Selasa, 23 Agustus 2016

Salisbury News

Salisbury News

Identity Crisis

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 10:00 PM PDT

The following is a recap of my current identity:

I was born white, which makes me a racist.
I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which makes me a fascist.

I am heterosexual, which makes me a homophobe.

I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of big business.

I am older than 65 and which makes me useless.

I think and I reason; therefore I doubt much that the main stream media tells me, which makes me a reactionary.

I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive American culture, which makes me a xenophobe.

I value my safety and that of my family; therefore I appreciate the police and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing extremist.

I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual's merits, which makes me anti-social.

I, and my friends, acquired a good education without student loans and no debt at graduation, which makes me some kind of odd underachiever.

I believe in the defense and protection of the homeland by all citizens, which makes me a militarist.

Please help me come to terms with this, because I'm not sure who I am anymore!

Newest problem – Now I'm not sure which bathroom I should use!!

Democrats fret over timing of Clintons’ charity fete

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 09:00 PM PDT

They fear the glitzy confab will provide fresh ammunition to Republicans, a week before the first debate between Clinton and Trump.

Hundreds of corporate executives, foreign dignitaries and celebrities will pile into a Manhattan ballroom to hobnob with Bill and Chelsea Clinton next month at their charity's keynote annual event — just days before Hillary Clinton defends herself against pay-to-play accusations from Donald Trump in their first debate.

The 12th and final annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative will showcase its philanthropic work and also the Democratic nominee's greatest potential vulnerability — her ties to a sprawling global charity that has accepted donations from Middle Eastern governments, foreign businessmen with checkered histories and major corporations with business before the government.


Trump Supporters Greet CNN Crew With Chant: ‘Tell The Truth’

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 08:30 PM PDT

The crowd at a rally this weekend for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in Fredericksburg, Va., had a strong reaction when they saw representatives of a news network that they view as biased against their candidate.

In a video posted to Twitter on Sunday, the Trump supporters are seen shouting at a CNN crew, "Do your job! Do your job!"

They then started chanting, "Tell the truth! Tell the truth!"


FBI, DOJ launch Probe into Firm of John Podesta

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 08:00 PM PDT

The FBI and Justice Department have launched an investigation into whether the Podesta Group, the lobbying and public relations firm co-founded by Hillary Clinton presidential campaign chairman John Podesta, has any connections to alleged corruption that occurred in the administration of former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.

The federal probe is, CNN reports, "examining the work of other firms linked to the former Ukrainian government, including that of the Podesta Group."

The Podesta Group, run by John Podest's brother Tony Podesta, was retained by the Russia-controlled firm UraniumOne in 2012, 2014, and 2015, to lobby Hillary Clinton's State Department. The lobbying firm was paid a total of $180,000 according to public records.


Every True Marylander Has Had These 10 Bizarre Experiences At Least Once

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 07:30 PM PDT

As a Marylander, you may have experienced some bizarre things that other locals can relate to as well. Some that are relatable and some that are downright unexplainable. Here are 10 bizarre experiences every true Marylander has had at least once.

1. You've started your day in a t-shirt, only to end up in a hoodie an hour later.

Maryland temperatures are fickle. Make up your mind, Mother Nature! 

2. The utter shock when the weather channel calls for a "light dusting" and you wake up to this.
Yet, your boss still expects you to be at work on time... 

3. Ordering crab cakes out of state, only to discover there's barely any crab meat in them at all.

NEVER order crab cakes outside of Maryland.

See More

The Hill: Trump’s Recruitment of Bannon Means War and Everyone Knows It

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 07:00 PM PDT

"You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will," General William Tecumseh Sherman wrote to Atlanta's officials as he moved forward with plans to evacuate and burn the city. "War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out."

Less than three months before the presidential election, the political establishment and media elites are facing the "curses and malediction" of war of their own making. After years of being used and abused, the Silent Majority they muzzled is rising up and its voice is Republican nominee Donald Trump.

There is no doubt the protectors of the status quo see a threat in Trump. Why else does the media hang on Trump's every word and pounce whenever they get a whiff of a salacious scent, no matter how faint? Why else has the establishment professed that Trump must change the very formula that resulted in him trouncing multiple Republican rivals — many of whom were thought to be the crème de la crème of Republican politicians?

The answer? Trump is winning this war to restore the Silent Majority and his victory means the pay for play power structure in Washington — enjoyed by both Democrats and Republicans alike — is about to come crashing down.


Tax Break "for Blacks ONLY" endorsed by Social Justice Warriors

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 06:30 PM PDT

Scott Brown Throws Down: People Don't Like Hillary Clinton

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 06:00 PM PDT

Former Massachusetts U.S. Senator Scott Brown tore into Hillary Clinton and made a solid case for Donald Trump on this week's edition ofBreitbart News Saturday on Sirius/XM Patriot Channel 125 from 10 AM to 1 PM ET.

"He's doing better than Hillary Clinton in that people just don't like her and they don't trust her. It's one thing after another with her. These two sets of rules, one for her and the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton and one for everybody else," Brown said.

"People kind of get the fact that Donald's politically incorrect. I understand that. He's said some things that — rightly so he apologized for yesterday. But the difference between his mistakes and Hillary Clinton's mistakes is that her mistakes have cost people their lives, or they've cost countries their sovereignty. Libya in particular, where it's basically in complete turmoil," Brown added.


1st 2016 West Nile Md. case confirmed

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 05:30 PM PDT

WASHINGTON — A Maryland resident is this year's first confirmed case of the West Nile Virus in the state, according to the Baltimore Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

The adult patient, a western Maryland resident, survived the infection, the DHMH said in a release Monday.

The virus has been detected in mosquitoes trapped in Montgomery and Prince George's counties. A related virus called Eastern Equine Encephalitis has been traced to mosquitoes on the Eastern Shore.

The West Nile Virus, not to be confused with the Zika virus, is a mosquito-borne disease that can cause fever, head and body aches, skin rash and swollen lymph glands.


Clinton camp sends out desperate plea for more funds

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 05:00 PM PDT

Campaign manager Robby Mook has written a panicky pitch to Hillary Clinton supporters warning that fundraising numbers are dipping – even adding "that's how elections are lost."

"Our poll numbers are holding steady, which is good. We're growing our field organization, building out neighborhood teams in communities all over the country — which is even better," Mook wrote.

"But that's happening at a time when our fundraising levels are, frankly, dipping."

Mook appears to attribute lower fundraising numbers with overconfidence. "It seems that with our convention in the rearview mirror and pundits constantly saying that 'momentum' is on our side, a lot of people believe that we have this locked up and that donations don't matter anymore."

But, Mook warns, Donald Trump can still win the election.



Posted: 23 Aug 2016 04:30 PM PDT

It's not a good idea to Tweet ugly Tweets to Donald Trump.

Case in point:
After a CNN commentator sent out an idiotic tweet to GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump last week about supporting Sharia Muslims, the Internet backlash prompted a petition through

The political commentator, Sally Kohn, tweeted at Donald Trump the following:

Clearly with no understanding of how Sharia law works, Kohn's tweet is brainless. Most Sharia law countries, like Saudi Arabia, ban women from driving, require women to wear a hijab that covers everything but the eyes and hands, and persecute gays and lesbians.

Thus, the internet's sarcastic response was the following petition 


Clinton Campaign Refuses To Answer Questions Over Foundation Funding

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 04:00 PM PDT

In a somewhat shocking interview, CNN does not lob softballs at Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook when he refuses to answer the simple question of why The Clinton Foundation will continue to accept funding from homosexual-killing, terrorist-funding foreign entities... until she becomes President, when it will be unacceptable for more than half of her donors.

Having admitted that 53% of her current donors will be barred under her proposed new rules, questions remain as to why she continues to accept donations from these entities... As the following exchange shows - note the use of the "unprecedented" and the attempted pivot-to-Trump distraction - The Clinton campaign has no good answer.

Perhaps a simple translation is required - As Mook said "we're focused on getting Hillary elected president"... and we need that money to keep flowing in for the time being...

Watch the whole clip (around 4:30) to see Mook tongue-tied when trying to explain his way out of the Abedin emails...


Team USA Takes Rio Olympics Medal Race With Ease, Maryland Athletes Contribute Much Of The Gold

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 03:30 PM PDT

The U.S. Olympic Team made itself right at home in Rio.

The British, they had a Games to savor as well.

The host Brazilians got soccer gold that they craved, the Russians struggled on the heels of the exposure of a state-sponsored doping program, and the Chinese finished well below expectations.

So went the medal race at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics, where the Americans - with women leading the way - dominated both the gold and overall totals. The U.S. finished with 46 gold medals and 121 medals overall, its 51-total-medal margin over second-place China the largest in a non-boycotted Olympics in nearly a century.

But it was Maryland who helped to contribute to the large number of gold medals for the Olympic Team.

For the fourth consecutive games, U.S. swimmer Michael Phelps left with more medals than anyone else. He won six in Rio, Katie Ledecky won five to lead a big haul from Maryland athletes.


Giuliani: Clinton Foundation a 'Racketeering Enterprise,' Took Money From 'Criminals and Dictators'

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 03:00 PM PDT

Dear Abby, My husband hasn't worked for the last 14 years.

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 02:30 PM PDT

Dear Abby,
My husband hasn't worked for the last 14 years. All he does is get dressed in the morning and hop in his fancy car to visit his cronies.

I know he`s cheated on me many times with young girls who could be his granddaughters. I know because he brags about this to me.
He smokes fancy cigars and drinks the most expensive Champagne day and night. We sleep in separate beds because he`s always telling me he knows I`m a lesbian and my varicose veins and big bottom turn him off!
Should I clobber him with my frying pan, or should I leave him, Abby?
Your advice would be appreciated .....Mad as Hell

Dear Mad as Hell:
You don`t have to take that kind of treatment from any man. I suggest you pack your bags and move out a.s.a.p. Don`t resort to clobbering him with the frying pan, and try to act like a lady

Remember`re running for President of the United States, so try acting like it!


Posted: 23 Aug 2016 02:20 PM PDT

(Salisbury, MD) – The Advisory for Cove Road Beach, located in Bivalve, MD, has been lifted. The Wicomico County Health Department sampled the beach on Monday, August 22nd. Results received today indicate that the bacteria levels have decreased and are within the limits established by the Maryland Department of the Environment.

Beachgoers are reminded to avoid swimming and other water contact activities after heavy rain events. Exposure to bacteria, viruses, and parasites in contaminated water can cause symptoms and diseases ranging from ear, nose, and eye infections to diarrhea, vomiting, hepatitis, encephalitis, skin rashes, and respiratory illnesses. Children, the elderly, pregnant women, and those with a weakened immune system are most likely to get sick from swimming in contaminated water. They are also most likely to become seriously ill from exposure to waterborne illnesses.

You can reduce your risk of getting sick by following these tips:

· Pay attention to contamination and advisory warnings and stay out of polluted water.

· Avoid swimming at beaches after heavy rainfall.

· Stay out of murky or foul-smelling water.

· Avoid beach water if you have an open wound or infection.

· Swim without putting your head under water.

For questions and additional information, residents may call the Department of Environmental Health at (410) 546-4446 or visit

White House asked Soros group to fund Iran deal propaganda

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 02:00 PM PDT

$750,000 to pay off 'experts and validators' in Obama effort to mislead public, Congress

An organization that played a key role in the White House's effort to mislead the public and Congress about last summer's nuclear agreement with Iran requested $750,000 for this campaign from a foundation backed by liberal billionaire George Soros, according to funding documents leaked to the public.

The Ploughshares Fund, a liberal organization cited by top White House officials as a chief architect of the Obama administration's campaign to push the Iran deal, requested the cash from Soros's Open Society Foundations so that it could pay off "experts and validators" of the administration's diplomacy with Iran, according to a funding proposal titled, "Defending Iran Nuclear Diplomacy."

The March 2015 funding request was leaked online as part of a massive document disclosure that revealed Soros's efforts to fund a large network of liberal nonprofits and political groups.


Posted: 23 Aug 2016 01:30 PM PDT

Administrators of Beaver Run Elementary, East Salisbury Elementary and Wicomico Middle talk about details of the Back-to-School Community BBQ the three schools are joining to host at Coverdale Playground in Salisbury 4-5 p.m. Wednesday. School open house and welcome events for all Wicomico County Public Schools will be held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Complete list of open houses at this link:…

CIA Deathbed Confession Confirms US Political Assassinations

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 01:00 PM PDT

Norfolk, Virginia| A 78-year old retired officer of the CIA, Normand Hodges, has made a series of astonishing confessions since he was admitted at the Sentara General Hospital on Monday. He claims he committed 37 assassinations for the American government between 1959 and 1972, including the actress and model, Marilyn Monroe.

Mr. Hodges, who worked for the CIA for 41 years as an operative with top-level security clearances, claims he was often employed as a hitman by the organization, to assassinate individuals who could represent a threat to the security of the country.

Trained as both a sniper and a martial arts expert, Mr Hodges says he also has significant experience with more unconventional methods of inflicting harm upon others, like poisons and explosives.


Traffic Alert - US 113 Overnight Closure Aug. 24

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 12:40 PM PDT

The first of four overnight closures of US 113 (Worcester Highway) near Newark in Worcester County will take place this Wednesday, August 24, weather permitting. US 113 between Langmaid Road and Basket Switch Road will be closed with a detour in place from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. The closure is necessary for crews to safely install new storm water management pipes as part of the US 113 dualization

For questions or concerns regarding construction, please contact either of the following:

· Mr. Jamie Mills, SHA Project Engineer at 410-632-2418 or

· Mr. Bob Rager, SHA District Community Liaison at 443-463-3768 or

Applications Being Accepted for Ocean City University

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 12:30 PM PDT

Ocean City, Maryland –: The Town of Ocean City is accepting applications for the 2016 semester of Ocean City University. Residents and visitors can learn more about the Town's municipal government and the services it provides by attending a series of courses that offer citizens a diverse background on Ocean City.

Classes are held on Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., beginning September 14. The ten week course is free and will cover a number of topics, including public works, public safety, tourism, finance and a variety of areas related to Ocean City's municipal government.

"The goal of Ocean City University is to provide a better understanding of government's role and relationship with citizens, as well as continue to build the relationship between government and residents to improve our community's quality of life," said Doug Miller, City Manager for the Town of Ocean City. "We hope this course gives citizens a sense of ownership in government actions because we believe informed citizens can make a difference in the community."

A minimum of 20 students must be enrolled in the course. To sign up, visit or call the City Manager's Office at 410-289-8887.

Woodward: ‘God Knows’ What’s in Clinton FBI Notes, Habit Secrecy

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 12:00 PM PDT

White Lives Matter Protest At NAACP Building

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 11:30 AM PDT

Just outside the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's office in Houston, about 20 people staged a protest Sunday, holding up a "White Lives Matter" banner.

The protesters also waved confederate flags, and some carried rifles, while one of them shouted through a bullhorn.

"We came here because the NAACP headquarters is here and that's one of the most racist groups in America," Scott Lacy, a spokesman with the group, stated.

Ken Reed, another member, said Black Lives Matter and other organizations have resulted in the "attack and killing of police officers, the burning down of cities and things of that nature. If they're going to be a civil rights organization and defend their people," he said, "they also need to hold their people accountable."


Trump Pledges To Appoint a Special Prosecutor to Probe the Clinton Foundation if Elected

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 11:15 AM PDT

Donald Trump on Monday pledged that as president, he would appoint a special prosecutor to probe the financial dealings of The Clinton Foundation.

Trump said at a rally in Akron that the Department of Justice had "acted unethically" in probing Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.

He also said the Justice Department and the FBI "can't be trusted" to investigate the foundation after declining to prosecute Clinton over the email scandal.

The GOP nominee also criticized Attorney General Loretta Lynch for meeting privately with former President Bill Clinton as the department's probe was underway.

"I've become increasingly shocked by the vast scope of Hillary Clinton's criminality," Trump told the crowd.


Terry the Snitch?

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 11:00 AM PDT

VA Gov. Terry McAuliffe
By Thornton Crowe

It seems the Governor of Virginia has been a busy guy lately as sources have related to Video Blogger Victurus Libertas the fact that he's been singing like a canary to the FBI, giving them all kinds of names associated with the Clinton Foundation. It seems Terry McAuliffe has named California Governor Jerry Brown, former Senator Barney Frank along with Chuck Schumer and Donna Brazile as people of interest in the multiple jurisdiction investigation. The source went on to say there were literally dozens more that have been outed by the governor.

Sen. Chuck Schumer
Through another source, it's also said that John Podesta, Clinton's Campaign Chairman, has also been ousted by McAuliffe, which could be why the FBI opened an investigation on him last weekend. Some are reporting this investigation involves his firm's lobbying efforts (and take) from the Russian's Uranium One deal, which left us 20% poorer in uranium.

Spanning over three major cities: New York, Little Rock and DC, the investigation was originally slammed by Loretta Lynch at the Department of Justice. However, through resourcefulness (and friends,) FBI Director James Comey found another way to continue to look into the various corruptions and racketeering of the nefarious foundation. Many have said all agents (which is moving towards 300 agents) have signed non-disclosures (gagged) and subject to random polygraphs while the investigation continues.

CA Gov. Jerry Brown
As many know, today the FBI did find an additional 15,000 emails not disclosed by Hillary Clinton which show Huma Abedin, Clinton's long time aide and confidante, giving special favors and access to the Foundation's Top donors. This investigation just keeps getting deeper and deeper as more things surface that show just how deep this rabbit hole goes with anything related to seriously flawed Democrat candidate.

Regarding our friendly canary McAuliffe, it seems that even though he's trying to help his favorite gal pal snag the Oval Office, by delivering warm, newly pardoned convicts as potential voters, he's inadvertently putting himself on another list the Clinton's keep track of. The infamous Clinton Body Count list! Will he be number 68? 69? 70? No one knows.

Former Sen. Barney Frank
Would think with all the heat from his own legal tangles with the FBI, the last thing McAuliffe would be concerned about is pardoning inmates to pad votes for co-conspirator in crime. After all, he can't pardon himself!

Shady deals, kids. This is all shaping up to make Hillary Clinton the most corrupt candidate to ever run for the White House, making Al Capone look like a complete amateur. Boss Tweed's Tammany Hall has nothing on the Clinton Corruption Ring. To be sure, it's the proverbial house of cards coming apart with each passing day.

Trump accuses Hillary of 'bigotry' and fomenting a 'war on police'

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 11:00 AM PDT

Donald Trump on Tuesday night tied Hillary Clinton to rioters and looters in Milwaukee and accused his opponent of being anti-police.

Speaking to a packed and mostly white crowd in West Bend, outside Milwaukee, Trump referenced the riots that raged for two days after a Milwaukee police officer shot a black motorist who police say brandished a loaded handgun at a traffic stop.

'Just like Hillary is against the miners, she is against the police – believe me. You know it and I know it and guess what, she knows it,' Trump told a few hundred enthusiastic supporters who shouted out 'Lock her up!' and 'Treason!' at mentions of Clinton.

'Law and order must be restored. It must be restored for the sake of all – but most especially for the sake of those living in the affected communities,' Trump said.


USA TODAY Sports investigation raises questions about Rio cops, Lochte incident

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 10:45 AM PDT

RIO DE JANEIRO – Seven days after an incident that will in part define the Rio Olympics, details are becoming clearer about what happened during a gas station encounter between four U.S. swimmers and security guards, and not everyone has concluded Ryan Lochte and his teammates are entirely in the wrong or that the account offered by Rio authorities is entirely accurate.

Lochte has admitted he exaggerated his initial description of how the four men were stopped in their taxi and robbed by men who flashed badges, as well as his sensational allegation of a gun being held to his forehead.

But a narrative of the night's events – constructed by USA TODAY Sports from witness statements, official investigations, surveillance videos and media reports – supports Lochte's later account in which he said he thought the swimmers were being robbed when they were approached at a gas station by armed men who flashed badges, pointed guns at them and demanded money.

A Brazilian judge says police might have been hasty in determining the security guards, by how they dealt with the swimmers, did not commit a robbery. A lawyer who has practiced in Brazil for 25 years says she does not think the actions of Lochte and teammate Jimmy Feigen constitute the filing of a false police report as defined under Brazilian law


Hillary Clinton Campaign Worker Caught On Camera Committing Voter Fraud In Las Vegas?

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 10:30 AM PDT



1. A person who works in a voter registration agency shall not:
(a) Seek to influence an applicant's political preference or party registration;
(b) Display a political preference or party allegiance in a place where it can be seen by an applicant;
(c) Make any statement or take any action to discourage an applicant from registering to vote; or
(d) Make any statement or take any action which would lead the applicant to believe that a decision to register to vote has any effect on the availability of any services or benefits provided by the State or Federal Government.
  1. A person who violates any of the provisions of subsection 1 is guilty of a category E felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130.
  2. A voter registration agency shall not knowingly employ a person whose duties will include the registration of voters if the person has been convicted of a felony involving theft or fraud. The Secretary of State may bring an action against a voter registration agency to collect a civil penalty of not more than $5,000 for each person who is employed by the voter registration agency in violation of this subsection. Any civil penalty collected 
  3. pursuant to this subsection must be deposited with the State Treasurer for credit to the State General Fund.

Pocomoke City Police: Back To School Picnic Tomorrow!

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 10:15 AM PDT

Donald Trump: Aetna exodus a sign of 'imploding' Obamacare law

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 10:00 AM PDT

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump pounced Tuesday on Obamacare's latest setback, saying Aetna's decision to withdraw from nearly a dozen states is a sign that the law is "imploding" and should be repealed.

The Hartford, Connecticut-based insurer said will remain in just four states next year, making it the most recent insurer to beat a retreat from the program because it is losing money on its web-based exchanges.

"Aetna's decision to leave the Affordable Care Act's public marketplaces is the latest blow to this broken law that is slowly imploding under its regulatory red tape," said Dan Kowalski, deputy national policy director for the Trump campaign.

He also said "millions" of Americans saw their bare-bones plans canceled under Obamacare, because of new coverage requirements, and pointed to insurance mandates on employers that have forced some to trim payroll or slash part-timers' hours to avoid triggering costly fines.

The statement marked a rare foray into health policy for the candidate, who's mainly built his support around controversial stances on things like immigration and trade.


America: You Will Go Insane Because Of What Your Eyes Will See

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 09:53 AM PDT

During the months and years ahead, we are all going to see things that we never thought we would see happen in America

A cloud of madness is descending on America, and most of us are completely unprepared for the chaos that will be unleashed during the months ahead.

This morning, I was reading through Deuteronomy when I came to a phrase that really resonated with me. In the Modern English Version, this is what Deuteronomy 28:34 says: "You will go insane because of what your eyes will see". As I read that, it struck me that this is precisely what America is heading for. There are going to be people that have vast quantities of food and supplies stored up that are still going to blow their brains out when they see what happens to this country because they don't have any hope. Without hope, I don't know how anyone is going to make it through what is coming. If you think that the unrest and violence in Milwaukee are disturbing, just wait for a while, because much, much worse is on the way.

On Monday, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker declared a state of emergency in Milwaukee, and the National Guard was brought in but not deployed after another night of chaos made headlines all over the globe. According to Fox News, 11 police officers have been injured by the violence so far…


The Real Existential Threats Of 2016

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 09:45 AM PDT

On Sept. 30, the end of fiscal year 2016, the national debt is projected to reach $19.3 trillion.

With spending on the four biggest budget items — Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, defense — rising, and GDP growing at 1 percent, future deficits will exceed this year's projected $600 billion.

National bankruptcy, then, is among the existential threats to the republic, the prospect that we will find ourselves in the not-too-distant future in the same boat with Greece, Puerto Rico and Illinois.

Yet, we drift toward the falls, with the issue not debated.

Ernest Hemingway reminded us of how nations escape quagmires of debt: "The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists."

"Debauching the currency," Lenin's depiction, is the way we will probably destroy the debt monster.

Hemingway's second option, war, appears to be the preferred option of the war chiefs of the Beltway's think-tank archipelago, who see in any Putin move in the Baltic or Black Sea casus belli.

What our Cold War leaders kept ever in mind, and our War Party scribblers never learned, is the lesson British historian A. J. P. Taylor discovered from studying the Thirty Years War of 1914-1945:

"Though the object of being a Great Power is to be able to fight a Great War, the only way of remaining a Great Power is not to fight one."


Donald Trump Appeals to Black Voters: 'What Do You Have to Lose by Trying Something New?'

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 09:37 AM PDT

"If African-American voters give Donald Trump a chance by giving me their vote, the result for them will be amazing"

Donald Trump made his second appeal this week to African-Americans to vote for him in November's general election.

"If African-American voters give Donald Trump a chance by giving me their vote, the result for them will be amazing," the Republican presidential nominee said during a rally at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.

"What do you have to lose by trying something new? I will fix it," said Trump, who's been struggling to attract black voters. "This means so much to me, and I will work as hard as I can to bring new opportunity to places in our country which have not known opportunity in a very long time."


Governor Visits Children’s House, Reconnects With Cancer Patient

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 09:30 AM PDT

OCEAN CITY – Last Friday, 16-year-old cancer patient Madison Friz was supposed to be getting chemotherapy.

Instead, she was on an Ocean City deck, enjoying the ocean breeze and chatting with Gov. Larry Hogan.

"I can't believe you were supposed to get chemo today and used me as an excuse," Hogan joked.

Friz — whose chemotherapy was rescheduled for Monday — and her family were among several enjoying a respite at the Believe in Tomorrow House by the Sea. The house, part of a network of similar places operated by the Believe in Tomorrow Children's Foundation, provides families with sick children with a place to relax and renew their spirits.

Hogan, who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma shortly after being elected, made a point to visit the families staying at the house on 66th Street during last week's Maryland Association of Counties conference in Ocean City.


Did Hillary lie to FBI about Powell’s email advice?

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 09:23 AM PDT

Hillary Clinton may not have told the truth when she told FBI investigators former Secretary of State Colin Powell urged her to use her personal email account when she served as top diplomat.

News of the supposed advice comes from a new book by a close Clinton ally, Joe Conason. "Powell told her to use her own email, as he had done, except for classified communications, which he had sent and received via a State Department computer," Conason writes in his book, "Man of the World: The Further Endeavors of Bill Clinton."

"[U]se of personal email had been transformative for the department," Powell allegedly told Clinton, according to to Conason, "thus confirmed a decision [Clinton] had made months earlier — to keep her personal account and use it for most messages."

That excuse — that Colin Powell told her to do it — was the one she offered to the FBI when sat down for an interview in its year long investigation into her private email server, the New York Times reported Friday.


Clinton team lashes out at those raising health questions

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 09:15 AM PDT

Falls, faints, concussions? All 'deranged conspiracy theories'

Many questions have been raised about Hillary Clinton's health over the years. At one point she admitted suffering a "serious concussion," and recently videos show anomalous behavior.

There also have been reports of double vision, blood clots, fainting and falls.

Dr. Jane Orient of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons bluntly has asked, "Is Hillary Clinton medically unfit to serve?"

And a video shows many others are raising similar questions.


George Soros: Pimping World War III

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 09:07 AM PDT


Most people probably don't know or care much about George Soros – the multi-billionaire liberal whose "progressive" network has been subsidizing the #BlackLivesMatter movement, climate change "science" and all manner of other left wing nonsense.

But you should know about him … and you should care.

Soros' tentacles are everywhere … closer than you might think (here and here).

And they aren't helping …

Most people probably don't know or care much about Ukraine, either. It's an eastern European country that lies well within Russia's sphere of influence – and in 2010 its people democratically elected a president perceived as being pro-Russian.

A few years ago, though, a U.S.-led coalition – one including the Nazis – threw this democratically elected government out of power and installed a puppet regime in its place. This regime was led by an American diplomat fresh out of U.S. president Barack Obama's state department.

Who was really in control of the country, though? Soros.


Trump Campaign to Get More Help From RNC’s Chief Strategist

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 09:00 AM PDT

The top strategist for the Republican National Committee will take an expanded role with Donald Trump's presidential campaign, a sign of greater unity within Republican ranks with less than three months to go before Election Day.

Sean Spicer, the RNC's chief strategist and communications director, will "be spending more time" with the Trump campaign, newly installed campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said on ABC's "This Week."

"We're working very closely with the RNC," Conway said.

The enhanced role for Spicer marks the latest in a series of campaign changes for the billionaire real estate developer-turned-politician. Paul Manafort, the campaign's chairman, resigned on Friday, days after Trump promoted Conway to manager from her role as senior adviser, and named veteran conservative operative Stephen Bannon as chief executive.

Other personnel announcements are likely to come as early as Monday as the Trump campaign, among other things, looks to beef up its ground game, little more than a month before early voting starts in some states ahead of the Nov. 8 election.

"What we're trying to do this week is get an assessment of where we really are, state by state," Conway said. "And I'll be talking to all of our state directors, our field staff, our data operation, find out where we are and what they think we need."


All of Ryan Lochte's sponsors have dropped him

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 08:53 AM PDT

Speedo announced Monday that it will no longer sponsor Ryan Lochte. Soon after, Ralph Lauren followed suit, saying it wouldn't renew its sponsorship of the Olympic swimmer. By Monday afternoon, Lochte lost all of his sponsors.

Lochte admitted on Saturday that he "overexaggerated" a story about being robbed at gunpoint at a gas station in Rio during the Olympics. There were conflicting reports about the incident with some accusing Lochte and three of his teammates of vandalism.

Lochte released a statement last week apologizing for what he had done.


The 10 Worst Places In America To Start A Business

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 08:45 AM PDT

Anywhere you start a business, it's going to be a gamble.

More new businesses fail than succeed, according to the Kauffman Foundation. And, as CNBC notes, U.S. Small Business Administration data shows that it's only a matter of time before at least half of all businesses go under: Nearly two-thirds of businesses with employees survive at least two years, but only about 50 percent survive at least five years.

So it's important to set up in an area where the odds are in your favor. Some cities are more hospitable to business formation than others. Regulatory hurdles, tax rates, ease and cost of hiring, and cost of real estate are just some of the factors. Cities across the country are also dealing with demographic challenges, including population growth, an aging workforce and economic stagnation.

The new CNBC Metro 20: America's Best Places to Start a Business ranking identified metro areas where the likelihood of business success is highest. For that ranking, CNBC reviewed data on the 107 largest metro areas in the United States.

Here's a look at the bottom 10 - the metro areas where social, economic and government hurdles to success could plague business owners.

10. Jackson, Mississippi

Crisfield Police Department: Reward For Information

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 08:42 AM PDT

Fox News is a 'sex-fueled, Playboy Mansion-like cult,' ex-presenter Andrea Tantaros alleges in lawsuit

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 08:37 AM PDT

Fox News is a "sex-fueled, Playboy Mansion-like cult," ex-presenter Andrea Tantaros has claimed in a lawsuit against her former employer.

The New York Times reports that Tantaros launched legal proceedings against Fox News on Monday, accusing the news network of punishing her for complaining about sexual harassment by former chief executive Roger Ailes.

Fox News told The New York Times that it would not comment pending legal proceedings.

Business Insider has contacted Fox News by email for comment on the allegations.

In May, the network's lawyers claimed that Tantaros fabricated the sexual harassment claims to gain leverage in a contract dispute, centering on her decision to publish her book — " Tied Up in Knots: How Getting What They Wanted Has Made Women Miserable" — without consent.

Her lawsuit, filed in the New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan, does not pull its punches.


No Scientific Evidence That People Are Born Gay or Transgender, Johns Hopkins Researchers Say

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 08:30 AM PDT

Distinguished scholars at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland released a new 143-page report on Monday that argues that there is not enough definitive scientific evidence available to suggest that gay, lesbian and transgender individuals are born with a certain sexual orientation or gender identity.

In the three-part report published by The New Atlantis, Lawrence Mayer, a scholar-in-residence at Johns Hopkins University's psychiatry department and a professor of statistics and biostatistics at Arizona State University, and Paul McHugh, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins, take on prevailing claims that sexual orientation and gender dysphoria are caused by natural traits.

Additionally, the scholars challenge the claim that discrimination and social stigma is the sole reason why those with same-sex attractions or transgender identity suffer higher rates of mental health problems.


Football Star: Rape Was Payback For “400 Years Of Slavery”

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 08:23 AM PDT

I will give you all the money in my pockets right now if this isn't one of the most racist things you've ever read, also the most disgusting, vile, and evil things. A football player violently raped a woman (heinous enough as it is) and justified it thusly: "that's for 400 years of slavery."

If your eyes just popped out of your head and rolled across the floor, go pick them up. Dust them off. Put them back in your head. Because no, you didn't read that wrong. This football player actually used that "justification" for his terrible act.

"Mr. Batey continued to abuse and degrade me, urinating on my face while uttering horrific racial hate speech that suggested I deserved what he was doing to me because of the color of my skin. He didn't even know who I was."

In prior court hearings, prosecutors have acknowledged a racial statement was made but it was never said publicly in court.

On Friday, multiple sources confirmed to The Tennessean the statement Batey made. "That's for 400 years of slavery you b—-," Batey said, according to the sources.


The Fed Launches A Facebook Page... And The Result Is Not What It Had Expected

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 08:15 AM PDT

While it is not exactly clear what public relations goals the privately-owned Fed (recall Bernanke's Former Advisor: "People Would Be Stunned To Know The Extent To Which The Fed Is Privately Owned") hoped to achieve by launching its first Facebook page last Thursday, the resultant outpouring of less than euphoric public reactions suggest this latest PR effort may have been waster at best, and at worst backfired at a magnitude that matches JPM's infamous #AskJPM twitter gaffe.

Here are some examples of the public responses to the Fed's original posting: they all share a certain uniformity...


And So It Begins...

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 08:14 AM PDT

John Podesta
Clinton Campaign Chairman
By Thornton Crowe

Last week, we learned the FBI is now investigating Clinton Foundations with three local US Attorneys offices - Washington, DC, Little Rock, Arkansas and New York City. The move was a bold 'go for it' moment of the week after Lynch and the DOJ shut the investigation down on the federal level. Incidentally, word on the street is Comey has been talking to Bharara, US Attorney for South District in New York for a few months, but it's unconfirmed at this time. However, it wouldn't be at all surprising given Lynch's efforts to thwart the agency's efforts during the email server investigation which cast a shroud over the FBI's credibility after the director's shocking statements in July.

Paul Manafort
Former Trump Campaign Chairman
Friday's big news was not only did Paul Manafort issue his resignation to Donald Trump in the wake of the Ukrainian connection suspicions (ginned up by Democrats no less) it looks as though karma is taking a steep turn. While the FBI announced it has opened an investigation of Manafort's firm, on Saturday, they also opened one on a Clinton insider's lobbying firm.

John Podesta, Clinton campaign CEO (Manafort's counterpart,) is now under investigation for possible corruption charges for his ties to former Ukraine president, Yiktor Yanukovych as well as his ties to the Russian uranium deal. Like I said, 'karma.'

This interesting turn demonstrates the vast investigation underway right now with the Clinton Foundation at the nucleus of the whole storm. Call it the eye of the hurricane for the moment, Hillary Clinton's dealings while Secretary of State are forever intertwined with suspiciously high speaking fees for Bill Clinton in places like the Ukraine and other countries who received special favors and access during her tenure.

The Clintons
Of course, like the MSM blunderers they are, once again, rendered absolutely useless for hearing any real news about this situation. They continue to ignore, subvert and gloss over the Clintons' criminality due to their obvious disdain towards Donald Trump.

As illustrated in Clinton Cash (documentary link) by Peter Schweizer, the network evolution of Clinton's quid pro quo system of running favors for money is no longer a state secret; however, it looks like now, it's in some very formidable cross-hairs with Comey and the FBI. While there's a full gag in place, no sources are talking about the investigation - from the top down. Yet, now people like Podesta whom had close dealings with Clinton and the Foundation are starting to have their own backyards put under the microscope.

James Comey
FBI Director
In a side bar but pertinent note, Wikileaks' Julian Assange has stated the next trove of email leaks will contain enough evidence to indict Hillary Clinton. Could they be about the Clinton Foundation? Or perhaps emails 'from' the Foundation itself. It's really a matter of time and we'll all know the truth.

The former president perhaps spoke too soon when he began chastising  Comey and it looks as though he's put a big red, shiny bull's eye on his own forehead in doing so.

Ah, the big corruption - it's getting to the point where everything about the Clintons is corrupt -- so much so that if you look up it in Webster's Dictionary, you'll see their family portrait as an example of the word.

After Obama Pays Ransom To Mullahs, State Department Warns Iran Wants to Capture More Americans

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 08:07 AM PDT

There is a very simple, elementary premise of foreign policy. One could even call it the most-important rule of foreign policy: do not pay ransom for citizens. Period. In the short term, a nation that pays a ransom may receive the joyous return of captured citizens. However, in the long term, it will incentivize future captures. When President Obama paid ransom to one of America's biggest enemies, he opened the flood gates and now, all Americans abroad are at risk thanks to this anti-American amateur in the Oval Office.

The State Department issued a warning on Monday urging U.S. citizens to avoid traveling to Iran, which has made the detention of Americans a priority.

The latest travel advisory, which emphasizes Iran's desire to capture U.S. citizens, comes on the heels of a growing scandal over the Obama administration's decision to pay Iran $400 million in cash on the same day that it freed several U.S. hostages.

The payment has been cast by lawmakers and others as a ransom payment and prompted concern among U.S. officials that Iran is making arresting Americans a priority.


LA Times Poll: Donald Trump up Two Points over Hillary Clinton

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 08:00 AM PDT

Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by two points, 45 percent to 43 percent, in Sunday's USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times"Daybreak" poll.

The New York real estate mogul has not led the former Secretary of State by two points since the beginning of August. Saturday was the first day the poll showed Trump pulling slightly ahead of Clinton since Aug. 3.

Sunday's results come from 2,385 voters, who are tracked daily through election day, Nov. 8.


The Republican Turncoats

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 07:53 AM PDT

I asked a successful businessman the other day what he thought about Donald Trump. He turned his thumb down. Wow. "Are you going to vote for Hillary?" I asked with trepidation. "Of course not," he replied, almost insulted by the question. "I understand the concept of a binary decision."

I got a similar response when I asked oil magnate T. Boone Pickens whether he would vote for Trump. He looked at me with a quizzical expression and replied: "Well, who else is there to vote for?"

Right. Who else is there? Yet, amazingly, a caucus of lifelong Republican politicos in Washington are announcing to the world with defiance and self-righteousness that they will vote for Hillary Clinton.

They are mostly former Mitt Romney and George W. Bush operatives. They lost, and now they want people to believe that their anti-Trumpism is a principled act of heroism. They ingratiate themselves to The New York Times, Washington Post and team Clinton — the sworn enemies of free markets and conservative values.

Somehow this doesn't offend their moral compass.

I certainly don't mean to disparage conservatives who say they won't vote for Trump. One's vote is a matter of personal conscience. But to actively support Clinton is to put the other team's jersey on and then run a lap around the stadium.


BREAKING NEWS: Inmate From Wicomico Detention Center Passes Away

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 07:46 AM PDT

The inmate we mentioned the other day who attempted suicide has passed away. 

Judge dismisses lawsuits against Kim Davis over marriage licenses

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 07:45 AM PDT

A federal judge has thrown out three lawsuits against the Kentucky county clerk who went to jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, according to reports.

Two gay couples and two straight couples had sued Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis last year over her refusal to issue any marriage licenses following a landmark ruling from the Supreme Court giving same-sex marriage couples the legal right to marry. The ACLU of Kentucky represented some of the couples.

U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning dismissed the lawsuits Thursday and wrote in his orders that there was no longer any issue for the court to decide, the Lexington Herald Leader reported Friday.

According to the paper, Bunning noted that a new state law has removed the names of county clerks from marriage licenses. And a Rowan County deputy clerk now issues marriage licenses.

"In light of these proceedings, and in view of the fact that the marriage licenses continue to be issued without incident, there no longer remains a case or controversy before the court," Bunning wrote.


Hacked Soros Memo: $650,000 to Black Lives Matter

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 07:37 AM PDT

George Soros's Open Society Institute viewed the 2015 Baltimore unrest following the death of Freddie Gray as opening a "unique opportunity" to create "accountability" for the Baltimore police while aiding activists in reforming the city, according to hacked documents reviewed by Breitbart Jerusalem.

The documents further confirm that the Open Society last year approved $650,000 to "invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement."

The information was contained in a detailed 69-page Open Society report on the agenda of an Open Society U.S. Programs board meeting held in New York October 1 to October 2, 2015.


Attorney General Frosh Orders Wicomico County Home Builder to Pay More Than $524,000 to Defrauded Home Buyers

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 07:30 AM PDT

BALTIMORE, MD -Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh announced today that his Consumer Protection Division issued a final order finding that a home builder from Wicomico County violated the Consumer Protection Act and other laws protecting new home purchasers in Maryland and requiring the builder to pay restitution, economic damages, penalties and costs, amounting to $524,185.35.

The Division found that Bryan Edward Adkins t/a Atlantic Bay Homes entered into contracts with six families to build homes in Wicomico and Dorchester Counties. However, after taking substantial deposits and payments from the consumers, Mr. Adkins failed to begin or complete construction of the homes, pay subcontractors or return the money paid. In two instances, he took more than $170,000.00 from the consumers and then failed to provide anything of value.

The Division also determined that Mr. Adkins failed to provide proper protection for consumers' deposits and payments by either placing them in an escrow account or maintaining a surety bond or letter of credit for their protection and failed to disclose to the Division's Home Builder Registration Unit the filing of lawsuits and the entry of judgments, including a criminal conviction for failing to return the advance payments of one of the consumers. The Division's final order bars Bryan Edward Adkins t/a Atlantic Bay Homes from acting as a home builder in the State of Maryland unless he meets requirements set by the Division in order to be registered as a home builder under Maryland's Home Builder Registration Act.

The Division also authorized these consumers to obtain recovery from the Home Builder Guaranty Fund for their actual losses resulting from the builder's failure to complete their homes. Under Maryland law, consumers may seek recovery from the Guaranty Fund for actual losses of up to $50,000.00 resulting from the failure of a registered builder to complete their home.

"Before any money changes hands for a new home, you need to protect the biggest investment of your lifetime," said Attorney General Frosh. "Make sure that your home is built by a registered home builder and that any deposits are protected by an escrow account, bond or letter of credit."

The Attorney General encourages new home buyers to check whether their builder is registered by contacting the Division's Home Builder Registration Unit at (410) 576-6573 or toll-free at (877) 259-4525, or by visiting New home buyers may also verify whether builders have a surety bond or letter of credit by contacting the Home Builder Registration Unit.

Clinton Sexual Assault Accusers Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey Unite Against NBC’s Andrea Mitchell

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 07:23 AM PDT

Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones, both of whom have accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault, are standing up for Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick.

Willey and Jones are demanding that NBC News Anchor Andrea Mitchell issue a public apology for baselessly calling Broaddrick "discredited" during a segment that aired May 19 on the highly-rated Today Show.

Following a letter from Broaddrick's attorney demanding a retraction, NBC deleted the "discredited" referenced from the Internet version of Mitchell's report. But NBC has not fulfilled Broaddrick's request, which she says was communicated in the letter, for an apology from Mitchell on the Today Show, as well as an acknowledgement on the show and on NBC's website that there is no information indicating that Broaddrick's story is untrue.


Obamacare Is The Welfare State's Requiem

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 07:15 AM PDT

In the hymn for the dead for the Catholic Mass, the text of "Dies Irae" starts, "The day of wrath, that day will dissolve the world in ashes." For Obamacare, this is that day, and it could portend a future in which the mighty ambitions of the welfare-state shrivel and die.

Think of how Obamacare was supposed to be the domestic apotheosis of the whole of the Obama presidency. It was passed at the end of term one, and – just to be safe – it waited to be implemented in term two.

It was the culmination of a decade, or really several, of expert opinion on how the national health care industry would be designed. The academics, the opinion makers, the top industry reps all met in endless meetings, hammering out all the details with the D.C. masters of legislation. The power of state would make all things right.

At last, there would be fairness and equality. Justice and efficiency too! All the good things about the American system would persist, only it would be much better. There would be falling premiums because the risk would be distributed. Competition would be managed and not chaotic. And all things would be covered for everyone. No one would slip through the cracks.


FBI Investigates Possible Islamic State Knife Attack in Virginia — Suspect May Be Islamic State Recruit

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 07:14 AM PDT

ROANOKE, Va. (AP) — The FBI is investigating a stabbing in Virginia in which the suspect shouted "Allahu akbar" while attacking a man and woman.

Wasil Farooqui of Roanoke County is charged in the stabbings at The Pines Apartments in Roanoke on Saturday. Roanoke County police say that during the attack Farooqui was yelling "Allahu akbar," which is Arabic for "God is great."


Kerry goes ‘birther,’ thanks Kenya for Obama

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 07:07 AM PDT

'You gave us a president of the United States'

During an appearance in Nairobi, Secretary of State John Kerry said he thanked the Kenyan president for giving America "a president of the United States" – a comment alluding to the contested issue of where President Obama was born.

On Monday, Kerry told Kenya's foreign minister he had a conversation with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta concerning the Olympic Games in Rio and President Obama's birthplace:

I had the pleasure of beginning that meeting [with Kenyatta], as I want to begin this press conference this afternoon, by congratulating Kenya on something no nation's athletes have ever before accomplished, and that is to win both the men's and the women's marathon races at the Olympic Games. Absolutely extraordinary. When I mentioned that to President Kenyatta, he promptly said to me, "Well, we also had a hand in helping you win a silver because the person who won came from Kenya." (Laughter.)

"And I said, "Actually, Mr. President, you did better than a silver and a gold. You gave us a president of the United States." (Laughter.) So you can see we had a very friendly and positive beginning to the conversation.

Disarming Good Guys Does Not Disarm Bad Guys

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 07:00 AM PDT

On August 18 Gun Owners of America (GOA) highlighted "the lie behind gun free zones" by pointing out that disarming good guys does not disarm bad guys.

The video opens with GOA executive director emeritus Larry Pratt saying, "I don't want to feel safe, I want to be safe. I want to be able to protect myself, I want other people to be able to protect themselves, and going into a gun free zone is definitely not the way to protect anybody."

GOA executive director Erich Pratt then speaks, saying, "There's a whole list of places where killers have actually targeted the places where people can't protect themselves." He pointed out how the Aurora movie theater gunman "had several theaters within a 20-mile radius of his home–seven theaters that he could have chosen. He didn't go to the biggest theater, he didn't go to the closest theater, he went to the only one that had [No Guns Allowed] signs posted. When he targeted that theater he was relatively positive he was going to be the only one with a firearm."

Larry added, "We're not going to make people safe by trying to restrict access to guns. Because bad guys, we have found, get access to guns no matter what. You'll impede it for the good guys, bad guys will [still] be armed."

More (with video)

Nail in the Coffin: Huffington Post Calls for End to Clinton Foundation: 'Just Shut it Down'

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 06:53 AM PDT

The Huffington Post, one of the world's most trafficked news sites, featured a headline on Sunday calling for the closure of the embattled Clinton Foundation. The left-wing outlet's front page banner linked to a New York Times article, which highlights, among other things, that Bill and Hillary Clinton's billion dollar nonprofit has "accepted tens of millions of dollars from countries that the State Department — before, during and after Mrs. Clinton's time as secretary — criticized for their records on sex discrimination and other human-rights issues."

The Huffington Post is just the latest outlet to acknowledge that the explosive research, found first in Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer's New York Times bestselling book Clinton Cash, has inspired a massive movement of journalists and political figures — on the left, right, and center — calling on the Clintons to dismantle their problematic nonprofit.

The Times piece shines the spotlight on "a deal involving the sale of American uranium holdings to a Russian state-owned enterprise" — another revelation first revealed in Clinton Cash — "… which involved major Clinton charitable backers from Canada …" as "another example of the foundation intersecting with Mrs. Clinton's official role in the Obama administration."


Hillary Vows To Shut Down Breitbart/Infowars If Elected!

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 06:45 AM PDT

Giuliani: Hillary Doesn't Need To Campaign Because The 'Media Empire' Does It For Her

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 06:37 AM PDT

Rudy Giuliani, a top Donald Trump surrogate, on Sunday blasted the "media empire" that supports Hillary Clinton affording her the ability to not campaign.

Appearing on "Fox News Sunday" with guest host Shannon Bream, Giuliani said that "The Clinton campaign has no campaign. She hardly appeared this week. I don't know where she was, resting somewhere."

"Why is she doing so well in the polls?" Bream asked.

"Well, what's working for her is she has an entire — read Michael Goodwin's column in the New York Post and you can figure out what her campaign is. She doesn't have to campaign," Giuliani said. "She has The New York Times, she has The Daily News, she has ABC, she has CBS, she has NBC. She has an entire media empire that constantly demonizes Donald Trump and fails to point out that she hasn't had a press conference in 300 days, 200 days, 100 days, I don't know how long."


Marijuana bust: Crucial mission or waste of time?

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 06:30 AM PDT

Officers from 10 law enforcement groups confiscated 107 marijuana plants worth an estimated $214,000. MILTON POLICE DEPARTMENT

A police operation that uncovered marijuana plants in Sussex County has been hit with a backlash of criticism on social media.

Numerous commenters wrote that the 2-month investigation involving 10 law enforcement groups was a waste of time and money, and many called for police to focus instead on the heroin epidemic and child molesters.

"Pot??? Come on, let's do something about the heroin issue. Waste of resources," wrote one of 115 commentors, all but a handful opposed to the counterdrug effort dubbed Operation Summer Harvest.

Milton Police Chief Robert J. Longo headed the operation that included officers from Ocean View, Dagsboro, Georgetown, Selbyville, Delmar, the Delaware National Guard, Delaware State Police and the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control.


FelonsVotesMatter: Virginia Governor To Announce 13,000 Ex-Cons Have Been Registered To Vote (For Hillary)

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 06:23 AM PDT

We recently wrote about the efforts of Virginia's Governor, and long-time Clinton confidant, Terry McAuliffe, to restore voting rights to 200,000 ex-felons (see "FelonsVotesMatter (To Hillary) - Clinton's Election Fate In Virginia Lies With 200,000 Unregistered Offenders"). As we pointed out, 200,000 is over 5% of the 3.8mm people who voted in the Presidential race in 2012 and is larger than Obama's margin of victory over Mitt Romney of 149,298. But we certainly don't mean to imply that McAuliffe's efforts are in any way motivated by a desire to help Clinton win the state of Virginia in November...we're sure this problem is just an issue that has tugged at McAuliffe's heart for a long time. But we digress.

Back in July, Virginia's Supreme Court blocked McAuliffe's effort to restore voting rights to 200,000 ex-felons all at one time saying that he would instead have to restore each person's voting right individually. Proving his determination and willingness to devote unlimited taxpayer funds to the effort, the Washington Post is reporting that McAuliffe will announce on Monday that he has restored efforts to the first 13,000 ex felons on a "case-by-case" basis. He is expected to continue the effort until the voting rights for all 200,000 ex-felons have been restored.


CNN Implies Blacks Won't Back Trump if He Doesn't Give Felons Voting Rights

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 06:15 AM PDT

CNN posted a questionable headline on Sunday linking African American voters to felons, reading: "Trump wants GOP to court black voters — then slams voting rights for felons."

The article published on Sunday by CNN's Ashley Killough and Karl de Vries is about the Republican nominee's recent outreach to African American voters during his campaign rally in Virginia on Saturday and his criticism of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe's plan to restore the voting rights of felons. McAuliffe, who is under FBI investigation for campaign contributions, could potentially become a felon himself.

CNN describes the plan as "a move McAuliffe says could help African-Americans who were disproportionally affected by laws that put lifetime bans on felons."

But CNN's article doesn't provide statistics or the percentage of felons who are African American that would be eligible to vote in order to substantiate McAuliffe's claim, thereby equating Trump's appeal to African American voters as an appeal to felons.


Colin Powell sets record straight on involvement in email scandal

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 06:07 AM PDT

Colin Powell has broken his silence about his alleged involvement in the Hillary Clinton email scandal, saying her team is falsely trying to blame him.

When asked by the FBI about her email use at the State Department, Clinton reportedly told investigators that former Secretary of State Powell had advised her to use a personal email account at a private dinner.

But Powell, who had said last week in a statement that he had no recollection of the conversation, told Page Six at Saturday's Apollo in the Hamptons event, "The truth is she was using it (her personal email) for a year before I sent her a memo telling her what I did [during my term as Secretary of State].


Bill Clinton Fouls Up Email Spin for Hillary

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 06:00 AM PDT

Bill Clinton made a series of bold claims about the "load of bull" leveled at his wife Hillary over private email server earlier this month that are easily refuted by public statements from FBI Director James Comey.

On Aug. 12, he boiled down the Democratic nominee's entire email controversy to a couple of emails with classification markings that he said were of no threat to national security and claimed Comey had said Hillary did not receive any emails "marked classified."

In reality, Comey said she had been "extremely careless" with classified material and that 110 emails on her server bore classified material at the time they were sent and received.

The Washington Post ripped Clinton's statement, giving him Three Pinocchios for his claims, in addition to criticizing his inappropriate comparison of Hillary Clinton's email practices to her predecessors and successor at the State Department:


Former Local Reporter Ryan Hughes Challenged Once Again For Stealing Stories

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 03:31 PM PDT

WJLA Being Called 'Really Sleazy' for Running Pooping Story Without Attribution
A local website is angry at WJLA reporter Ryan Hughes for doing a story about a serial pooper without telling people his website did it first. editor Scott Brodbecktweeted out that Hughes and Washington, D.C. ABC affiliate WJLA were "really sleazy" in running the story without attribution. Brodbeck is a former writer/producer at two of Washington, D.C's local stations: Fox-owned WTTG and NBC-owned WRC.

Really sleazy of @ABC7News & @ABC7Hughes to blatantly rip off our "serial pooper" story with zero credit. Original: 

Strickland Called Clinton-Lewinsky Affair ‘Reprehensible,’ Condemned ‘False Statements’ by Former President

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 05:30 AM PDT

Democrat signed 1998 letter with colleagues calling for formal censure by Congress

Ted Strickland, a candidate for U.S. Senate in Ohio and a Hillary Clinton ally, once criticized former President Bill Clinton for making "false statements" about his "reprehensible" affair with a White House intern.

Strickland and other high-profile Democratic members of Congress signed a 1998 letter to House leadership recently obtained by the Washington Free Beacon that condemned Clinton for lying about his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky, pushing for a vote of censure, or formal disapproval.

The strong language of the letter comes as Sen. Tim Kaine (D., Va.), Hillary Clinton's running mate in the 2016 presidential election, receives scrutiny for critical statements he made about the Clinton-Lewinsky affair in 2002.



Posted: 23 Aug 2016 05:00 AM PDT

Whatever You Do Don't Catch The Wrong Fish

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 04:30 AM PDT

Trump finds support in former Democratic stronghold in Maryland

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 04:00 AM PDT

Twenty years ago, when thousands of people still drove past his Edgemere gas station every day on their way to make steel and cars, Carl Hobson put up signs for Democrats.

Now the 77-year-old displays one of the largest "Trump" signs in this blue-collar community. The "Make America Great Again" slogan is impossible to miss under the price for diesel.

Hobson has owned the station since 1964, when Bethlehem Steel and General Motors weren't just large employers important to the local economy — they were fundamental to the region's culture.

"People don't want a third term of Obama," Hobson said. Maryland is a blue state, he said, but "the people in this area are definitely not Hillary people."


Question For Today 8-23-16

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 03:30 AM PDT

What is happening to our country?!?

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 03:00 AM PDT

Gov. McAuliffe again restores voting rights for 13,000 ex-felons in Virginia

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 02:30 AM PDT

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A defiant Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced Monday that he again restored the voting rights of about 13,000 felons who served their time after his previous attempt was thwarted by Republican lawmakers and the state Supreme Court.

Virginia's highest court ruled in July that governors cannot restore rights en masse, but must consider each offender on a case-by-case basis. That ruling invalidated a sweeping executive order issued by McAuliffe in April that had given back the voting rights of more than 200,000 felons who completed their sentences.

McAuliffe blasted the court Monday for ignoring the "the clear text of the Constitution" and accused Republicans of trying to suppress voters' voices. But he pledged to move forward, saying he won't let the felon disenfranchisement "destroy lives and families, and destabilize communities."


Trump Supporter Tearful About His Louisiana Visit

Posted: 23 Aug 2016 02:00 AM PDT

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