a couple of weeks ago, and certainly by September they're gone."


Muslims Outraged Over Town’s 9/11 Memorial

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:00 AM PDT

A group of New York Muslims have taken offense to a small town's new 9/11 memorial that honors those who died in the September 11th, 2001 Islamic terrorist attacks.

The Islamic Organization of the Southern Tier wrote a letter to city leaders in Owego, alleging that words engraved in the granite memorial would encourage hatred toward Muslims.

The entire inscription on the memorial reads:

"On September 11, 2001 nineteen Islamic terrorists unsuspectedly boarded four airliners departing east coast airports to hijack the planes and carry out a series of coordinated attacks against the United States. This is a tribute to all the lives lost that day and to the heroic sacrifice of all who rushed to help. As Americans, we honor their memory by living our lives in freedom. We will never forget."

The memorial, which will be dedicated on Saturday, identifies those responsible for the attacks as "Islamic terrorists."


Liberal University Establishes “Black-Only” Housing

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:00 AM PDT

If a university in this country were to allow a "white-only" organization or "white-only" dorm on campus, this would immediately be deemed racist and the school would be the next subject of a political fire storm. Allow something to be "black-only" and this double standard is deemed perfectly fine.

California State University in Los Angeles is the most recent public school to establish "black-only" co-ed housing. The university established the segregated housing after demands from the Black Student Union for the school to "establish a place for African American students to seek refuge from what they consider insensitive remarks and "microaggressions" from their white classmates," according to Fox News.

The Black Student Union said the housing would "provide a cheaper alternative housing solution for Black students," read one of the union's demands. "This space would also serve as a safe space for [black students] to congregate, connect, and learn from each other."


OC: High-Speed Chase Ends On Bridge After Stop Sticks Deployed

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:01 AM PDT

OCEAN CITY — A Pittsville woman was arrested on drunk-driving and numerous traffic violations early Tuesday morning after a high-speed chase through the downtown area that reached speeds approaching 100 mph and ended with stop sticks being deployed at 3rd Street and the vehicle eventually stopped on the Route 50 bridge.

Around 1:30 a.m. on Tuesday, an OCPD officer on patrol observed a Pontiac driven by Sunny Mae Schrum, 26, of Pittsville, heading north on Baltimore Avenue while consistently honking her horn for no apparent reason for several three-to five-second bursts from 6th Street to the intersection with Coastal Highway at 33rd Street.

According to police reports, Schrum continued to lay on the horn while committing several traffic violations including driving through marked traffic signals. For example, at 9th Street, Schrum was in the designated turn lane before swerving back into northbound Baltimore Avenue. The OCPD officer continued to follow Schrum north on Baltimore Avenue as she continued to blast the vehicle's horn for no apparent reason with no other vehicles on the roadway or pedestrians in the area.


Welcome To The Shore

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:00 AM PDT

Police In North Carolina Increase Patrols After Clown Sightings

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:00 AM PDT

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (AP) — Police say they are doing extra patrols in a Winston-Salem neighborhood after two children reported seeing a clown trying to lure kids into the woods with treats.

Police said in a news release that officers were called to the area around 8:30 p.m. Sunday.

Authorities say two children said they saw the clown, and one adult reported hearing the clown.

Officers say they found no evidence of a clown in the woods.


Man dupes Boy Scout with fake $100 bill

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:00 AM PDT

ORLANDO, Fla. (CBS12) -- Police are looking for a man who ripped off a Boy Scout.

Twelve-year-old Riley Couture was selling snacks for his troop outside a Walmart in Ocala when a man came up to buy trail mix.

The man passed the boy a $100 bill. Riley gave him $80 in change, not knowing the $100 bill was fake.


BOOM: Kaepernick’s Coach Just Gave Him HUMILIATING News

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:00 AM PDT

The quarterback from San Francisco 49ers, Colin Kaepernick, has received a lot of fallout over his continued refusal to stand for the national anthem at football games.

Many of his former fans have burned his jersey and he is loudly booed whenever he comes onto the field at a game. Now, The Associated Press has reported that Kaepernick will likely be sitting on the bench for the entire 2016 season as a backup quarterback.

While Kaepernick is still on the team, he will mostly be the starting quarterback's backup during the season, meaning that he will spend a good part of his time sitting on the bench being ignored by everyone.


Fears, jeers and some cheers for mileage usage fee

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:00 AM PDT

DOVER – Pay the state for each mile driven on Delaware's roadways?

How does that sound?

Before jumping to conclusions about a system that could replace the current gas tax paid at the pump, at least listen to the reasons for it.

That's according to Oregon Department of Transportation spokeswoman Michelle Godfrey, who said she typically needs just a couple minutes to convince someone of the merits of her state's ongoing pilot program.

"Once they've learned a little bit more about it, they start to come around," Ms. Godfrey said.

On Tuesday, the Delaware Department of Transportation announced that the state applied for and received a $1.49 million federal grant to analyze and test all facets of a road usage fee system.

Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Vermont will also launch programs as part of the I-95 Corridor Coalition.


Another Holiday Weekend, Another Clinton Scandal

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 03:00 AM PDT

By Thornton Crowe

True to form, it seems holiday weekends seem to be the timing of choice for revelations in the on-going scandals concerning Hillary Clinton's misdeeds.

Perhaps the powers that be hope we'll forget over the long weekends, but they should know right now, anything related to the Clinton Foundation and email server scandal will not soon fade in our memories as more facts keep coming out. In recent polls, more than 59% of American Voters feel she is not honest or trustworthy. Not a good number for a person applying to represent the people!

The latest is the "I don't recall" interview with the FBI on July 2nd, where Clinton basically claimed her concussion made it impossible for her to recall briefings on handling classified information. Guess there are some die-hard fans that will believe this nonsense; however, as many recall her swearing in rallies and interviews with Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, she had full command of her faculties. Maybe she never thought the world would see the interview notes or maybe, she just didn't care, but her excuses and outright lies to Americans are more apparent now than ever before.

In fact, during many occasions including those in front of the Benghazi Committee, Clinton reaffirmed many times over that she knew what classified information was and that she neither sent nor received any classified emails to her private server. She also stated she had only one device and now, we find through her interview with the FBI, she had thirteen Blackberries (which she lost with classified emails on them) and several iPads and more than two servers. Her way of destroying what cellphones she didn't lose was by smashing them with a hammer. All actions were explicitly in violation of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) regulations without question!

FBI August Raid of Clinton's Election
Office in Philadelphia (2016)
At last tally, Hillary Clinton told the FBI 40 times that she couldn't recall any briefings or how her email server was set up. Yet, we are to believe she's competent to hold the highest office in the land? I would say not. Anyone with such a diminished capacity has no business running for the presidency. Nor does it bode well for her with most of America.
Her poll numbers have been on a steady decline as more traction is found with the pay to play politics and access to government her donors have enjoyed while she was Secretary of State. The evidence is so blatant it would take a mute not to see the corruption in a cause and effect pattern between deeds and speaking fees paid to her husband, former president Bill Clinton.

As seen in the documentary, Clinton Cash, the evidence is clear and without question so the latest reveals are just more par for the course with the Clintons' business as usual tactics, using subversion and continual denials. They've gotten to the point where they don't even attempt to hide their misdeeds because America has let them get away with every trick in the book thus far. However, is their luck running out?

Don't forget, while many Americans have lost respect for the FBI, they still have six other investigations that are on-going in New York, Little Rock and DC with the US Attorney's Offices in those districts. Unfortunately, they had to go this route due to the Department of Justice shutting down investigations on the Clinton Foundation. The final decision came down from Attorney General Loretta Lynch in the middle of August. These investigations are bringing many elements together and all spearheaded in a joint operation between the agency and prosecutors in those districts.

Former Texas Governor, Rick Perry, has demanded for FBI Director James B. Comey to step down due to the recent developments because, he believes Clinton's lying to authorities should be acted on immediately and feels the director's decision not to recommend criminal charges was politically motivated.

NYC's Southern District
US Attorney Preet Bharara
Understanding Perry's stance, it would be more advantageous to hold off and see what he (Comey) has in the works with NY District's Preet Bharara before bringing down the axe just yet. They had been in contact for several months prior to Clinton's interview and are still moving forward with whatever they had going prior to his statements on July 5th.

At no point in election history has any one candidate had so much scandal and investigations going on while running for the Presidency. While she's not the first woman to run for president, Clinton is by far the most investigated! The shroud of scandal that surrounds her is just too hard to ignore, even for her most staunch supporters as the evidence continues to mount.

Let's see what the upcoming weeks yields as surely, it will be anything but boring...

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