Salisbury News |
- Fact-Check -- Top 20 Lies in Hillary's 'Alt-Right' Speech
- Showell VFD Gun Bash Is Fast Approaching...
- 2 days after cash delivery US paid $1.3 billion to Iran
- There Is A Mainstream Media Conspiracy To Hide Hillary Clinton’s Rapidly Failing Health
- Sheriff to press charges after 4-year-old thrown from bridge
- Why Trump Will Win A Fair Election
- Oklahoma Police Pepper Spray 84 Yr. Old Woman
- Huma Abedin's journal claims Bill Clinton bombed Iraq to distract from affair
- Barbra Streisand to Leave US If Trump Elected
- Hillary Clinton: Poster girl for post-Christian America
- Governor Larry Hogan Unveils New Maryland License Plate
- Pretty Cool
- Power company to pay $1 million penalty, perform $1 million in environmental projects, upgrade water pollution-prevention technology
- Maryland: 14 Arrested In Raids Related to $16 Million Food Stamp Fraud
- Total State Or Total Freedom: The 8 Marks Of Fascist Policy
- ‘Operation Sunkist’ puts squeeze on opiate contraband at Sussex Correctional Institution
- FBI Is Releasing Hillary Clinton Email Report, Notes From Her Interrogation
- Hillary Clinton Withheld 30 Benghazi-Related Emails From State Department
- A Viewer Writes: Nasty tractor trailer accident on Rt 50 W.
- Hogan: $5 million study set for new Chesapeake Bay crossing
- Team Obama’s new low in the name of ‘trans rights’
- Brothers Charged with Assault following Boating Brawl
- JUST IN: President Obama Grants Commutations To 111 Individuals
- Billionaire Clinton Foundation Donor Denied Entry Into US Because Of Terror Ties
- WCSO Press Release 8-30-16
- Just In: Police Have Surrounded Chris Brown’s House And He’s Refusing To Come Out
- Suspended Baltimore Co. Officer Takes Own Life During Standoff With Harford Co. Deputies
- Why Blacks Should Give Trump A Chance
- State Rallies To Create Blood Donation Day; Shortages Reported Nationwide
- Salisbury to Welcome Delegation from Estonian Sister City
- FBI Interviewed Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary Clinton Adviser
- Body found on Morgan State University campus
- Beaver Run School Sewer Overflow Again?
- It’s Official: Berlin Has Contested Mayoral Election
- UPDATE | 17-year-old charged with bus assault on 5-year-old turns himself in to police
- Analyst: Clinton Foundation 'Self-Inflicted Wound' for Hillary, 'Just Bleeds and Bleeds'
- The new GDP numbers are terrible. No wonder Hillary won’t talk about the economy
- BREAKING: Agriculture Department closes offices in 5 states after threats
- Hillary Clinton's scandals are no laughing matter
- “Why Trump?”
- Va. felons with restored rights likely to live among Democrats
- McAuliffe announces nearly $1.5 billion revenue shortfall, says state will pull from employee raises
- US: Clinton Calendars Won't Be Released Until after Election
- Iowa GOP Chairman: Hillary Is 'Lashing Out' Because Trump Can Win Minorities
- NBP's Quanell X: Trump Right About Dems Exploiting Black Votes
- No more shoes to drop? Hillary’s most unbelievable promise yet
- Russian man volunteers for first human head transplant
- First Hillary Clinton Security Briefing Mired in New Clinton Cash Revelations: Invites, Seating Favors for Foundation Donors from State Department
- New emails reportedly show Clinton Foundation exec, State Dept. aide discussed access to China president
- "If This Does Not Disqualify Hillary For The Presidency, It's Hard To Know What Will"
- Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn: Obama, Hillary Ignored Intelligence They Did Not Like About Middle East, Only Wanted 'Happy Talk'
- Civil Rights Leader Stands Up For Donald Trump
- Huma Abedin’s mom linked to shocking anti-women book
- Gov't Funds to Mylan Spiked After Manchin’s Daughter Became CEO
- Trump to Clinton: Let's both release detailed medical records
- Police: Okla. woman arrested after shooting man found in bedroom with teen daughter
- Under Armour Announces Plan to Open E-Commerce Distribution House in Maryland
- Tim Kaine Once Pushed Out White Jurors
- Donald Trump warns of 'rigged' election, recruits volunteers to monitor polling places
- Scholar Nails McAuliffe For Distortioning Court Ruling
- Activists Angry as Rome Flies Migrants Back to Sudan
- A Viewer Writes: Pasco is one fine business
- New Black Panther Leader: Trump Is Right About Democrats Exploiting Black Votes
- Muzzled!
- Police connect two murders, fear more undiscovered in Md.
- Making It Happen - Summer Edition
- James Tilden Bunting of Ocean City, Maryland | 1941 - 2016 | Obituary
- Caption This Photo 8-30-16
- Hello, 911 Emergency, I Can Explain...
- Where The Money's Going/Gone?
- Slush Fund
- I Thought Hillary Said They Were Broke?
Fact-Check -- Top 20 Lies in Hillary's 'Alt-Right' Speech Posted: 30 Aug 2016 09:00 PM PDT Andrew Breitbart would have been proud: on Thursday, his website became Hillary Clinton's number one target. In his book, Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World!, Andrew recalled how he warned the Tea Party what lay ahead for them: "I said that they'd be labeled racists and hate mongers and violent criminals, that they'd be depicted as the dregs of society, people to be excluded from dinner parties because of their made-up closet KKK status. They were about to be targeted." Andrew added: "They need to marginalize and demonize those that would stand up to their hardball, toxic, and antidemocratic tactics … But it won't work. Given a fair hearing, given just the slightest exposure — and the American people will rise to the occasion. They see these tactics for what they are." More | ||||||||
Showell VFD Gun Bash Is Fast Approaching... Posted: 30 Aug 2016 08:30 PM PDT The fall Gun Bash is fast approaching, folks! October 1st kicks off the big event starting at 11am. Have you gotten your ticket yet? Just $45 gets you into the Eastern Shore's best gun bash with over 27 guns, 2 crossbows, YETI coolers, 2 ATV 4x4's, 6 cash prizes, and much more! Interested? You should be. Stop by the firehouse to grab your tickets today! | ||||||||
2 days after cash delivery US paid $1.3 billion to Iran Posted: 30 Aug 2016 08:00 PM PDT The Obama administration said Wednesday it paid $1.3 billion in interest to Iran in January to resolve a decades-old dispute over an undelivered military sale, two days after allowing $400 million in cash to fly to Tehran. State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau says the U.S. couldn't say more about the Jan. 19 payments because of diplomatic sensitivities. They involved 13 separate payments of $99,999,999.99 and final payment of about $10 million. There was no explanation for the Treasury Department keeping the individual transactions under $100 million. More | ||||||||
COAST GUARD MEDEVACS MAN FROM CHARTER VESSEL OFF OCEAN CITY Posted: 30 Aug 2016 07:30 PM PDT BALTIMORE — The Coast Guard conducted the medevac of a 60-year-old man off a charter boat approximately 40 miles off Ocean City Monday morning. At approximately 7 a.m., watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector Maryland-National Capital Region received notification from the crew aboard the charter vessel Moore Bills of a 60-year-old male suffering from abdominal pains. The decision was made to bring him ashore for medical attention. A 47-foot motor lifeboat crew from Coast Guard Station Ocean City with paramedics from Ocean City aboard were launched. At approximately 8:30 a.m., the boatcrew arrived on scene and placed the paramedics aboard the Moore Bills to tend to the man. The Coast Guard boatcrew then escorted the Moore Bills back to Coast Guard Station Ocean City to awaiting emergency medical technicians and was taken to Atlantic General Hospital in stable condition. He was reported to be in stable condition. "The teamwork exhibited by Coast Guard and the Ocean City paramedics ensured the boater got the care he needed in a timely fashion," said Cmdr. Michael Batchelder, deputy commander, Coast Guard Sector Maryland-National Capital Region. "I am proud of what all our Maryland first responders do, day in and day out." | ||||||||
There Is A Mainstream Media Conspiracy To Hide Hillary Clinton’s Rapidly Failing Health Posted: 30 Aug 2016 07:00 PM PDT Is Hillary Clinton healthy enough to serve as president if she wins the election? Over the past couple of weeks this has become a major issue, and the mainstream media is actively conspiring with the Clinton campaign in a desperate attempt to cover up the truth. For example, the Washington Post, which has essentially become a mouthpiece for the Clinton campaign at this point, has been publishing an article "debunking" claims about Clinton's health almost every day recently. One of their headlines that really caught my attention was "Don't believe everything you read about Hillary Clinton's health on Google". By the way, there were three Hillary Clinton campaign ads on that one page alone. But CNN took things to an entirely new level this week when it published an article entitled "Clinton's health is fine, but what about Trump?" I was so flabbergasted by that headline that my wife came into my office to see what all of the commotion was about. No, Hillary Clinton's health is not "fine", and we will get to that later in this article. | ||||||||
Sheriff to press charges after 4-year-old thrown from bridge Posted: 30 Aug 2016 06:30 PM PDT MONTESANO, Wash. (KOMO) -- The Grays Harbor Sheriff's Office plans to recommend charges be brought against the mother of a 4-year-old thrown from a bridge and against the man who tossed the child. A video of the incident went viral on Facebook, giving it international attention and causing the Sheriff's Office to be flooded with media inquiries. Steve Shumate with the Sheriff's Office said information that the mother and the man were cited for reckless endangerment is incorrect. He said statements were taken, but a decision needs investigation and should be determined Wednesday. More/Video | ||||||||
Why Trump Will Win A Fair Election Posted: 30 Aug 2016 06:00 PM PDT | ||||||||
Oklahoma Police Pepper Spray 84 Yr. Old Woman Posted: 30 Aug 2016 05:30 PM PDT | ||||||||
Huma Abedin's journal claims Bill Clinton bombed Iraq to distract from affair Posted: 30 Aug 2016 05:00 PM PDT An article in the Muslim journal where Huma Abedin was assistant editor claimed Bill Clinton bombed Saddam Hussein to deflect from his Monica Lewinsky affair. The claim made made in an article published in the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, where Abedin was a member of the editorial board - the group of people who decide what is published in the academic journal. It is the latest bombshell to emerge from the archives of the journal, whose editor-in-chief is Abedin's mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, an academic in Saudi Arabia. Abedin, who is not an academic, has been Hillary Clinton's closest aide since spending time as an intern at the White House, at exactly the time the Monica Lewinsky scandal was unfolding. More | ||||||||
Barbra Streisand to Leave US If Trump Elected Posted: 30 Aug 2016 04:30 PM PDT Entertainer Barbra Streisand has said she will leave the United States if Donald Trump becomes president. In an interview on 60 Minutes with Australia-based correspondent Michael Usher, Streisand said that if Trump is elected, "I'm either coming to your country if you'll let me in, or Canada." Streisand, who is an ardent Democrat, said she is very worried about the election. "I don't take anything for granted. I want Hillary Clinton to be president of the United States. But there is still a lot of sexism, and 'A woman being president?' you know, and making fun of her, the way [Donald Trump] insults her right and left, and has no facts." Acknowledging that Trump's campaign has led to an increased level of tension and division within the country, Streisand said she thought it was due to Trump "saying things that probably a lot of people have thought but have never said." More | ||||||||
Hillary Clinton: Poster girl for post-Christian America Posted: 30 Aug 2016 04:00 PM PDT Exclusive: Kent G. Bailey, Ph.D., on how nation became 'a society with no guilt or shame' "Unless Christianity receives a new enthusiasm that sweeps the Western world … the entire West will collapse in your lifetime." Scholars debate whether or not the United States was originally founded on Christian principles, but most agree that we are today – through and through – a secular nation. We might have previously considered ourselves a God-ordained and Christian nation, but the grand triumph of worldliness over godliness is here for all to see. And we are the worst for it – with moral and godly men and women giving over to mindless and materialistic masses worshiping at the counters of McDonald's, Macys and the nearest Tesla dealer. In post-Christian and post-moral America, the lower instincts are released from their tenuous confinement, and narcissism, self-indulgence, group conformity and moral stupidity become the driving forces of behavior. Eden's fall now becomes a virtue where nothing is ever wrong in and of itself – only that which transgresses man's malleable and ever-shifting legal system is disapproved or punishable. Even there, the liberal mind is predisposed toward rationalizing, excusing and diverting blame from the individual to an endless panoply of "root causes" lurking in society. More | ||||||||
Governor Larry Hogan Unveils New Maryland License Plate Posted: 30 Aug 2016 03:41 PM PDT | ||||||||
Posted: 30 Aug 2016 03:36 PM PDT | ||||||||
Posted: 30 Aug 2016 03:30 PM PDT Settlement with owners of Chalk Point and Dickerson power plants resolves alleged water pollution violations BALTIMORE, MD – A company that operates power plants accused of violating permits and polluting the Potomac and Patuxent Rivers will pay a $1 million penalty and take steps to protect and restore the environment under an agreement filed in federal court, Maryland Secretary of the Environment Ben Grumbles announced today. NRG Chalk Point, LLC and GenOn Mid Atlantic, LLC, which operate the Chalk Point and Dickerson power plants, respectively, also will perform $1 million in environmental projects and upgrade wastewater treatment plant technologies at the coal-burning facilities under the agreement. Maryland, the plant owners and other parties to the case filed a joint motion in federal court to enter a consent decree that contains the agreed settlement of alleged violations of the plants' water discharge permits. The court entered the consent decree on Friday, Aug. 26. "Power plants have a responsibility to keep Maryland's rivers, skies and lands clean as they strive to provide affordable and reliable energy," Secretary of the Environment Grumbles said. "This strong enforcement action includes a stiff penalty, improved nitrogen pollution prevention technology at the plants and significant investments in projects to protect the health of our priceless Potomac and Patuxent rivers." "The Office of the Attorney General is determined to protect our citizens and our waterways from pollution," said Attorney General Brian E. Frosh. "This consent decree will improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay and should serve as a reminder that we all play a role in protecting our environment, including our corporate citizens." The Chalk Point Electric Generating Station, on the Patuxent River in Prince George's County, and the Dickerson Electric Generating Station, on the Potomac River in Montgomery County, exceeded the annual limits in their discharge permit for nitrogen from 2010 to 2013, according to a complaint filed by the Maryland Department of the Environment in U.S. District Court in Baltimore. The alleged permit violations occurred after "scrubbers" were placed into operation in 2009 at the facilities to remove such air pollutants as sulfur dioxide and mercury and otherwise comply with the Maryland Health Air Act. Problems with the equipment designed to treat wastewater from that process led to excess levels of nitrogen discharged to the rivers, according to the complaint. Excessive amounts of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus lead to lowered levels of oxygen needed to support aquatic life in waterways, including the Chesapeake Bay. Chalk Point, LLC and GenOn Mid Atlantic, LLC are installing about $5 million in technology upgrades at each of the two plants to maximize treatment of nitrogen and will add monitoring systems to its wastewater treatment operations. The consent decree includes, in addition to the requirement that the owners pay a $1 million cash penalty, stipulated penalties for failure to timely meet obligations or for exceeding interim nitrogen limits. Under the consent decree, the plant owners will perform "supplemental environmental projects" valued at $1 million to benefit the Potomac and Patuxent watersheds. The Department of the Environment will propose renewal permits for the plants under a public participation process. The permits to be proposed will include nitrogen limits to regulate the performance of the new wastewater treatment plant technology being installed as shown by a pilot study and a new facility wide cap on total nitrogen protective of the Chesapeake Bay TMDL. The consent decree was filed with the court July 6. Because the suit that led to the consent decree included claims under the federal Clean Water Act, the agreement was subject to a 45-day review period by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Justice. | ||||||||
Maryland: 14 Arrested In Raids Related to $16 Million Food Stamp Fraud Posted: 30 Aug 2016 03:04 PM PDT 14 Retailers Facing Federal Indictment for $16 Million Food Stamp FraudDefendants Allegedly Received Over $16 Million from USDA for Food Stamps Allegedly Traded for Cash; 26 Search Warrants Executed; 46 Bank Accounts SeizedBaltimore, Maryland - A federal grand jury has returned nine separate indictments charging a total of 14 retail store operators for committing food stamp fraud and wire fraud in connection with schemes to illegally redeem food stamp benefits in exchange for cash. The indictments allege the retailers received over $16 million in federal payments for transactions in which they did not provide any food, a fraud scheme commonly known as "food stamp trafficking." Stores allegedly split the proceeds with food stamp recipients. The indictments were unsealed today upon the arrests of the defendants. Over 300 members of law enforcement participated in the arrests and execution of a total of 26 search warrants at the stores and related locations this morning. In addition, 46 bank accounts were seized. The indictments were announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein; Special Agent in Charge William G. Squires, Jr. of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General, Northeast Region; and Special Agent in Charge Kevin Perkins of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. "The food stamp program is intended to put food on the tables of needy recipients, not to put money in the pockets of greedy criminals," said U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein. "Honest storeowners work hard to earn a profit by actually selling food, and food producers and distributors also benefit. People who play by the rules deserve to know that criminals who defraud them will be held accountable." "Far from being a victimless crime, the offenders in this investigation defrauded a combined amount of approximately $16 million from taxpayer funded programs," stated Kevin Perkins, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Baltimore Office. "These programs are intended to provide assistance for those in need—not a means of abuse or selfish enrichment. The FBI Baltimore Division, along with our federal, state and local partners, remain steadfast in our commitment to root out those who steal from taxpayers and defraud our government programs." The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), previously known as the Food Stamp Program, is administered by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), together with state agencies. The program funds low-income individuals to allow them to obtain a more nutritious diet. In Maryland, the program provides eligible individuals with an electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card called the Independence Card, which operates like a debit card. Recipients obtain EBT cards through the state Department of Human Resources, then use the EBT card to purchase approved food items from participating retailers. Retailers must apply to and be approved by FNS to participate in the program. Authorized retailers use a point-of-sale terminal that checks the EBT card information and deducts the cash value of the purchase from the customer's SNAP benefit balance. SNAP reimbursements are paid to retailers through electronic funds transfers. Retailers must bill the government only in return for providing approved food items. The indictments allege that the defendants exchanged EBT benefits for cash, in violation of the food stamp program rules. The indictments allege that the defendants typically paid half the value of the EBT benefits in cash. To avoid detection, the defendants often debited the funds from the card in multiple transactions over a period of hours or days, or called a different store where the transaction was processed manually. As a result of unlawful cash transactions, the defendants obtained more than $16,482,270 in EBT deposits for transactions in which food sales never occurred or were substantially inflated. According to the indictments, the defendants listed below owned and/or operated stores in the Baltimore area that were authorized to accept SNAP. The defendants received instruction regarding the requirements and regulations of the food stamp program, including that only eligible food items could be exchanged for EBT benefits and that a retailer may never exchange EBT benefits for cash or non-food items. Walayat Khan, age 36, of Reisterstown, Maryland; and Barbara Ann Duke, age 50, of Owings Mills, Maryland; Maria's Market Place, 307 S. Broadway in Baltimore; and Royals Food Market, 921 E. Patapsco Avenue in Brooklyn, Maryland. From October 2013 to June 2016, Khan and Duke allegedly obtained more than $1,486,118 in payments for food sales that never occurred. Shaheen Tasewar Hussain, age 60, of Ellicott City, Maryland; Shop & Save, 301 Crain Highway South, Suite D, Glen Burnie, Maryland. From July 2014 through October 2015, Hussain allegedly obtained more than $778,183 in payments for food sales that never occurred. Kelym Novas Perez, age 34, of Baltimore; and Jose Remedio Gonzalez Reyes, age 50, of Baltimore; Kelym Grocery, 2734 Pennsylvania Avenue in Baltimore. From August 2013 through March 2016, Perez and her husband, Gonzalez Reyes, allegedly obtained more than $879,500 in payments for food sales that never occurred. Mulazam Hussain, age 54, of Windsor Mill, Maryland; Monroe Food Mart and Y&J Grocery in Baltimore. From March 2013 through July 2016 Hussain allegedly obtained more than $1,242,745 in payments for food sales that never occurred. Mohammad Shafiq, age 50, of Gwynn Oak, Maryland; and his daughter, Alia Shaheen, age 24, of Baltimore; Quick Stop Convenience Store, 237 N. Patterson Park Avenue; New York Food Mart, 1201 N. Patterson Park Avenue; and Barclay Food Mart, 2454 Barclay Street, all in Baltimore; and Shafiq Corporation, 6929 Holabird Avenue, in Dundalk, Maryland. From about October 2010 through July 2016, Mohammad Shafiq and his daughter, Alia Shaheen, allegedly obtained more than $3,712,353 in payments for food sales that never occurred or were substantially inflated. Mohammad Irfan, age 59; and Muhammad Sarmad, age 40, both of Nottingham, Maryland; New Sherwood Market, 6324 Sherwood Road in Northwood, Maryland; Martin Mart, 1504 Martin Boulevard in Middle River, Maryland; Rosedale Mart, 6326 Kenwood Avenue in Rosedale, Maryland; and M&A Mart 7400-A Belair Road in Baltimore. From October 2010 through August 2016, Irfan and Sarmad allegedly obtained more than $3,550,662 in payments for food sales that never occurred. Mahmood Hussain Shah, age 57, of Catonsville, Maryland; and Muhammad Rafiq, age 58, of Reisterstown; Corner Groceries, 1242 Darley Avenue in Baltimore. From October 2010 through August 2016, Shah and Rafiq allegedly obtained more than $1,610,556 in payments for food sales that never occurred. Rizwan Pervez, age 38, of Essex, Maryland; M&N Mini Mart, 1846 W. North Avenue; and Mega Mart1, 1522 Ellamont Street, both in Baltimore. From April 2014 through July 2016, Pervez, allegedly obtained more than $1,689,511 in payments for food sales that never occurred. Kassem Mohammad Hafeed, a/k/a Kassam Mohammad Hafeed, age 51, Baltimore; C&C Market, 4752 Park Heights Avenue in Baltimore. From November 2010 through April 2013, Hafeed allegedly obtained more than $1,532,642 in payments for food sales that never occurred. The defendants face a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison for each count of wire fraud; a maximum of five years in prison for conspiracy to commit food stamp fraud and wire fraud; and a maximum of five years in prison for food stamp fraud. The defendants are expected to have initial appearances today in U.S. District Court in Baltimore. An indictment is not a finding of guilt. An individual charged by indictment is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty at some later criminal proceedings. United States Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein praised the USDA Office of Inspector General and FBI for their work in the investigation. Mr. Rosenstein thanked Assistant United States Attorneys Matthew C. Sullivan; Jason D. Medinger; Peter J. Martinez, Rachel M. Yasser, Kathleen O. Gavin, Aaron S.J. Zelinsky; Patricia C. McLane, and Sean R. Delaney, who are prosecuting these cases. | ||||||||
Total State Or Total Freedom: The 8 Marks Of Fascist Policy Posted: 30 Aug 2016 03:00 PM PDT The most definitive study on fascism written in these years was As We Go Marching by John T. Flynn. Flynn was a journalist and scholar of a liberal spirit who had written a number of best-selling books in the 1920s. It was the New Deal that changed him. His colleagues all followed FDR into fascism, while Flynn himself kept the old faith. That meant that he fought FDR every step of the way, and not only his domestic plans. Flynn was a leader of the America First movement that saw FDR's drive to war as nothing but an extension of the New Deal, which it certainly was. As We Go Marching came out in 1944, just at the tail end of the war, and right in the midst of wartime economic controls the world over. It is a wonder that it ever got past the censors. It is a full-scale study of fascist theory and practice, and Flynn saw precisely where fascism ends: in militarism and war as the fulfillment of the stimulus spending agenda. When you run out of everything else to spend money on, you can always depend on nationalist fervor to back more military spending. Flynn, like other members of the Old Right, was disgusted by the irony that what he saw, almost everyone else chose to ignore. After reviewing this long history, Flynn proceeds to sum up with a list of eight points he considers to be the main marks of the fascist state. As I present them, I will also offer comments on the modern American central state. Point 1. The government is totalitarian because it acknowledges no restraint on its powers. If you become directly ensnared in the state's web, you will quickly discover that there are indeed no limits to what the state can do. This can happen boarding a flight, driving around in your hometown, or having your business run afoul of some government agency. In the end, you must obey or be caged like an animal or killed. In this way, no matter how much you may believe that you are free, all of us today are but one step away from Guantanamo. No aspect of life is untouched by government intervention, and often it takes forms we do not readily see. All of healthcare is regulated, but so is every bit of our food, transportation, clothing, household products, and even private relationships. Mussolini himself put his principle this way: "All within the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State." I submit to you that this is the prevailing ideology in the United States today. This nation, conceived in liberty, has been kidnapped by the fascist state. Point 2. Government is a de facto dictatorship based on the leadership principle. | ||||||||
‘Operation Sunkist’ puts squeeze on opiate contraband at Sussex Correctional Institution Posted: 30 Aug 2016 02:30 PM PDT GEORGETOWN – Nine people have been arrested in an investigation of opiate-based contraband at the Sussex Correctional Institution. Investigators at SCI in Georgetown initiated a proactive search regarding the introduction of Suboxone into the facility, according to the Department of Correction press release from Jayme Gravell. "Operation Sunkist" resulted in the arrest of several sentenced inmates as well as civilians who were sending the contraband through U.S. mail. According to the Department of Corrections, between June 3 and July 21 several shipments of Suboxone, a prescription drug used to treat opioid dependence, were concealed by various methods and intercepted in the SCI mail room. More | ||||||||
FBI Is Releasing Hillary Clinton Email Report, Notes From Her Interrogation Posted: 30 Aug 2016 02:26 PM PDT The FBI will release its report on the Hillary Clinton email investigation as early as Wednesday, CNN is reporting. Along with the 30 page investigative report, the FBI will also release a 12-page copy of notes taken during Clinton's July 2 interview with FBI investigators and Justice Department attorneys. The report is the same one which the FBI gave to the Justice Department last month. FBI director James Comey recommended that Clinton not be charged with mishandling classified information on her private email server. He did call her use of the off-the-books email system "extremely careless." The release is a response to Freedom of Information Act requests filed for the documents by numerous news organizations, including CNN and The Daily Caller. More | ||||||||
Hillary Clinton Withheld 30 Benghazi-Related Emails From State Department Posted: 30 Aug 2016 02:25 PM PDT FBI investigators recovered 30 emails from Hillary Clinton's wiped server which discussed Benghazi, government lawyers said in federal court on Tuesday. The disclosure was made during a hearing before U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta in a case involving a lawsuit filed by the watchdog group Judicial Watch. The Associated Press reports: More | ||||||||
A Viewer Writes: Nasty tractor trailer accident on Rt 50 W. Posted: 30 Aug 2016 02:21 PM PDT | ||||||||
Hogan: $5 million study set for new Chesapeake Bay crossing Posted: 30 Aug 2016 05:40 PM PDT Study to begin in fall to identify location, possible funding options ANNAPOLIS, Md. —Gov. Larry Hogan has announced a $5 million study to explore a potential new Chesapeake Bay crossing. Hogan said Tuesday the Maryland Transportation Authority Board voted last week for the Tier 1 National Environmental Policy Act study. The study will begin this fall and take up to four years to finish. It will identify the location of a crossing and possible funding options. More/Video | ||||||||
Team Obama’s new low in the name of ‘trans rights’ Posted: 30 Aug 2016 02:00 PM PDT One of the top guardians of American freedoms just entered the fight against the Obama administration's insane excesses in the name of "trans rights." The Department of Health and Human Services recently issued rules telling doctors they can't decline to perform gender-reassignment surgery on kids if it's recommended by a "mental health professional." Refusal could be a career-ender. How crazy is the rule? Well, for starters, most trans teens identify differently later in life — yet reassignment surgery is often irreversible, and even less-radical procedures can be harmful, as HHS' own medical experts note. More | ||||||||
Brothers Charged with Assault following Boating Brawl Posted: 30 Aug 2016 01:30 PM PDT Two Anne Arundel County men were charged on Aug. 19 with multiple violations in connection with a fist fight that occurred last month aboard a boat on the Choptank River, the Maryland Natural Resources Police reported. Asia Cooper Jr., 21, and Joel Thomas Cooper, 19, both of Crownsville, were charged with second-degree assault, malicious destruction of property in excess of $1,000, disorderly conduct and affray – fighting in public in a manner that disturbs the peace. In addition, Asia Cooper Jr. was charged with reckless operation and negligent operation. On July 23, department officers, the U.S. Coast Guard and Cambridge Police responded to a call for help from members of the Cambridge Yacht Club, who reported that a powerboat with five passengers aboard was interfering with a sailboat race and that two men were fighting. The incident was video recorded by members of the race safety committee. The rented powerboat sustained about $3,000 in damages. The subsequent police investigation identified both suspects. A date has not been set in Dorchester County District Court. If found guilty of all charges, Asia Cooper Jr. could be fined as much as $6,500 and sentenced to jail. Joel Cooper could be fined as much as $5,500. | ||||||||
JUST IN: President Obama Grants Commutations To 111 Individuals Posted: 30 Aug 2016 01:01 PM PDT Today, the President granted commutation of sentence to the following 111 individuals: · Malik Abuhamid Ibm Wakil Abdunafi – Baltimore, MD Offense: Conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute at least 500 grams of cocaine, at least 50 grams of cocaine base (crack), heroin, and marijuana; distribution of cocaine and cocaine base (crack); distribution of heroin; possession with intent to distribute more than 500 grams of cocaine, at least five grams of cocaine base (crack), heroin, and marijuana; Middle District of Pennsylvania Sentence: 240 months' imprisonment; 10 years' supervised release; $100,000 forfeiture (August 31, 2007) Commutation Grant: Prison sentence commuted to expire on December 28, 2016, and obligation and payment of forfeiture remitted. · Quentin C. Adams – St. Louis, MO Offense: Conspiracy to distribute cocaine base; possession with intent to distribute cocaine base (two counts); distribution of cocaine base; Western District of Missouri Sentence: Life imprisonment; eight years' supervised release (June 15, 2005) Commutation Grant: Prison sentence commuted to a term of 262 months' imprisonment. · Sly Stallone Aikens – Hickory Grove, SC Offense: Knowingly using and carrying a firearm during and in relation to, and possessing the firearm in furtherance of, a drug trafficking crime (two counts); District of South Carolina Sentence: 360 months' imprisonment; five years' supervised release (April 29, 2005); amended to 235 months' imprisonment (September 28, 2006) Commutation Grant: Prison sentence commuted to a term of 180 months' imprisonment. · Michael Alexander – Charlotte, NC Offense: Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine and cocaine base; Western District of North Carolina Sentence: 240 months' imprisonment; 10 years' supervised release (October 23, 2006) Commutation Grant: Prison sentence commuted to expire on December 28, 2016. More | ||||||||
Billionaire Clinton Foundation Donor Denied Entry Into US Because Of Terror Ties Posted: 30 Aug 2016 01:00 PM PDT Nigerian-Lebanese billionaire Gilbert Chagoury continues to be a thorn in the side of Hillary Clinton. The multi-million dollar Clinton Foundation donor was denied entry into the U.S. last year because of his ties to a Lebanese organization that has allegedly given money to the terrorist group Hezbollah, The Los Angeles Times reports. The news, which was based on interviews and government documents, comes weeks after emails surfaced showing that in 2009, a Clinton Foundation adviser asked Hillary Clinton's State Department deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin, for a favor on Chagoury's behalf. The request for favors is evidence that the Clinton Foundation operates as a massive pay-for-play scheme, the Clintons' critics have claimed. More | ||||||||
Posted: 30 Aug 2016 12:51 PM PDT
Date of Incident: 26 August 2016 Location: 400 block of Patrick Avenue, Salisbury, MD Suspect: Shaiquann Dynell Jones, 21, Salisbury, MD Narrative: On 26 August 2016 at 3:14 PM a deputy arrested Shaiquann Jones in connection with a reported robbery and assault. According to the victim in this case, Jones was upset because he could not get a ride to the probation office so he pushed the victim down and forcibly took her cell phone from her. Upon arrest the deputy transported Jones to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Jones in the Detention Center in lieu of $50,000.00 bond. Charges: Robbery, Theft and Assault 2nd Degree
Date of Incident: 26 August 2016 Location: 8000 block of Hurley's Neck Road, Mardela Springs, MD Suspect: Bruce Lee Jones, 35, Salisbury, MD Narrative: On 26 August 2016 at 7:30 PM a deputy responded to a reported residential burglary in the 8000 block of Hurley's Neck Road in Mardela Springs, MD. Upon arrival the deputy learned that five vehicles on the property were forcibly entered after the perpetrator busted out windows on the vehicles. The deputy was also shown a detached garage that had a door forced open and the house that had been entered through a broken window. It would be determined that the perpetrator in this case took a welder, an air compressor, miscellaneous tools, car parts, an antique wagon wheel, antique knives, a window air conditioner, a box fan and a motorcycle. During the subsequent investigation, the deputy located a witness who observed a known subject, Bruce Jones, driving away from the burglarized property towing a trailer laden down with property purloined from the residence. The deputy managed to locate Jones and found him in possession of some of these items that were taken and was able to conclude that Jones had already either sold or scrapped the other items. The deputy placed Jones under arrest and transported him to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Jones in the Detention Center in lieu of $7,500.00. Charges: Burglary 2nd Degree, Motor Vehicle Theft and Theft. Incident: Assault Date of Incident: 27 August 2016 Location: 32000 block of Grant Street, Parsonsburg, MD Suspect: Jeffrey Andrew Mayhle, 45, Parsonsburg, MD Narrative: On 27 August 2016 at 4:02 AM a deputy responded to a residence in the 32000 block of Grant Street in Parsonsburg for a reported domestic related assault. Upon arrival the deputy met with a female subject who had obvious signs of injury that would be determined to be the result of an assault. The suspect in the assault, Jeffrey Mayhle lives with the victim. The investigating deputy also learned that Mayhle had an aggressive pit bull that was muzzled; Mayhle removed that muzzle which allowed the pit bull to attack another dog. The dog that was attacked suffered serious injuries that required transport to a veterinary hospital. The deputy placed Mayhle under arrest and transported him to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Mayhle in the Detention Center in lieu of $20,000.00 bond. Charges: Assault 2nd Degree and Animal Cruelty Incident: Burglary Date of Incident: 27 August 2016 Location: 1200 block of S. Division Street, Salisbury, MD Suspects: Jonah R. Ramney, 20, Forest Hill, MD Zachary S. Summers, 20, Forest Hill, MD Narrative: On 27 August 2016 at 7:19 PM a deputy responded to the report of a burglary in the 1200 block of S. Division Street in Salisbury. Upon arrival, the deputy met with a property owner who stated that he observed two individuals later identified as Jonah Ramney and Zachary Summers climbing out of a window in a house he owns. The property owner observed that Ramney and Summers were both carrying backpacks as they walked away from the house. The property owner attempted to confront Ramney and Summers who proceeded to flee on foot. The property owner returned to the residence and observed that a window had been broken and observed his camera lying in the yard. Further inspection of the residence revealed additional property of the owner missing. A canvas of the area by the deputy resulted in the locating of Ramney and Summers in a nearby apartment complex. After further investigation, the deputy placed both Ramney and Summers under arrest. The deputy transported both Ramney and Summers to the Detention Center where they were processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, both were detained in the Detention Center by the Commissioner in lieu of $10,000.00 bond. Charges: Burglary 2nd Degree, Theft and Malicious Destruction of Property | ||||||||
Just In: Police Have Surrounded Chris Brown’s House And He’s Refusing To Come Out Posted: 30 Aug 2016 12:37 PM PDT LOS ANGELES (Sinclair Broadcast Group/AP) — Los Angeles police have been called to singer Chris Brown's home. Officer Lyle Knight says officers responded early Tuesday to the house in the Tarzana neighborhood. Knight had no immediate information about what prompted the call. Television news showed several police cars parked outside the property in the San Fernando Valley area. According to TMZ, a woman claimed he threatened her with a gun. More/Videos | ||||||||
Suspended Baltimore Co. Officer Takes Own Life During Standoff With Harford Co. Deputies Posted: 30 Aug 2016 12:30 PM PDT A Baltimore County police officer took his own life early Monday during a standoff with Harford County sheriff's deputies. Deputies were called to James Ward's home in the 2000 block of Stratton Court in Bel Air at around 1:34 a.m. Monday. Deputies set up a perimeter, and negotiators from the sheriff's office Special Response Team and Crisis Negotiation Team tried to bring the encounter to a peaceful end, according to a statement from the sheriff's office. After several hours without response, deputies made entry and found Ward on a lower floor dead from an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound. No deputies fired shots during the incident, and nobody else was injured. Deputies will conduct an investigation. More | ||||||||
Why Blacks Should Give Trump A Chance Posted: 30 Aug 2016 12:00 PM PDT | ||||||||
BREAKING NEWS: DROWNING AT ASSATEAGUE Posted: 30 Aug 2016 11:55 AM PDT | ||||||||
State Rallies To Create Blood Donation Day; Shortages Reported Nationwide Posted: 30 Aug 2016 11:30 AM PDT BERLIN – Maryland has established its own Blood Donation Day as national shortages reach dangerous levels. The state has taken its lead from Dr. Daliah Wachs, a radio personality, professor and physician who has worked with the American Red Cross, United Blood Service and blood banks to create a National Blood Donation Week from Sept. 4 to Sept. 10. Gov. Larry Hogan, along with 22 other states, has drafted a proclamation to encourage donation events and drives that coincide with National Blood Donation Week. Maryland's Blood Donation Day will take place Sept. 10. As summer comes to a close, there is a shortage of school blood drives and donations. Yet trauma cases, disasters, cancer and other needs for blood continue to deplete medical center and hospital inventories, according to the National Blood Donation Week website. More | ||||||||
Salisbury to Welcome Delegation from Estonian Sister City Posted: 30 Aug 2016 11:19 AM PDT Salisbury – Mayor Jake Day, along with members of Salisbury City government, representatives of Salisbury University, and the Sister Cities Committee will welcome a delegation from Tartu, Estonia on Wednesday, September 7th 2016. This visit will mark the latest in a long history of amicable, successful interactions between Salisbury and her sister City, Tartu. The delegation will consist of the Mayor of Tartu, several civil employees, and a host of business leaders from the Tartu community. After breakfast and a welcoming ceremony, delegation members will engage with their American counterparts for a series of presentations by the Estonian Delegation members, and local business and government leaders. Estonian businesses—including a mobile data security firm, tech and software development firms, and mapping and telemetry software company, to name just a few—will hear from local experts such as Lee Beauchamp of Operational Precision Systems, Justin Garner of Garner Group Marketing, and James McNaugton of AhPharma. Mayor Jake Day and Salisbury's Assistant Director of Internal Services - Procurement & Parking Division, Jen Miller will give insight into the operation of Salisbury's city government at multiple levels. The day will culminate in an evening mixer at Evolution Craft Brewery, where the delegation will have the opportunity to sample local cuisine and craft beer. "The City of Salisbury is excited for this visit from our Estonian counterparts and for the opportunity for exchange of culture and ideas," said Assistant City Administrator, Julia Glanz. "Salisbury has become an area where innovation thrives, much like Tartu. All participants will leave feeling invigorated and challenged to create, design, build the next big thing. The day's events are open to the public and all are welcome to join us." The itinerary for the day follows: All the day's public events will be held in the Wicomico Room of the Guerrieri University Center at Salisbury University September 7th 9:30-10:00am- Formal Welcoming of Delegation 10:00-11:00am- Smart City Development Smart City developments recently to Salisbury Bottle necks with Smart City development for the City How Smart City solutions are procured 11:00-1:00pm- Presentations of Estonian Businesses/American Businesses 2:45-4:30pm Brainstorming/Moderated Discussion in Groups What are the main challenges in Salisbury in these areas? Planning IT/Data Transportation 4:00-6:00pm Lecture by Kuldar Taveter- TTU- Perdue Hall Room 362 Proactive government and decision support for citizens and civil servant Agent based theories gaming for decision support in crisis management Local representatives will include: Justin Garner, Garner Group Marketing – Garner Group Marketing helps businesses find new customers through online marketing. GGM does this through Search Engine Marketing (Google Adwords) and Social Media Channels such as Facebook and Instagram. Lee Beauchamp, Anaerobic Digester Consultant, Operational Precision Systems James McNaughton, AhPharma – AHPharma, Inc. prides itself on being able to pin-point current issues in the animal-health & food safety industry and create products and/or solutions to fill these voids. Adit Abraham & Benyam Ephrem, VelopApps – VelopApps is an app development company with smartphone app "Rootine", as its main product. Rootine helps users achieve a goal by breaking the goal down into a series of steps. Maggie Kemp, Cloud to Cup – Cloud to Cup is a filtration system that makes rain water potable. Michael Solomon, Economic Development Director, Pulaski County Economic Development Signe Pringle, Managing Director, Department of Commerce – International Investment & Trade Jennifer Miller, City of Salisbury – Assistant Director of Internal Service - Procurement & Parking Division Bill Garrett, City of Salisbury – Director of IT ¬¬ Michael Moulds, City of Salisbury – Director of Public Works Estonian businesses which will be present include: Mobi Lab Mobi Lab is mobile design and development studio based in Estonia. Their mission is to create the best mobile experience for Smart City solutions. Their in-house team consists of creative designers, technically skilled mobile software engineers and experienced business analysts. They are working with clients and partners globally – including Skype, Microsoft, Samsung, Ericsson etc. Mobi Lab's main services: successful mobile strategy for any business smooth user experience creative and beautiful design high-quality iOS, Android & WP software valuable behaviour monitoring and insights Positium LBS Positium extracts and processes anonymous location data of mobile subscribers from mobile network operators, using the specific tools and algorithms created over 10 years of experience. They produce statistical data on residents and visitors, and their mobility. Mobile phones reveal peoples' location to the mobile operator as they communicate with the cell tower to transmit calls, text messages or data. Mobile phones are ubiquitous sensors of the society. Individually, these anonymous signals do not mean much, but taken together they can be used to paint a picture of the streets. Carefully processed, this information can provide continuous data on various areas -tourism, urban planning, transportation management. Cityntel Cityntel develops next generation context and situation aware street light control solution based on unique flat wireless mesh network and Mist computing technologies. In the course of a night the situation on the streets varies a lot. Peak hours need different lighting than quiet night hours when there are very few people accessing the street. Their solution makes street lights adjust their brightness according to an actual need. Street lights are gathering information regarding human presence, traffic intensity, weather conditions etc from various sensors deployed in the area and adjust their brightness based on this data. By using wireless mesh network sensors are able to communicate with street lights on local level. GoSwift GoSwift removes physical queues by replacing them with virtual ones. GoSwift has been operating a virtual queuing and online booking system for borders, ports and tourist attractions since 2011. GoSwift operates in 4 countries - Finland, Russia, Lithuania and Estonia, at 9 border crossing points, using a Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. In 2013, GoSwift was nominated as one of the best e-services in the world, by World Summit Award, contest to select and promote of best practices in digital innovation with local relevance, content depth and user value from all UN member states. In 2015, GoSwift won the OECD's International Transport Forum "Transport Achievement Award" for its outstanding results in solving border crossing transport issues resulting in growth of tourism and trade. Baltic Innovation Agency Baltic Innovation Agency (BIA) is providing innovation, clustering and technology development related services to public, private and third sector organizations. BIA´s main competence areas include cluster management, strategic and business planning, technology transfer and commercialization, market research and analysis. BIA is a member of the Enterprise Europe Network, the main business support network for SMEs in the EU, and The Competitiveness Institute, the global network of cluster practitioners and cluster development organisations. Net Group Net Group is a new-generation Nordic software development and consultancy firm operating in international markets. Their goal is to boost efficiency and lower costs through excellent tailor-made software solutions. Their core competences are application and product development and implementation - .NET, Sharepoint and Java technologies, Integration services – BizTalk platform, Design and Usability. They have two special products: Synerall® is an innovative CRM, Billing and eCommerce and Courtal® is the most advanced e-court information system available on the market . Tallinn University of Technology (TUT) TUT the only technological university in Estonia, is the flagship of Estonian engineering and technology education. Here the synergy between different fields (ICT, technology, natural and social sciences) is created and new ideas are born. TUT is driven by internationalization, entrepreneurship and innovation. With 14,000 students and 2000 staff members TUT is internationally recognized research university and a promoter of economic development and innovation in Estonia and globally. Datel Ovela Born global between the United States of America and Estonia, a vast number of the services that wrote the e-Government success story were our own. From inventing mapping tools for returning land to families who had it seized for a generation in 1990 Estonia to urban planning/permitting geospatial (mapping) systems in Virginia and a rural American presentation tool built for the President of the United States this saga is far from over. 26 years, 9 countries, and countless stories. Stories of Datel Ovela Counties placing in the NACo Top 5 Digital Counties in the United States year after year! We will write the next chapter together. Cybernetica Cybernetica is an R&D intensive ICT company that researches, develops and manufactures mission-critical systems, light signalling and telematics products, maritime surveillance and radio communications systems. Cybernetica has been an active counterpart in developing critical e-Government systems, such as the Estonian X-Road, i-Voting, e-Customs and others. | ||||||||
FBI Interviewed Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary Clinton Adviser Posted: 30 Aug 2016 11:00 AM PDT South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy suggested earlier this week that the public will be surprised when it hears how the FBI described Sidney Blumenthal and his working relationship with his longtime friend, Hillary Clinton. Gowdy, the former chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, mentioned in passing during an interview with Fox News' Megyn Kelly that the FBI had quizzed Blumenthal as part of its probe into Clinton's private email server. Blumenthal, a former journalist and Bill Clinton White House aide, had dodged when asked in several interviews back in May about whether he was interviewed. He said that he did not want to comment on an ongoing investigation. Gowdy noted that when Blumenthal's emails with Clinton were made public last year, Clinton bristled when Blumenthal was described as her adviser. But the FBI thought he was even more than a mere adviser, Gowdy suggested. More | ||||||||
Body found on Morgan State University campus Posted: 30 Aug 2016 10:56 AM PDT D.O.A. Investigation On August 30, 2016 at approximately 10:50 a.m., officers responded 1700 E. Coldspring Lane, the CIBUS Building, which is located on the campus of Morgan State University, for report of a foul odor that was coming from a room. Upon arrival, officers were directed to the room where maintenance workers had discovered the body of a 45 year old male graduate student. Officers pronounced the student dead on the scene. Preliminary investigation revealed the deceased last entered the building on August 4, 2016 and had not been seen nor heard from since. The deceased is showing no signs of trauma and it does not appear that foul play was involved. People who knew the deceased said he had been ill for quite some time. Homicide detectives are investigating this incident. A cause of death will be determined by a pending autopsy. Anyone with information on this case is asked to call detectives at (410) 396-2100. | ||||||||
Beaver Run School Sewer Overflow Again? Posted: 30 Aug 2016 10:46 AM PDT | ||||||||
It’s Official: Berlin Has Contested Mayoral Election Posted: 30 Aug 2016 10:30 AM PDT That, he says, is why he's seeking a third consecutive term as mayor of the historic town. Williams filed for reelection Monday, just days before the Sept. 2 deadline. He will face Council member Lisa Hall in October's election. Hall will vacate her council seat to run for mayor. "Building on the work that has been ongoing for over two decades, I wish to continue to serve the citizens of Berlin in helping to add some more important blocks to a foundation that will allow our community to prosper, not just today but for the generations who will follow, while preserving our unique quality of life that is precious to all of us," Williams said. Williams joined the group on the dais as a councilman in 2003 after years of living in and covering town politics for local newspapers. Working as a reporter, he was a familiar face in Berlin Town Hall long before he was elected. "I've been in town hall most second and fourth Monday nights in my life," he joked. More | ||||||||
UPDATE | 17-year-old charged with bus assault on 5-year-old turns himself in to police Posted: 30 Aug 2016 10:15 AM PDT BAMBERG, S.C. (WRDW/WAGT) -- A 17-year-old accused of hitting a 5-year-old girl on a school bus has turned himself in to police Tuesday morning. Tavon Walters turned himself in at 10 a.m., and a bond hearing is scheduled for 3 p.m. Tuesday. Walters is accused of hitting the girl on the bus ride from the schools to the after school program. Parents of a 5 year-old girl are furious. They say security video, taken on a Bamberg school bus, shows her being hit. Now, the 17-year-old accused of hitting her has a warrant out for his arrest. Jasmine's parents want to know why the high school student was allowed to ride the bus in the first place. Terry Peters says he immediately noticed the mark on his little girl's face when he picked her up from after school care on Thursday. "I'm very upset! I'm mad," Peters said. He says the daycare workers told him 17 year old Tavon Walters, a high school student, hit his daughter on the bus ride from the schools to the after school program. "He had reached over that seat and telling another girl if you don't hit her then I'm going to hit her for you," the father said. More/Video | ||||||||
Analyst: Clinton Foundation 'Self-Inflicted Wound' for Hillary, 'Just Bleeds and Bleeds' Posted: 30 Aug 2016 10:00 AM PDT Elise Jordan, a political analyst for NBC News, writes that Hillary Clinton's handling of the "Clinton Cash" Clinton Foundation scandals is a "self-inflicted wound" that "just bleeds and bleeds and bleeds." From TIME: I recently sliced the tip of my toe on an ocean barnacle. This happened at 6pm on a Friday of a long-awaited beach weekend, so I avoided the emergency room for stitches. More | ||||||||
The new GDP numbers are terrible. No wonder Hillary won’t talk about the economy Posted: 30 Aug 2016 09:53 AM PDT No wonder Hillary doesn't want to talk about the economy. We got revised GDP numbers from the Commerce Department on Friday and the economy actually did slightly WORSE than originally estimated. Growth was 1.1 percent in the second quarter of this year and less than 1 percent for the first six months of 2016. The business sector of the economy has sunk recession territory. Profits are srinking (down 2.4 percent last quarter) so how long can the stock market rise? The consumer is keeping the economy out of negative territory, but that's only because we are spending more than we are earning. How long can that go on? About as long as the housing bubble could inflate without bursting. More | ||||||||
BREAKING: Agriculture Department closes offices in 5 states after threats Posted: 30 Aug 2016 09:49 AM PDT WASHINGTON —The Agriculture Department said Tuesday it had closed offices in five states after receiving anonymous threats that it considered serious. USDA spokesman Matthew Herrick said in a statement that the department had received "several anonymous messages" late Monday that raised concerns about the safety of USDA personnel and facilities. He said six offices were closed Tuesday morning until further notice. Herrick said the department is working with the FBI and federal and local law enforcement to determine whether the threats are credible. In an email to employees, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said USDA is closing the offices "due to the serious nature of these threats." He did not characterize the threats or say how they were received, but asked employees to be aware of their surroundings and report any suspicious activity. White House Spokesman Josh Earnest said the Department of Homeland Security is working with USDA "to ensure the safety of their offices and the personnel that work there." More | ||||||||
Hillary Clinton's scandals are no laughing matter Posted: 30 Aug 2016 09:45 AM PDT Hillary Clinton believes the latest controversies dogging the Clinton Foundation and her State Department email exchanges and meetings are simply a laughing matter. The Democratic nominee is quick to blame Donald Trump and brush off any criticism over the cozy relationship with foundation donors during her time at the State Department as partisan sniping. Asked on ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live" if she was concerned about the release a new batch of her State Department emails before this fall's debate, Mrs. Clinton responded, "No, Jimmy, my emails are so boring. And I'm embarrassed about that. They're so boring. So we've already released, I don't know, 30,000-plus, so what's a few more?" Mrs. Clinton took a similar approach when the FBI began investigating her private server last year. In August 2015 when reporters asked Mrs. Clinton about "wiping" her server before handing it to the FBI, she said with a laugh, "What, like with a cloth or something? I don't know how it works digitally at all." More | ||||||||
Posted: 30 Aug 2016 09:37 AM PDT It's true that on some of the most pressing of issues—immigration, trade, and foreign policy—Donald Trump's "America First" positions are more align with traditional conservatism than are those of any other candidate. That is, they clash with the neoconservatism, the faux "conservatism," that the GOP Establishment and its media apologists have promoted for decades as the genuine article. Yet this being said, in Trump's nearly 70 years, until very recently, he has done little to nothing to indicate that he has so much as an awareness of the classical conservative tradition, much less a commitment to it. Even if he really believes all that he is now saying, the inability of one person, even if he is the President, to accomplish what Trump vows to achieve supplies grounds for skepticism. Nor is the Supreme Court, as so many Republicans would have us think, necessarily a sufficient reason to vote for Trump. Republicans play the Democrats' game when they attempt to scare voters into thinking that, unless the latter reward them with political offices, the opposition party, by way of its Supreme Court Justice nominees, will deprive them of their guns, speech, borders, etc. However, Article Three, Section II of the US Constitution explicitly states that "the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make" (emphasis added). More | ||||||||
Va. felons with restored rights likely to live among Democrats Posted: 30 Aug 2016 09:30 AM PDT RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — The nearly 13,000 Virginia felons whose voting rights were restored, stripped, then restored again are more likely to live in areas that voted for Democrats than Republicans. Data from the Virginia Public Access Project showed that nearly one-third of the felons with restored voting rights live in a precinct where President Barack Obama received more than 75 percent of the vote in 2012. Less than 2 percent of the felons live in a precinct where 2012 GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney received three-quarters of the vote. Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe restored the voting rights to the felons last week after a previous attempt was undone by the state's Supreme Court. Republicans have accused McAuliffe of trying to add more Democrats to voting rolls ahead of November's election. | ||||||||
McAuliffe announces nearly $1.5 billion revenue shortfall, says state will pull from employee raises Posted: 30 Aug 2016 09:23 AM PDT Virginia will draw from planned employee raises and its rainy day fund to help close an estimated $1.5 billion budget shortfall in the two-year budget, Gov. Terry McAuliffe told lawmakers Friday. Recent job gains have been in lower-paying positions, McAuliffe said, contributing to a lack of sales and income tax revenue. Revised numbers for fiscal 2017 reduce revenue by about $564 million, McAuliffe told members of the General Assembly's money committees. He said the state could use about $378 million from the rainy day fund and divert about $125 million from money reserved for pay increases to help address the projected shortfall for fiscal 2017. The two-year budget totals more than $100 billion. More | ||||||||
US: Clinton Calendars Won't Be Released Until after Election Posted: 30 Aug 2016 09:15 AM PDT WASHINGTON (AP) — Seven months after a federal judge ordered the State Department to begin releasing monthly batches of the detailed daily schedules showing meetings by Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, the government told The Associated Press it won't finish the job before Election Day. The department has so far released about half of the schedules. Its lawyers said in a phone conference with the AP's lawyers that the department now expects to release the last of the detailed schedules around Dec. 30, weeks before the next president is inaugurated. The AP's lawyers late Friday formally asked the State Department to hasten that effort so that the department could provide all Clinton's minute-by-minute schedules by Oct. 15. The agency did not immediately respond. More | ||||||||
Iowa GOP Chairman: Hillary Is 'Lashing Out' Because Trump Can Win Minorities Posted: 30 Aug 2016 09:07 AM PDT Hillary Clinton is garnering heartland criticism for her bizarre speech this week attacking Trump campaign CEO Steve Bannon, Breitbart News, and the nebulously-defined "Alt Right" as an Axis of Evil that inspires racism on the Internet. Republican Party of Iowa chairman Jeff Kaufmann is not too impressed with this line of attack, especially considering that it came on the heels of a scandal-plagued week for Clinton. "Hillary Clinton's latest strategy of deflecting from her corrupt pay-to-play scheme at the State Department by leveling personal attacks against Donald Trump is as desperate as it is predictable," Kaufmann said in a statement provided to Breitbart News. More | ||||||||
NBP's Quanell X: Trump Right About Dems Exploiting Black Votes Posted: 30 Aug 2016 09:00 AM PDT Quanell X, leader of the New Black Panther Party in Houston, Texas, said this week on a local news program that black Americans should "truly examine" Donald Trump's outreach to the black community and "reexamine the relationship" that black voters have with the Democratic Party. More/Video | ||||||||
No more shoes to drop? Hillary’s most unbelievable promise yet Posted: 30 Aug 2016 08:45 AM PDT Hillary Clinton issued a remarkable promise Friday morning: No more shoes will fall in her e-mail mess or the Clinton Foundation scandals. Mika Brzezinski of "Morning Joe" asked her outright: "Are you certain there are no e-mails or foundation ties to foreign entities that will be revealed that could perhaps permanently impact your presidential prospects?" Clinton replied, "I am sure, and I am sure because I have a very strong foundation of understanding about the foundation." More | ||||||||
Russian man volunteers for first human head transplant Posted: 30 Aug 2016 08:30 AM PDT While severing someone's head and attaching it to another person's body sounds like something straight out of a science fiction or horror movie, some real-life scientists say they are planning to do just that – as early as next year. Italian neuroscientist Dr. Sergio Canavero made headlines last year when he announced his plans to perform the first human head transplant in 2017. Since then, he's recruited Chinese surgeon Dr. Xiaoping Ren to work with him, and now has found a volunteer patient for the procedure: a Russian man named Valery Spiridonov. Spiridonov suffers from Werdnig-Hoffmann Disease, a rare and often fatal genetic disorder that breaks down muscles and kills nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that help the body move. Spiridonov is confined to a wheelchair; his limbs are shriveled and his movements essentially limited to feeding himself, typing, and controlling his wheelchair with a joystick. In its September issue, The Atlantic profiles Spiridonov and the two scientists who hope to perform the experimental – and highly controversial – procedure. More | ||||||||
Posted: 30 Aug 2016 08:15 AM PDT The Clinton Foundation had special pull in Hillary Clinton's State Department when it came to dinner invitations and seating at events. Hillary Clinton is under fire for her foundation's accepting of foreign cash while she worked for the State Department. Now, according to emails obtained by Citizens United, we know that the Foundation was able to get all kinds of fancy favors. ABC News reported on the Citizens United emails: More | ||||||||
Posted: 30 Aug 2016 08:00 AM PDT Recently released emails appear to further show a direct connection between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, including efforts to get foundation donors seats to an official lunch with Chinese President Hu Jintao. In emails dated December 2010, Clinton State Department aide Huma Abedin and then-top Clinton Foundation official Doug Band discussed potential guests for the lunch with the Chinese president -- including three executives from groups that had donated millions to the foundation, according to an ABC News report late Saturday. Among the possible guests discussed were Bob McCann, then-president of wealth management at UBS; Judith Rodin, Rockefeller Foundation president, and Western Union CEO Hikmet Ersek. The emails reviewed by ABC News were obtained by the conservative group Citizens United through a Freedom of Information Act request. More | ||||||||
"If This Does Not Disqualify Hillary For The Presidency, It's Hard To Know What Will" Posted: 30 Aug 2016 07:45 AM PDT Even the traditionally 'establishment' Wall Street Journal is waking up to the utter incredulity of an American media (and citizenry) which appears capable of cognitive dissonance on an epic scale when it comes to Hillary Clinton. As Kimberly Strassel explains the latest emails show that State and the foundation were one seamless entity. This is the week that the steady drip, drip, drip of details about Hillary Clinton's server turned into a waterfall. This is the week that we finally learned why Mrs. Clinton used a private communications setup, and what it hid. This is the week, in short, that we found out that the infamous server was designed to hide that Mrs. Clinton for three years served as the U.S. Secretary of the Clinton Foundation. In March this column argued that while Mrs. Clinton's mishandling of classified information was important, it missed the bigger point. The Democratic nominee obviously didn't set up her server with the express purpose of exposing national secrets—that was incidental. She set up the server to keep secret the details of the Clintons' private life—a life built around an elaborate and sweeping money-raising and self-promoting entity known as the Clinton Foundation. Had Secretary Clinton kept the foundation at arm's length while in office—as obvious ethical standards would have dictated—there would never have been any need for a private server, or even private email. The vast majority of her electronic communications would have related to her job at the State Department, with maybe that occasional yoga schedule. And those Freedom of Information Act officers would have had little difficulty—when later going through a email—screening out the clearly "personal" before making her records public. This is how it works for everybody else. More | ||||||||
COAST GUARD URGES MARINERS, BEACHGOERS TO PREPARE FOR SEVERE WEATHER Posted: 30 Aug 2016 07:30 AM PDT ![]() ![]() "Our primary concern is ensuring the safety of life at sea," said Capt. William Lane, Fifth District Chief of Response. "We are encouraging all mariners, personal watercraft users, and beachgoers to make safety a priority as these two weather systems pass through the region." Mariners are warned to take the following precautions to protect their vessels and their crews:
Swimmers and personal watercraft users are advised to:
For additional guidance mariners are advised to contact their local harbormaster. | ||||||||
Posted: 30 Aug 2016 07:15 AM PDT NEW YORK CITY, New York — Retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, who served for more than two years as the director of President Barack Obama's Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), leveled explosive charges against the President and his former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in an exclusive hour-long interview with Breitbart News Daily on Friday. Specifically, during an exclusive interview about his book The Field of Fight, Flynn said that Obama and Clinton were not interested in hearing intelligence that did not fit their "happy talk" narrative about the Middle East. In fact, he alleged the administration actively scrubbed training manuals and purged from the military ranks any thinking about the concept of radical Islamism. Flynn argued that this effort by Obama, Clinton and others to reduce the intelligence community to gathering only facts that the senior administration officials wanted to hear—rather than what they needed to hear—helped the enemy fester and grow, while weakening the United States on the world stage. More | ||||||||
Civil Rights Leader Stands Up For Donald Trump Posted: 30 Aug 2016 07:00 AM PDT | ||||||||
Huma Abedin’s mom linked to shocking anti-women book Posted: 30 Aug 2016 06:53 AM PDT As secretary of state, women's-rights champ Hillary Clinton not only spoke at a Saudi girls school run by her top aide Huma Abedin's anti-feminist mother, but Clinton invited the elder Abedin to participate in a State Department event for "leading thinkers" on women's issues. This happened despite evidence at the time that Saleha M. Abedin had explored the religious merits of sexual submissiveness, child marriage, lashings and stonings for adulterous women, and even the circumcision of girls. The elder Abedin, whose daughter helps run Clinton's presidential campaign, did take a pro-gender-equality stance on at least one issue: Muslim women's right to participate in violent jihad alongside men. As The Post first reported, Huma's mom edits the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, which has suggested that America had 9/11 coming to it, because of "sanctions" and "injustices" the US allegedly imposed on the Muslim world. More | ||||||||
Gov't Funds to Mylan Spiked After Manchin’s Daughter Became CEO Posted: 30 Aug 2016 06:45 AM PDT Millions in government funds directed to subsidiaries after Heather Bresch became CEO Government funds awarded to Mylan, Inc. increased dramatically after the daughter of Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) took over as its chief executive officer. The pharmaceutical company Mylan sparked controversy this week for hiking the price of its EpiPen, an autoinjector used to counter allergic reactions. The life-saving device was sold wholesale at $56.64 per unit in 2009. That price skyrocketed to $317.82 by 2015, an increase of 461 percent. Company executives increased their own salaries as the cost of the EpiPen rose. Heather Bresch, Manchin's daughter, served as president of Mylan between 2009 and 2011. She took over as the company's chief executive officer in 2012. Bresch was paid $2,453, 456 in salary in 2007. Her total compensation increased to $18,931,068 in 2015, NBC News reported. More | ||||||||
Trump to Clinton: Let's both release detailed medical records Posted: 30 Aug 2016 06:37 AM PDT Donald Trump Sunday said both he and Hillary Clinton should release "detailed" medical records to the public. In a tweet, Trump suggested that he would do so if Clinton agreed to as well, though he did not exactly rule out doing so on his own. "I think that both candidates, Crooked Hillary and myself, should release detailed medical records. I have no problem in doing so! Hillary?" Trump tweeted. More | ||||||||
Police: Okla. woman arrested after shooting man found in bedroom with teen daughter Posted: 30 Aug 2016 06:30 AM PDT PAOLI, Okla. (KOKH) - Police say a Garvin County woman was arrested after shooting a man in her home. The Paoli Police Department says 34-year-old Valerie Fowler was arrested Aug. 29 on a complaint of assault and battery with a deadly weapon. Just after 7:20 a.m. Monday, police say Fowler found a man in a bedroom with her 16-year-old daughter. Fowler allegedly then shot the man. More | ||||||||
Under Armour Announces Plan to Open E-Commerce Distribution House in Maryland Posted: 30 Aug 2016 06:29 AM PDT Over 1 million-square-foot facility will house 1,000 employees; optimize product distribution for company's growing direct-to-consumer business ANNAPOLIS, MD – Under Armour today announced the company's plan to open a 1.3 million-square-foot distribution and warehouse facility at Sparrows Point in Baltimore County as part of the Tradepoint Atlantic redevelopment project. The establishment of the Sparrows Point distribution house, which is expected to open in the summer of 2018, is a collaboration with state and local officials to employ approximately 1,000 employees in the Baltimore area once the facility is operating at its full capacity. The facility will feature state-of-the-art equipment and systems to enhance Under Armour's product distribution to its expanding consumer base through its e-commerce business. "We take great pride in collaborating with Governor Hogan, Secretary Gill, Baltimore County Executive Kamenetz, Tradepoint Atlantic, and the many other state and local officials who share our commitment to create economic and job opportunities for the greater Baltimore community and Maryland as a whole," said Under Armour Founder and CEO Kevin Plank. "The new Distribution House will be a top-notch service engine for our e-commerce business to deliver the right product, to the right place at the right time to our growing consumer base and athletes around the world." This will be Under Armour's fourth distribution facility in the United States and the second in the surrounding area of the company's headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland. The other Maryland facility is located in Curtis Bay and will continue to operate in addition to its Rialto, California and Mount Juliet, Tennessee distribution houses. "Under Armour is a true Maryland success story, and this new e-commerce center is another way they are showing their commitment to our state and to the Baltimore region," said Governor Hogan. "As a pivotal new tenant at Tradepoint Atlantic, Under Armour will play a big part in this site's resurgence to a center of economic activity and trade. We applaud Kevin Plank and his team for the visionary decision to open their latest distribution house – and create 1,000 jobs over the coming years – right here in Maryland." "Under Armour's latest investment in our state reinforces the fact that Maryland is a great place to do business," said Secretary of Commerce Mike Gill. "Economic development is a team sport, and it's clear that our team – from the various state agencies, to the local officials and the private sector – is committed to supporting this project's success every step of the way." Under Armour's new distribution house represents the largest new tenant for Tradepoint Atlantic, which at 3,100 total acres is the largest, privately-owned industrial redevelopment site and port on the U.S. East Coast. "We are excited to welcome one of the world's leading global brands to Tradepoint Atlantic, lending further validation to the enormous value that our multi-modal logistics capabilities deliver for companies seeking supply chain optimization and unmatched access to global markets," said Eric Gilbert, executive vice president of Tradepoint Development, the developer of Tradepoint Atlantic. "The former home to one of the largest integrated steel mills in the world has been reborn as a center for global commerce that will continue to bring new jobs and investment to Maryland." To assist with project costs, the Maryland Department of Commerce has approved a $2 million conditional loan through the Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority and Fund (MEDAAF), and additionally will fund $2 million in real property and infrastructure improvements through the Maryland Economic Development Corporation (MEDCO). The company is also eligible for various tax credits including Maryland's Job Creation Tax Credit and Enterprise Zones Property Tax Credit, along with the new sales tax exemption on construction materials and equipment at this site, which Governor Hogan signed into law this year. Baltimore County is supporting the project with a $200,000 conditional loan for equipment purchase, contingent on County Council approval. "Under Armour's new e-commerce distribution house at Tradepoint Atlantic is a perfect match for our vision for Sparrows Point -- a hometown company investing in the region and bringing 1,000 jobs to Baltimore County," said Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz. "Under Armour's success has been based on commitment, respect and the ability to creatively and strategically meet the demands of the marketplace. We are proud to be part of that team." "MEDCO is excited to see Under Armour's decision to locate their e-commerce distribution center at the Tradepoint Atlantic site," said Bob Brennan, executive director of MEDCO. "Being a part of Team Maryland: Department of Commerce; Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation; the Port Administration; MEDCO; Baltimore County; and Tradepoint Atlantic demonstrated a collaboration of business discipline directed to meet the customer's needs. MEDCO is pleased to have been a member of the team." | ||||||||
Tim Kaine Once Pushed Out White Jurors Posted: 30 Aug 2016 06:26 AM PDT In a late '80s civil trial in Richmond, Tim Kaine used a race-based legal strategy that the Supreme Court would later determine was unconstitutional: He struck potential jurors from a trial, simply because they were white. Over recent days, the 2016 presidential contest has zeroed in on racial issues, with Donald Trump calling Hillary Clinton a bigot who has been terrible for black people, and Clintonarguing that white supremacists have co-opted Trump's campaign to normalize their ideology. Kaine, Clinton's running mate, has mostly kept his head down during this testy back-and-forth. Instead of leaping into the culture-war fray, he headed to Florida to go on what the campaign calls a "local small business tour." But Kaine—whose team didn't respond to a request for comment for this story—has a history of grappling with racial issues head-on. And an article he wrote for the University of Richmond Law Review in 1989 provides a window into how he thought about the interplay between racial stereotypes and criminal justice. As a trial lawyer, he grappled with whether it was ethical to use racially motivated stereotypes about white and black people to try to get jurors who would favor his clients. In at least one case, he used those stereotypes to try to shape a jury. It's a practice that has drawn some criticism for Kaine—but also some surprising support—in legal circles. Ronald Rotunda, a libertarian-leaning attorney and a professor at the Chapman University School of Law, for one, called Kaine's sentiment "offensive." More | ||||||||
Donald Trump warns of 'rigged' election, recruits volunteers to monitor polling places Posted: 30 Aug 2016 06:23 AM PDT Fearing a "rigged" election, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is recruiting volunteers to monitor polls on Election Day — prompting voting rights advocates to prepare for fallout and say the real estate mogul's language already is bordering on voter intimidation. In recent weeks, Mr. Trump has called on his supporters in the battleground states of Pennsylvania and Ohio to go beyond simply voting on Nov. 8. He is urging them also to be on the lookout for any funny business on Election Day. A section added to his campaign website explains where people can get more information on how to be a "volunteer Trump Election Observer." "I hope you people can sort of not just vote on the 8th — go around and look and watch other polling places and make sure that it's 100 percent fine," Mr. Trump said at a rally in Pennsylvania this month. He said the only way he would lose the state to Democratic rival Hillary Clinton is if cheating occurs. More | ||||||||
Scholar Nails McAuliffe For Distortioning Court Ruling Posted: 30 Aug 2016 06:15 AM PDT Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe was chastised in the Richmond-Times Dispatch for "gross misrepresentation" of a Virginia state Supreme Court's ruling this weekend. Professor Kevin C. Walsh of the University of Richmond School of Law took McAuliffe to task for his relentless attacks on the Virginia high court, after a four-justice majority struck down his executive order restoring voting rights to nearly 200,000 Virginia convicts. Individuals convicted of felonies in Virginia are permanently barred from casting ballots. The order was derided by Republicans in the state legislature, who saw the order as an attempt to enroll tens of thousands of new Democratic voters in a swing state months before a major election. McAuliffe is a close ally of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. In striking down the order, the state Supreme Court ruled that such a broad and indiscriminate extension of clemency was not imagined by the clemency power in the state Constitution. They further ruled that the order infringed on the state legislature's prerogative to define the rights of convicted felons. More | ||||||||
Activists Angry as Rome Flies Migrants Back to Sudan Posted: 30 Aug 2016 06:07 AM PDT Struggling as 10,000 people arrive on its shores each week, Italy has begun to send migrants back to Sudan on charter flights. The Italian government repatriated the first 48 migrants to Sudan on Wednesday after striking a deal with the North African country earlier this month. The agreement, which comes as 10,000 migrants are arriving in Italy each week, has been met with outrage from activists. The four dozen Sudanese were taken from Ventimiglia, near the French border, and flown back to their homeland on a chartered EgyptAir flight on Wednesday. Earlier this month, more than 100 migrants broke through police barriers in the town and made their way to France. Situated on the French border, officials fear the town could become a new Calais, referring to the port's so-called "jungle" camps, from which migrants attempt to illegally enter Britain. Sudanese officials identified the first 48 people who could be deported out of a group of hundreds of African men who have been staying in the French-Italian border town. Three activists from the "No Borders" network, which demands European taxpayers house, clothe and pay unlimited numbers of migrants, were arrested climbing onto a radar tower at Malpensa Airport. More | ||||||||
A Viewer Writes: Pasco is one fine business Posted: 30 Aug 2016 06:00 AM PDT Well had my alternator die on me today. Which is Sunday. I was right in front of Pasco in Fruitland. I managed to get my truck into the parking lot and went on in to get some help. Well even though it is Sunday they were open but not for service . Was informed I had to wait until Monday. I was obviously in dire straits by the look on my face when the young man asked if I was OK. I informed him I had to be in Fairfax VA later that evening for business and an early morning appointment. I was totally screwed. I was going to buy everything i could think of a do the repairs in the parking lot. The young man asked me to give him a minute and proceeded to make a phone call. Within minutes the owner and a tech appeared to properly diagnose the problem and fix it. All to happy to help! No only did they do this but informed me of the cheapest way to go all while informing me that I didn't need certain things I thought I would. Saving me a lot of money! This was their day off! I could have been told sorry about my luck but was only greeted with the need to help not just a customer but a person period! This kind of service isn't readily available here on the shore! But it is most definitely available at Pasco! I can't thank them enough for not only their help and service. But treating me and my family like friends. Refusing to leave me stranded. More businesses around here can learn alot from them! Pasco customer for life | ||||||||
New Black Panther Leader: Trump Is Right About Democrats Exploiting Black Votes Posted: 30 Aug 2016 05:30 AM PDT Quanell X, leader of the New Black Panther Party in Houston, Texas, said this week on a local news program that black Americans should "truly examine" Donald Trump's outreach to the black community and "reexamine the relationship" that black voters have with the Democratic Party. Quanell X's remarks: "Donald Trump last week went to Milwaukee because of the rioting behind the police shooting of a young African-American male by a black officer and the city was being burned down in certain parts of the black community by protesters so Donald Trump decided to go to Milwaukee and speak about the conditions of America and why he felt black people should vote for him. He even went on to lay out reasons why he felt we should. "Let me say this to the brothers and sisters who listened and watched that speech. We may not like the vessel that said what he said, but I ask us to truly examine what he said, because it is a fact that for 54 years, we have been voting for the Democratic party like no other race in America. And they have not given us the same loyalty and love that we have given them. We as black people have to reexamine the relationship — where we are being pimped like prostitutes, and they're the big pimps pimping us politically, promising us everything and we get nothing in return. "We gotta step back now as black people and say, we've gotta look at all the parties and vote our best interests.." More here | ||||||||
Posted: 30 Aug 2016 05:00 AM PDT SAN GABRIEL, Calif.—Only two athletes in history have won medals in six consecutive Olympic Games. Only two. Let me put this in perspective. There are about 13,000 Olympians, both summer and winter, during each four-year cycle. Since 1896, when the modern Games began, there have been 184,869 Olympians. So we're talking about something that happens .001 percent of the time, which is just one click above…never. The first athlete is Armin Zöggeler, a carabiniere from the Tyrolean Alps who has won two gold medals, one silver medal, and three bronzes during the 1994 through 2014 Winter Games. Armin's nickname is "Ice Blood," and you'll see why if you watch his 2002 Salt Lake City luge run on YouTube. Luge is one of those sports that require constant daily training, constant care of your equipment, and such fine-tuning that the winners and losers are judged by thousandths of a second. It's the most precisely timed sport in the world. The Italians feel so strongly about Armin Zöggeler's six-medals-in-six-Olympics feat that they've asked him to carry the national flag in opening and closing ceremonies three times. He was only able to accept twice because the other time would have interfered with his training runs. The other six-in-six Olympian is a woman from Southern California. She should have been asked to carry the flag at the closing ceremonies in Rio. I have nothing but respect for Simone Biles and her five medals in gymnastics, but this sixth medal in six Olympic Games was not only a once-in-a-century achievement, it was also accomplished by a 37-year-old woman who was fighting injuries, who was struggling against decades of sexism in her sport's Olympic organization, who has to train by herself while raising a 3-year-old son, and who had to learn a whole new sport halfway through her medal run because the Olympics decided only men could compete in her preferred event. More | ||||||||
Police connect two murders, fear more undiscovered in Md. Posted: 30 Aug 2016 04:30 AM PDT PASADENA, Md. (ABC7) — It has been four years since Barbara Burke lost her granddaughter Jessica Lee, whose body was found decapitated behind a shopping center in Pasadena, but the tears still come like it was yesterday. "Every day ... it hurts so bad," Burke said. "Why can't they catch this guy?" That painful question was left unanswered until now, police say. Murder charges were filed this morning in Anne Arundel County against 28-year-old Christopher Scheibe, a drifter and career criminal. "I hope he burns in Hell when he goes to trial and if he ever gets out he doesn't hurt anybody else," Burke said. More | ||||||||
Making It Happen - Summer Edition Posted: 30 Aug 2016 04:00 AM PDT
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James Tilden Bunting of Ocean City, Maryland | 1941 - 2016 | Obituary Posted: 30 Aug 2016 03:01 AM PDT January 29, 1941 - August 27, 2016 Ocean City James Tilden Bunting, age 75, passed away peacefully on Saturday, August 27, 2016 at his home, surrounded by his family. Born in Salisbury, he was the son of the late Fred Keller Bunting and Lavina Matthews Hancock. He was preceded in death by his first wife, June K. Bunting in 1990. He is survived by his beloved wife Joanne Watts Pruitt Bunting, his two daughters, Kim B. Hastings and her husband David of West Ocean City, and Tiffany B. Wyatt and her husband Mitch of Salisbury, a step-daughter, Megan Reichert and her husband George of Cape May, NJ and step-son James C. Pruitt and his wife Miri of Boca Raton, FL. There are four grandchildren, Alexis Wyatt, Caroline Wyatt, Ali Wyatt and Paige Hastings. Also surviving, is his sister Diane Lewis of Roanoke, VA, and two nieces, special uncle, Claude Mathews and his wife Pat of Hanover, PA, and a special cousin, Skip Bunting and his wife Yvonne of Ocean City. Also preceding him in death were his paternal grandparents, Levin James and Anna Spencer Bunting, and maternal grandparents, Claude and Eurydice Mathews and very special aunt, Eleanor Civish. Jay was a graduate of Stephen Decatur High School, Class of 1959. He was a 54 year member (holding Gold Badge Status), of the Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company, member of the Ocean City Life Saving Museum, and served on the board of Port Wardens of Ocean City, former member of St. Paul's-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church and current member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Berlin. He had owned/ operated Jay Bunting Marine Construction for many years. He was an enthusiastic waterman and hunter, and loved breeding and raising his Labrador Retrievers. He leaves behind his two special "girls" Annie and Ellie. A funeral service will be held on Thursday, September 1 at 11:00 AM at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Berlin.The Rev. Michael Moyer and The Reverend Deacon Barry Neville will officiate. Friends may call from 6:00 until 8:00 PM at the Burbage Funeral Home in Berlin on Wednesday, August 31st. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery. A donation in his memory may be made to Guiding Eyes for the Blind, 611 Granite Springs Rd., Yorktown Heights, NY, 10598, or to the Ocean City Volunteer Fire Company, Station 5 P.O. Box 27, Ocean City, MD, 21843, or Coastal Hospice, P.O. Box 1733 Salisbury, MD 21804. Letters of condolence may be sent via: Funeral Service Thursday, September 01, 2016 11:00 AM St. Paul's Episcopal Church 302 Baltimore Ave. Ocean City, MD 21842 | ||||||||
Posted: 30 Aug 2016 03:00 AM PDT | ||||||||
Hello, 911 Emergency, I Can Explain... Posted: 30 Aug 2016 02:00 AM PDT | ||||||||
Posted: 30 Aug 2016 01:00 AM PDT | ||||||||
Posted: 30 Aug 2016 12:00 AM PDT | ||||||||
I Thought Hillary Said They Were Broke? Posted: 29 Aug 2016 11:00 PM PDT |
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